Thursday, July 31, 2008

How to Choose the Best Affiliate Products to Make Money

When starting a new online affiliate business, there are two main mistakes that people make. And making either one of them can mean few if any profits. This in turn, leads to the marketer abandoning the business and claims that you can’t make money online. But nothing could be further from the truth. You can make money online using affiliate programs if you do it right.

One of the major mistakes that people make is in the selection of which products they promote. Many newbies will choose products based on the commission that they pay. They seek out products that pay 75% or more on each sale. In some cases, the reason that these products pay such a high percentage is the fact that they do not sell that often. This high percentage is an attempt to compensate affiliates for that shortcoming. The percentage payout is the last thing an affiliate should consider when choosing products. Never base your decision to sell a product based solely on the commission it pays.

Affiliate products should be selected based on the niche you participate in. If your website is about birds, you should sell (and advertise) nothing but bird related products. The reason for this is simple. Your site will naturally attract people who are interested in birds. And these visitors are obviously interested in bird related products. Your bird related products will sell quite well while that foreign exchange program that pays 75% will do nothing.

The other mistake that people make is in joining too many programs. They believe that if one program is good, ten is better. The problem with this is that fact that you spread your marketing efforts too thin. Trying to market ten different products at once is difficult even for a veteran marketer, it is impossible for someone just starting out. You are much better off starting out with one or two related products in your niche and marketing them effectively everyday. By doing this, you will slowly begin to make more and more money.

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Increase Affiliate Sales with A Very Simple Technique

If you are not using some type of affiliate cloaking method, you are probably losing money every month. Studies indicate that the theft of affiliate commissions amounts to at least 20% of affiliate sales. In fact, some studies report that this figure is as high as 70%, but I doubt that the actual number is that high. Even so, it can amount to hundreds or even thousands of dollars each month.

How do they do it? In most cases, affiliate thieves view the source code of your webpage and find the URL with your affiliate links. Then, they copy that information and create a new URL by replacing your affiliate ID with their own affiliate ID. They paste that new URL into their web browser and purchase the product that you promoted using their own affiliate ID. This takes the commission out of your pocket and puts it in theirs.

When this happens, all of your hard work and effort has been done in vain. The time you spent on researching the best product, finding the best price, and developing the perfect landing page was wasted. Your commission was stolen by a lazy, dishonest thief. And in most cases, you weren’t even aware that it happened.

If you are serious about succeeding in the affiliate marketing arena, you must protect your profits. So, what is the answer? The solution to this growing problem lies in cloaking your affiliate links. Cloaking involves a method of disguising, or hiding your affiliate link from those would be thieves. Although the technique may sound complicated, it is really quite easy.

Although there is some great software you can buy to cloak your affiliate links, there are many free alternatives that do the same thing. Do a search for ‘cloak your links’ and you will find several pages of cloaking options.

So if you are using affiliate sales as part of your business plan, use this very simple technique and watch your sales increase.

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Reduce Your Expenses and Improve Your Life

As the economy weakens world wide, people slip deeper and deeper into debt. And as they take on more debt, their personal financial situation only gets more and more bleak. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are steps that you can take to break that cycle and improve your financial situation.

Unfortunately, most people spend about 10% more than they earn, regardless of their income. And in a weak economy, this figure balloons even higher as personal income declines. When this happens, many people have problems meeting their monthly expenses.

In order to improve your financial situation you have two choices. Your first option is to bring more money into the household. This involves either finding a better paying job (which is difficult even in a good economy), or getting a part-time job on the side.

But unfortunately, this is not a viable option for many people. In that case, you should look to reduce your expenses. Although many people think that they are already living on a bare bones budget, this is usually not the case. In fact, most people spend a significant amount of money each month on non-essential purchases.

