Many first time bloggers mistakenly believe that once they’ve blog is setup and added a few posts, traffic will come busting through the doors. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. You’ve got to market your site. You won’t get any traffic if no one knows about your web site.
To develop loyal readers, your blog has to have some style. There are some really great templates out there that look outstanding, take advantage of them. Many visitors are turned off by dull unimaginative designs or bold and extreme colors. You’ve also got to make navigation easy. Your goal is to have a unique attractive blog that provides easy (and obvious) navigation from one section to the next. You should also make it easy for readers to contact you. It should never take a reader more than one click to be able to contact you. This makes the reader feel like they are dealing with a real person who actually cares and can help them satisfy their needs.
Your blog’s traffic and popularity have everything to do with its content and how often you post. If you add content once a month, do not expect to get a lot of traffic. The more frequently you post, the more traffic you will get. Those who post daily (or several times each day), will usually see more visitors than once a week posters. But the key here is consistency. If you are going to post every day, stick to that schedule. Your traffic will suffer if you fail to enter new information for a long period of time.
Use Technorati or one of the many other blog ranking search engines to drive traffic to your blog. These services make it much easier for people to find your blog. To maximize Technorati traffic, place a link on your site in a visible location that people can click on to list your blog as one of their favorites. Technorati will rate your blog based on the number of votes you get. Blogs with the highest rankings will get the most traffic.
Although there are no guarantees that your blog will generate massive traffic, using the tactics described above gives you the best chance of that happening. Do you want to learn other money making techniques? Get my FREE ebook and start making money online!
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Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
How To Excel Selling Clickbank Products
Millions of people online try to make money selling affiliate products. Some of them are incredibly successful and make six and seven figure annual incomes. But success eludes most of them and they make little if any money. One of the reasons that people fail to make money online is because they promote the wrong products.
To be successful, you must promote the right products. Following is a list of tips that will guarantee that you have the best chance possible to make money selling affiliate products through ClickBank.
1. Do your research before deciding which products to promote. ClickBank offers a great deal of information on each product they represent. You can access this information by visiting their marketplace.
2. Look for products that have consistently high gravity numbers. The gravity of a product indicates how often that item sells. High gravity numbers indicate that a product sells on a daily basis. For example: if product #1 sold 1,000 units on April 1 and generated no sales for the remainder of the month, it will have a very low gravity number. If product #2 sells 33 units per day (amounting to 1000 units for the month), the gravity figure will be quite high. Look for products that have high gravity numbers.
3. Select products that have a high referral number. This number indicates the percentage of sales that are generated by affiliates. If the referral number is 85, it means that 85% of all sales were generated by affiliates and 15% of the sales were made by the merchant. Look for products that have a referral number of 65% or above.
Use the three techniques above to select two or three products to promote. Choose one or two additional products using the technique below.
4. Look for products that are relatively new but have improving numbers. By choosing one or two new products, you will have less competition. In less competitive markets, your search results could show up on page one of Google searches and will increase page views as well as sales.
Use the techniques above is only half the battle, now you have to market to finish the deal and make money. Write articles using good keyword density and include a resource box that contains links to the products you are promoting or to your re-direct page. The best type of promotional articles are those that review a particular product or make a comparison of several related products. These articles tend to generate more clicks than typical articles.
Using the techniques above can help you excel at selling ClickBank products and can make you a ton of money.
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To be successful, you must promote the right products. Following is a list of tips that will guarantee that you have the best chance possible to make money selling affiliate products through ClickBank.
1. Do your research before deciding which products to promote. ClickBank offers a great deal of information on each product they represent. You can access this information by visiting their marketplace.
2. Look for products that have consistently high gravity numbers. The gravity of a product indicates how often that item sells. High gravity numbers indicate that a product sells on a daily basis. For example: if product #1 sold 1,000 units on April 1 and generated no sales for the remainder of the month, it will have a very low gravity number. If product #2 sells 33 units per day (amounting to 1000 units for the month), the gravity figure will be quite high. Look for products that have high gravity numbers.
3. Select products that have a high referral number. This number indicates the percentage of sales that are generated by affiliates. If the referral number is 85, it means that 85% of all sales were generated by affiliates and 15% of the sales were made by the merchant. Look for products that have a referral number of 65% or above.
Use the three techniques above to select two or three products to promote. Choose one or two additional products using the technique below.
