Friday, July 11, 2008

Article Titles - 5 Tactics To Generate Massive Page Views

If you are like most people, you determine which articles to read or download by looking at the title. Your title is the only advertising that your article will get. For that reason, the title is the most important part of your article. You can write the world’s best article; but if it gets few, or no readers, it was time wasted. Following are 5 tactics to explode your readership and generate massive page views:

1. Never hurry through the title. Spend some time and create something compelling and interesting. Put yourself in the readers place and imagine what words would get your interest. If you find it interesting, others probably will too.

2. Use descriptive words and action verbs. Instead of saying ‘Cleaning Tips' try to spice it up a bit. Try using, ‘Cleaning Tips to Make Your House Smell Like Springtime.’ A descriptive title like this will attract many times the readers.

3. Attract the search engines. Your title should contain your most relevant keywords. If possible, place your most important keywords near the beginning. Using the example above, ‘Cleaning Tips to Make Your House Smell Like Springtime,’ the words ‘Cleaning Tips’ are our keywords. In order to attract the search engines, we have begun our title with that term. This technique is most effective.

4. Create a list of titles. Don’t just pick one title and slap it up there. Develop a list of 5 to 10 titles and determine which is best from your list.

5. Write your article first. Many writers start with a title, and then write the article. This is a mistake. Do not attempt to come up with a title until you have completed your article. It will save you lots of time and re-writing if you do it this way.

A highly effective article title will generate much more interest for your articles. And articles that grab one’s interest generate more readers, clicks, subscribers, and profits than articles with boring titles. So practice the 5 tactics above, explode your readership, and generate massive page views.

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