By employing a good disciplined system, most people can slash their expenses by a considerable amount. In many cases, the amount of your savings can exceed what you might expect to earn with a part-time job. Following are a few examples of some of the ways that you can save money on groceries:

Always make a grocery list before doing your shopping and only buy from the list. This is probably the number one mistake that people make. Never go grocery shopping when you are hungry. Hungry shoppers tend to buy more. This mistake can easily increase your bill by 5%. Beverages can put a serious dent in your budget. By switching over from soda and bottled beverages to tap water, you can save a considerable amount of money. An added benefit of making this change is the fact that you may lose some weight. Switch over from the name brand foods to generics and store brands. In most cases, your family won’t even know the difference. By making the changes listed above, you can expect to save between 20% and 30% on your grocery bill.

And that is just the beginning; there are many other techniques that you can use to reduce your monthly household budget. Check out my newest ebook for the details on how to slash expenses and put money in your pocket!

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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Persuasive Words That Convert and Sell

The object of the game in the Internet marketing business is to make sales. One of the most effective means of generating sales is through the use of a sales page. Most sales pages convert about 1% if the total page views into sales. If your sales page is converting at a rate much lower than 1%, you probably need to make some changes. One of the most effective changes that you can make is adding more persuasive words to your sales copy. The best sales pages make very effective use of these persuasive words.

So what are these mysterious words that persuade? A study done at a major University has identified 12 words that people respond to. The first five words have to do with basic human desires. Desires are our emotional needs and wants that are always ready to respond to something.

These words, when people are exposed to them, register with their emotions and almost compel them to pay attention and respond. The first five are: Health, Love, Money, Safety, and Save. Using any of these words when describing the benefits of your product will draw the reader’s attention because of their emotional appeal.

The study also found that people like to experience new ideas, concepts. And as it turns out, the terms: New, Discovery, and Breakthrough are very persuasive words. These words should be used in the first paragraph or two of your sales piece to intrigue your reader and compel him to read on.

Other persuasive terms instill a sense of security and credibility in the reader. These terms are: Easy, Guarantee, and Proven. These persuasive words can instill a sense on trust in your reader.

The final persuasive word that makes our list is the word, You. The best sales copy talks to the reader as if he were an old friend. Frequent use of the word ‘you’, makes the reader feel comfortable and at ease. When making any purchase, everyone wants to know what’s in it for them. By telling them in a comfortable, informal, friendly style, you reader is much more likely to make that purchase and click on that ‘buy’ button.

So if your sales pages aren’t converting as well as you hoped, try using these persuasive words that are proven to convert and sell.

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

How to Start Making Money Online

There are thousands of ways to make money online. Many people ask me what’s the best way to make money online if you are just starting out. Unfortunately, there is no single method that can be classified as the best. It depends upon your talents, time availability, and a number of other factors.

However, there are a number of money making techniques that are suitable for most people. One of them is affiliate sales. An affiliate program allows you to sell products that other people, called merchants, have developed. There are affiliate products available on practically any subject you can imagine.

Affiliate programs work on a very simple concept. You refer people to the merchant’s sales page and every time one of your referrals makes a purchase, you collect a commission. Commissions are set by the merchant and usually range between 10% and 75% of the sales price.

It is very easy to register as an affiliate and there is usually no charge. However, if an affiliate program charges you a fee to participate, you should probably steer clear of that program. There is no reason to pay a fee when there are so many free programs available.

One of the largest and most well respected programs is sponsored by ClickBank. You can register for free and select any of the ten thousand or so products that they have available. They make payments to their affiliates for completed sales every two weeks.

Affiliate sales are very easy to make, but you have to generate traffic in order to be successful. I am very successful in developing traffic by writing articles and submitting them to the large article directory sites. To maximize your article writing traffic, submit between one and three articles every day. The more articles you write, the more traffic you can generate. So if you are just starting out, look into affiliate sales. It is a great way to make money online.

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How to Let the Experts Make You Money

Have you ever wondered how the Internet experts make thousands or tens of thousands each month while you barely make enough to cover your expenses? If that sounds familiar, there is an easy technique to copy the efforts of the big Internet Guru’s and increase your bottom line.

First, you need to identify who the experts are in your niche. You can easily do this by doing a search. In most cases, the top websites in most niches will appear on the first page of listings in your search results. Once you find the names of the top five people behind those websites, do a search using their name. From that information, you will be able to tell which individuals are the most successful.

Then sign up and subscribe to their lists. You will begin receiving emails on a regular basis from each of these individuals almost immediately. Make a separate folder for each of these lists. Every time you get an email from these individuals, put it in the appropriate folder. After you have received 20 or so emails from these guys, study their techniques and look for the following:

Frequency – How often do these successful individuals send out email to their subscribers? There is a delicate balance between sending out too many and too few.

Style – What sort of style do these Guru’s use. Is it an easy friendly style, or is it more professional?

Information vs. sales pitch – What percentage of emails represent information, free gifts, and sales pitches.

Wording – Study the wording and the way these successful entrepreneurs craft their messages.

As you begin to compile this data, you will begin to see patterns develop. Copy these successful techniques and you will begin to see improvements in your bottom line. However, you should never copy information word for word; this is illegal and could get you into big trouble. Just rephrase the information and incorporate their style into your own words.

Want to learn more about how to make email profits? Check out the information below.

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

9 Steps for Massive Email Profits

I’m sure you’ve heard it before, ‘The money is in the list.’ But there is more to it than that. You can’t just get a list from thin air and then magically begin to make huge profits. There is a process involved that you need to follow in order to make serious email profits. Following are the 9 steps for massive email profits:

1. Before sending out your first email, you must first identify the objective of your email marketing campaign. Is the objective to generate sales, create goodwill, get referrals, or expand the size of your list? Regardless of the campaign, you must have a clear purpose.

2. Send your subscribers plenty of free gifts and information that have real value. By doing this, you will develop a relationship with them and they will be more likely to open your emails and buy what you recommend.

3. Keep your message on point. Every word of your email must advance your objective. Don’t include the information about how cute your new baby is if it doesn’t help you achieve your objective.

4. When creating your emails, use short, concise sentences and simple language. Don’t try to impress them with your impressive vocabulary or fancy sentence structure; it won’t work.

5. Make sure your emails don’t contain any spelling errors and are grammatically correct. Make it professional, not funny or cute. Run your finished email through a spelling and grammar checker before hitting the send button.

6. Describe the product or service and tell them how the service or product can help them. Never use hard sell tactics!

7. Familiarize yourself with the email regulations in your jurisdiction and above all, Never Spam!

8. Use software to ensure your emails get through the spam filters. This has become a real problem for list owners. A good email formatting program can double or even triple the number of messages that are opened and acted upon.

9. Repetition sells. Although you shouldn’t send out the exact same email, sending different variations of the same message a week or so apart will increase your conversions.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Powerful Words That Sell and Make You Money

Are your sales pages converting as well as you’d like? Does your sales copy grab your readers’ attention and compel them to read further? Or do your words struggle to make a point, ramble on and miss the target. If your sales pages are finding few if any buyers, maybe you need to use more power words.

Power words capture your readers’ attention, motivate them into action, bring them to the buying table with money in hand, and make them anxious to click on your links and purchase your products.

So, what are power words? They are words that do something, activate your imagination, bring your product to life, and set people in motion. They elicit a strong emotional response from your readers. They are carefully selected words that encourage a reader to continue through your entire copy and compel them to take action rather than clicking away and leaving your page.

Power words should be used throughout your sales page beginning with the title and continuing throughout the entire document. Your title should use power words that create a positive impact and entice your visitor to read on. In the body of your sales copy, use power words liberally to encourage your visitor to read the rest of your copy.

Words like Fantastic, Powerful, and Secret are power words that will cause your readers to want to read on for more information. They cause your reader to assume that they are about to see something that is really great. This process takes place at the subconscious level and is extremely effective at converting lookers into buyers. Other power words are:


When we hear words like ‘Secret’ our minds immediately want to know the details. It is how our brains function. Everyone wants to be among that small circle of people who are privy to that secret information. Using the word secret in your sales copy engages your readers until the very end.

However, when selecting power words for your sales copy, be choosy and don’t
overdo it. The over use of power words can be a turnoff and come across as being too good to be true.

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Monday, July 14, 2008

A Great Money Maker That No one’s Talking About – Yet!

To be successful online, you need to diversify your sources of income. Never tie your business to one specific product. For that matter, never rely one a single type of product. If the market for that product dries up or begins to slow down, your income will be reduced significantly.

You should diversify among several different classes of income. For instance, I make most of my money from my ebooks. However, even though I enjoy writing and marketing my own stuff, I would never consider just handling my own products exclusively. I offer a number of different types of products to protect myself financially.

In addition to my own ebooks, I also make money from my coaching programs, affiliate products, writing, and advertising. It provides a nice living and gives me enough to do so that I don’t get bored. But, I am always on the lookout for new and exciting ways to make money. That is the fun thing about this business!

Recently, I bought into one of the hottest selling programs online on how to save money on my gasoline bill by using one of those drive using water systems. In the course of reading the ebook (that I bought to save money), I discovered a great new profit center.

As I read through the manual, they mentioned that I can use their technology in any way I can imagine to make money. ‘How great is that?’ I thought. This technology is one of the hottest sellers online and the publisher is giving me permission to cash in with him. It was a marketers dream!

I immediately took off my ‘saving money’ hat and put on my ‘making money’ hat. After brainstorming for quite a while and considering a number of possibilities, I came up with a great money making idea. I put it into effect to try it out and I’m making money. So keep your eyes and ears open for money making ideas, sometimes they can pop up in the most unexpected places.

To find out more about this great new way to make some easy money, check out the information below:

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Sunday, July 13, 2008

How to Quickly and Easily Build a Large and Profitable List

List building can be one of the most profitable aspects of your online business. On average, you can expect to earn about one dollar each month for every subscriber in your list. By using an effective campaign, you can quickly and easily build a large and profitable list.

One of the most efficient ways to build your list is with the use of a squeeze page. A squeeze page is a page on your website whose single purpose is to capture of your visitors' attention and transform that visitor into a subscriber. Its only job is to entice your traffic to opt into your list.

A good squeeze page will contain just three main items:

1. Your headline. This should focus on the primary benefit of joining your list. An ideal headline uses a bold color in large bold print. It should immediately get your visitor’s attention.

2. A short list of bullets publicizing some of the other main other benefits of subscribing to your list.

3. Your opt in box, where subscribers can enter their email address and name. Of course, you can request that your subscriber submit more information, but as you request more information, you will get fewer and fewer subscribers.

There are a number of techniques you can use to maximize your opt ins. Do not put any distractions on your opt in page. That is, do not clutter the page with any advertising or information that is not directly related to your list. Do not allow your visitor the option to click on a link to leave your page. And do not allow them to access your website without signing in.

Make sure your opt in box is visible above the fold. That means that they can see your opt in box as soon as they enter the page, without having to scroll up, down, or side to side. By utilizing these techniques and using a good free enticement, you can quickly and easily build a large and profitable list.

Check out the information below to learn more about profitable list building techniques.

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Friday, July 11, 2008

Article Titles - 5 Tactics To Generate Massive Page Views

If you are like most people, you determine which articles to read or download by looking at the title. Your title is the only advertising that your article will get. For that reason, the title is the most important part of your article. You can write the world’s best article; but if it gets few, or no readers, it was time wasted. Following are 5 tactics to explode your readership and generate massive page views:

1. Never hurry through the title. Spend some time and create something compelling and interesting. Put yourself in the readers place and imagine what words would get your interest. If you find it interesting, others probably will too.

2. Use descriptive words and action verbs. Instead of saying ‘Cleaning Tips' try to spice it up a bit. Try using, ‘Cleaning Tips to Make Your House Smell Like Springtime.’ A descriptive title like this will attract many times the readers.

3. Attract the search engines. Your title should contain your most relevant keywords. If possible, place your most important keywords near the beginning. Using the example above, ‘Cleaning Tips to Make Your House Smell Like Springtime,’ the words ‘Cleaning Tips’ are our keywords. In order to attract the search engines, we have begun our title with that term. This technique is most effective.

4. Create a list of titles. Don’t just pick one title and slap it up there. Develop a list of 5 to 10 titles and determine which is best from your list.

5. Write your article first. Many writers start with a title, and then write the article. This is a mistake. Do not attempt to come up with a title until you have completed your article. It will save you lots of time and re-writing if you do it this way.

A highly effective article title will generate much more interest for your articles. And articles that grab one’s interest generate more readers, clicks, subscribers, and profits than articles with boring titles. So practice the 5 tactics above, explode your readership, and generate massive page views.

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Free Easy and Effective Marketing Technique

There are thousands of ways to market your online business. Some of them are quite complicated and time consuming. Others are very expensive. But there is one technique that is free, takes very little time. and works quite well. It is the use of forums.

A forum is a place where like minded people gather and share ideas, ask questions, get information, and sometimes just vent their frustrations. There are forums related to almost every niche available. The first step in developing a successful forum marketing campaign is to locate forums that are related to your business. This is easily done by doing an online search. Following are 5 techniques to assure success:

1. Find a number of related forums, then register and complete your profile with each one. To maximize your success, you should register with at least 3 to 5 different ones. Make sure you fill out a signature file that includes a link back to your website. This signature file will be automatically added to the bottom of every post or reply you enter. This is a key ingredient to your forum marketing success.

2. It is important to add posts and replies on a regular basis. I recommend that you enter 5 to 8 posts each day on each of the forums you registered with.

3. Post only good solid information. Give valid answers in your replies and ask relevant questions. This will enhance your reputation and you will come to be seen as an expert in the field. When you do this over time, people will be more likely to click on your links.

4. Never spam. Replying with “Nice post,” to 10 different threads will do nothing but destroy your reputation. It is one of the easiest ways to get ignored by other members or worse yet, banned from the administrator.

5. Make sure your signature fill appears in every post. This is extremely important and it the way you will direct people to your website, especially if your post impresses them.

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Article Writing - How to Write Quickly for Traffic and Income

Time is important o all of us. It is one of the few things that we cannot buy more of when we run out. With that in mind, it is vital to use our time as wisely as possible. In order to operate a successful online business, we must commit time to it, but there are some easy ways to save us some time that we should utilize.

I write one or more articles every day. It is my primary method of marketing my websites and it brings me a substantial amount of traffic and income. Although this technique is very effective, it is somewhat time consuming. It takes me 10 to 15 minutes to write an article, but when I first started, it took hours. If you are just starting your article writing career, keep in mind that the more you write, the faster you will become.

If you are just starting your article writing career and want to save time, consider writing list type articles. These articles are very popular online and can be written rather quickly. I’m sure you have seen many list type articles. Their titles usually start out with: 10 Ways To, 7 Techniques For, or 5 Steps To.

This type of article can be written very quickly. If you are just starting to write, I recommend that you use this technique. Your article should contain between 300 and 500 words. Although this may sound like a lot, you will be surprised at how quickly the number of words begins add up.

Begin your first paragraph by informing the reader of a problem that you are going to solve. In paragraph 2, tell the reader how they will benefit by using the steps you list below. In the following paragraphs, list your solutions. You can number them if you like but it is not necessary. Each solution should be listed in its own paragraph. If possible, include a couple of sentences on each item.

Your concluding paragraph should repeat how the steps above will solve the problem and how the reader’s life will improve by implementing those steps. Make sure you add an author’s resource box that includes links to your website or products.

If you are just beginning to write, this type of article should reduce the time required from an hour to 20 minutes or so. And like I said, keep at it. As you write more and more articles, your speed will improve dramatically. Do you need more income from your articles?

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Monday, July 7, 2008

List Building - 7 Steps for Massive Monthly Income

List building is one of the most profitable things you can do for your online business. It can create an income that is unrivaled by any other aspect of your business. On average, you can expect to earn about $1 a month for every subscriber on your list. As you list grows, this can amount to a massive monthly income.

It is really quite easy to build a list, but it takes some time and effort. So what are the steps involved in building a profitable list for massive monthly income?

Before you begin, you must identify a niche to participate in. Make sure it is something you are knowledgeable about because all of your marketing activities will revolve around this niche. And more importantly, all of your subscribers will be interested in this subject (otherwise, they would not have joined your list).

1. You must develop a good squeeze page to be successful. Its only purpose is to gather the name and email address f people who subscribe to your list.

2. Develop a good free report or something of value that you can give away to those who sign up. Ideally, this should be something that is related to your niche and have real value.

3. It is an absolute necessity to deal with a good autoresponder company. They will supply you with your opt-in box and keep your list organized. This becomes more and more important as the size of your list grows.

4. Send your subscribers plenty of free goodies and valuable information on a regular basis. This ensures that they will continue to look forward to, and open your emails.

5. Once or twice each week, send them targeted related promotions for products that are related to your niche. Never give a hard sell, subtlety recommend products! Make sure that the items you are promoting represent good quality and have great value. Never recommend over-priced or crappy items. This is a sure way to destroy your list.

6. Build a relationship with your subscribers. Send out questionnaires, talk to them like friends, and more importantly, answer their questions promptly and completely.

7. Focus all of your marketing efforts to your squeeze page. This actually makes your job easier because you don’t have to include some links to this program and some to that one. All of the links will direct traffic to your squeeze page.

Need more information on how to build a list for massive monthly income?

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Sunday, July 6, 2008

How to Generate Huge Email Profits

Email marketing can be one of the most profitable Internet marketing methods available. This technique has been adopted by a number of online marketers for 2 important reasons:

1. It works. People are making money using it.

2. It is cheaper than other online marketing methods. In fact, in most cases, it is free! You can’t beat free.

And there are many advantages of email marketing, but these advantages will only be effective if people open and read your emails. If you send a promotional message to a number of recipients but no one reads it, your efforts have been wasted. Getting good results is only possible if your messages are opened, read, and acted upon by the recipients.

There are a number of easy steps you can take to generate huge email profits, follow the 7 steps below to get started and make some money:

1. Send out your email from an address with a name. Many people will not read system-generated emails.

2. Your subject line must be compelling. If the subject line is catchy, the chances of your email being opened and read are much higher.

3. The first few lines of your email are absolutely critical. If your first few sentences are boring, recipients will delete it. Use bold headlines an offer your most compelling benefits in the beginning.

4. The body of your email should not contain long-winded sentences and endless paragraphs. Be concise and direct.

5. Use bullets, most people will skim over an email or sales page and will not read it carefully. Take advantage of this and list your benefits in short bulleted points.

6. Use bold text for the most important parts of your message. Bold print will draw the reader’s attention and almost force them to focus on that item.

7. Most importantly, end your email with a call to action. Do you want the reader to click on a link, buy now, or reply? Whatever your call to action, state it directly. Don’t try to beat around the bush, Say It!

Want to learn more about how to generate huge email profits? Check out the information below.

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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Email Profits - An Easy Online Business

To have a truly successful online business, you must have a list. Although you can make money by operating an online business without a list, the job is much more difficult and your income potential is significantly limited. To be really successful, you must have a list of subscribers.

On average, you can expect to earn about $1 in profits each month for every member on your list. Although this may not sound like much, you can easily add 3000 subscribers a year to your list. This means that you will earn about $36,000 profit in 1 year. If you are not earning that much now, maybe you need to consider building a list.

Another nice benefit to email marketing is the amount of work required to be successful. You can easily run a six figure business by spending just an hour or so each day at it. So, if you want to create a powerful stream of income without working 80 hours a week, you need to get involved in email marketing.

How do you get started making email profits? You will need to build a list (also known as an opt in list). This can take some time, but it is not difficult. Develop a squeeze page to collect names and email addresses and offer a free report to entice visitors to sign up. A good offer and squeeze page can convert 25%- 35% of your visitors into subscribers.

Once you have built your list, email marketing is as simple as sending out emails. Send your subscribers valuable free information on a regular basis. Then, about once a week, send out a special offer for your own product or someone else's. When your subscribers click on the links and buy these products, you make money. It is that simple.

Imagine sending out emails a few times per week, and making hundreds or thousands of dollars each time. That's a powerful business plan! So if you want to live a life with more free time and much more money, earning email profits may be perfect for you.

Want to learn more about how to make email profits? Check out the information below.

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Friday, July 4, 2008

Top 3 Techniques to Double or Triple Your Affiliate Profits Overnight

Affiliate marketing provides you with the best of all worlds. You do not need your won website, you don’t have to deal with cranky customers, refunds, product development or website maintenance. It’s one of the easiest ways of launching an online business and earning big profits.

Assuming you already participate in a few affiliate programs, how do you increase your affiliate commissions? Following are the top 3 techniques to double, or even triple your affiliate profits overnight:

1. Know which programs and products to promote. Obviously, you want to promote products that will enable you to achieve the greatest profits in the shortest possible time.

There are several factors involved in selecting such a program. First of all, make sure you choose products that provide a generous commission structure. Commissions usually range between 20% and 75%. Look for products selling paying at least 50%. Also, make sure your products that fit in with your target audience.

Develop free viral reports or short viral ebooks to distribute from your site. In all likelihood, you are competing with other affiliates that are promoting the same program. By writing short reports related to the product you are promoting, you increase your credibility and will stand above other affiliates. Make sure you provide some valuable information in your reports. And, if possible, include some subtle recommendations about the product.

2. Collect and save the email addresses of those who download your free ebooks. Research clearly shows that most people will not make a purchase on the first solicitation. You may have to send out your message 5 to 7 times in order to make a sale.

In order to do this effectively, you need a good autoresponder. A quality autoresponder will make it easy to follow-up on your contacts to remind them about that fabulous product.

Be sure to get your prospect’s contact information before sending them to the vendor’s website. If you send prospects directly to the vendor, you’ve lost that prospect forever and will never have another opportunity to contact him. By getting his contact information first, you can contact him again and again regarding this and other products.

Publish an online newsletter or send regular mailings to your subscribers. You will triple your success rate by recommending products to those you know as opposed to selling to strangers. This is the purpose behind these regular mailings. It allows you to develop a relationship based on trust with your subscribers.

Using this strategy, it is a delicate balance between providing useful information and making a sales pitch. By providing useful information to your subscribers, you build a sense of comfort in your readers that may lead them to support you by buying your products.

3. Ask merchants for higher than normal commission for products that you are successfully selling. Contact the merchant and try to negotiate a higher percentage commission for your sales. If the merchant is smart, he or she will likely grant your request rather than lose you as a valuable affiliate. Don’t be shy about requesting additional commissions, what is the worst that can happen? Just make sure your request is reasonable.

Use Pay Per Click ads. PPC search engine traffic is the most effective means of advertising online. As an affiliate, you can make a small income just by managing PPC campaigns such as Google AdWords and others. Make sure you monitor them to determine which ads are most effective and which ones you should eliminate.

So get busy, put these techniques to work and double, or even triple your affiliate profits overnight. Do you want to learn how generate massive affiliate profits? Get all the details in my newest ebook.

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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Why You Need to Participate in Affiliate Programs

Thousands of online business owners join affiliate programs every day. Affiliate programs are a great way to make money, and you can participate spending little or no money. Despite being an easy and profitable business opportunity, there are many webmasters who are unsure as to whether or not they should join an affiliate program. The fact of the matter is, if you want to be successful online, you need to participate in affiliate programs.

Affiliate programs are operated by a number of different businesses. ClickBank, Commission Junction, PayDotCom, and ShareaSale are among the biggest and most well known. These companies allow you to register and sell any of their products that you like. These companies never charge a fee to participate, so you can operate your web business with little or no overhead.

Once they are approved for a program, you can place banners or links on your website or blog. When one of those links or banners generates a sale, you collect a commission on a portion of that sale. The amount of the commission is determined by the merchant and typically ranges from 20% to 75% of the purchase price.

The process above is one of the main benefits of joining an affiliate program. It is quite easy, can be very profitable, and costs you nothing. Many programs will provide you with pre-designed banners, links and ads. To show these banners on your website, you only need to enter in a few lines of code. The entire process is pretty easy. After that, you are ready to start making money.

You should track each affiliate programs you participate in to ensure that you are being paid all of the money that you earn. This can be difficult if you participate in a large number of programs. For that reason, it is best to start out promoting just 4 or 5 products. Then as you feel more comfortable, you can add additional products.

As you can easily see, there are a number of advantages to joining an affiliate program. If you want a successful online business, you need to participate in affiliate programs. All you need to get started is a website or blog and the desire to make money. So what are you waiting for, get started today.

Do you want to learn how generate massive affiliate profits? Get all the details in my newest ebook.

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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Article Writing - How To Attract Massive Page Views

To be successful writing articles or a blog, you must get people to read your work. Without readers, there is no point in writing. The best way to attract massive page views is through the use of a compelling title. The title of your article or blog post is the most important part of your work. It is the single most important factor in whether or not visitors decide to read your article or visit your site. And, the more readers you get, the more you will profit.

Your title must be persuasive. It must attract readers like magnet and intrigue them. The best titles almost compel people to read on. A good title promises some kind of benefit or reward for the reader in exchange for the time it takes them to read further. Your title is the first critical step in attracting massive page views and achieving online success.

According to some of the best copywriters of all time, you should spend half of the time it takes to write a piece on the headline. Your title is the advertising for your written work. In fact, in most cases, it is the only thing that your potential readers will see before deciding to read further. For that reason, you should downright obsess over the title.

Some of the advertising greats re-wrote their title and headlines hundreds of times. Others spent a full week on the title and first paragraph or two. These people knew the value of a good title. Of course, you probably couldn’t spend a week on everything you write, but to attract massive page views and achieving online success writing articles or a blog, you should focus on the title and make it compelling.

Want to learn how to make money writing articles?

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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

An Income Strategy That Pays You Big Profits

Most people today trade their time and efforts for money. This is the way it has been done for thousands of years. But the Internet has opened up additional income strategies for ambitious entrepreneurs that can pays you big profits.

It allows you to establish different types of income streams. Most affiliate programs use a standard income model that pays on a per action basis. That is, a commission is paid to an affiliate only when a customer makes a purchase. Most standard affiliate programs operate in this way.

Residual income models provide payment on a monthly basis regardless of the circumstances. This type of income model is known as a residual income program. A good example of residual income is a membership site. Members pay a set amount every month regardless of how much (or how little) they use the service. Those who don’t use the service at all pay the same amount as someone who uses it 100 times.

A diversified income strategy is your most profitable course of action. Residual income along with standard affiliate income should both play a part in your business plan. Standard affiliate income can be extremely profitable, but it is somewhat time intensive. Residual income can provide you with a very nice recurring income stream but does not monopolize your time. It allows you the freedom to exploit other money making opportunities or just enjoy some free time. This type of income is among the most powerful and efficient ways to build wealth.

Smart Internet entrepreneurs diversify their income streams by using both residual and standard income models. There are thousands of residual programs available. You can find them easily by using ClickBank’s Marketplace. Choose a category, then in the box entitled ‘Product Type,’ click on ‘Recurring Billing.’ This will bring up a list of affiliate programs that pay you each and every month.

Do you want to generate affiliate profits and make them grow? Get my FREE ebook and start making money every day!

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