4. Look for products that are relatively new but have improving numbers. By choosing one or two new products, you will have less competition. In less competitive markets, your search results could show up on page one of Google searches and will increase page views as well as sales.
Use the techniques above is only half the battle, now you have to market to finish the deal and make money. Write articles using good keyword density and include a resource box that contains links to the products you are promoting or to your re-direct page. The best type of promotional articles are those that review a particular product or make a comparison of several related products. These articles tend to generate more clicks than typical articles.
Using the techniques above can help you excel at selling ClickBank products and can make you a ton of money.
Are you looking for other ways to make money online? Get my FREE ebook and start making money every day!
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Thursday, May 29, 2008
How To Get Massive Traffic And Turn It Into Huge Profits!
Traffic is important for the survival of any online Business. The question is; how do you increase your traffic so that you have the opportunity to make huge profits. Without traffic, there is no online business. Ads are not clicked, your sales pages lay dormant, and there are no profits. You need profits to run any type of business successfully. The best way to develop ongoing traffic is through the search engines. Following a little known tactic that I’ve used to attract those search engines.
To get massive traffic, you need to get the attention of the largest search engines. Article marketing is a very effective technique to develop this type of organic traffic. However, there’s one problem with this tactic. If you submit your article to large article submission directories in addition to placing it on your own website, the article will be flagged as duplicate content. In this case, your article will appear in search results only for the sites with the highest Page Rank. This means that the article you place on your own site will not appear in the search results.
However, there is a way around this. To get your website’s article to show up in search engine listings, you must rewrite it before placing it on your site. By changing the wording of your article and changing the title, search engines will see it as an entirely different article and will show it in search result listings.
Although it is not always possible, you can frequently get the articles you place on your website on page one of search engine results. Using these tactics, you can generate massive traffic and turn that traffic into huge profits. In order to do this, you need to use an effective keyword strategy. Use your keyword or key phrase:
At the beginning of your title
In the first paragraph
At least 4 times in the body of your article
At least once in a text link
In the description Meta tag
In the keyword Meta tag
Although there is no guarantee that your article will be listed on page one, using the tactics depicted above gives you the best chance. Do you want to learn other money making techniques? Get my FREE ebook and start making money online!
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To get massive traffic, you need to get the attention of the largest search engines. Article marketing is a very effective technique to develop this type of organic traffic. However, there’s one problem with this tactic. If you submit your article to large article submission directories in addition to placing it on your own website, the article will be flagged as duplicate content. In this case, your article will appear in search results only for the sites with the highest Page Rank. This means that the article you place on your own site will not appear in the search results.
However, there is a way around this. To get your website’s article to show up in search engine listings, you must rewrite it before placing it on your site. By changing the wording of your article and changing the title, search engines will see it as an entirely different article and will show it in search result listings.
Although it is not always possible, you can frequently get the articles you place on your website on page one of search engine results. Using these tactics, you can generate massive traffic and turn that traffic into huge profits. In order to do this, you need to use an effective keyword strategy. Use your keyword or key phrase:
At the beginning of your title
In the first paragraph
At least 4 times in the body of your article
At least once in a text link
In the description Meta tag
In the keyword Meta tag
Although there is no guarantee that your article will be listed on page one, using the tactics depicted above gives you the best chance. Do you want to learn other money making techniques? Get my FREE ebook and start making money online!
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Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Great Free Graphics For Your Site Or Blog
There are thousands of free graphics that are available for your website or blog. That being the case, it hard to figure why people steal content without the owner’s permission.
Plagiarism and copyright infringement is a serious matter. Although some people don’t realize it, copying someone else’s written work or graphics without permission is a crime. Penalties for these offenses can involve fines, lawsuits, or in extreme cases, jail time. Displaying someone else’s work without their permission is not worth the risk.
In reality, there is no need to copy someone else’s work when there are so many other alternatives out there. Many sources offer free graphics so there is no excuse.
To start out, you can create your own graphics. I really enjoy making my own ecovers and banners when I have the time. It’s particularly rewarding when someone comments on how much they like the artwork that I’ve produced.
You can also invest in a digital camera if you don’t already have one. Carry the camera with you and when you see an interesting scene, take a picture or two. This technique has an added benefit; if you can’t use the picture on your own site, you can upload it to a site that offers pictures for sale to others. You can earn a few extra dollars this way and, who knows, it may open up a whole new career for you!
Use product images provided by merchants. This one is obvious, why would I try to use my own picture when the merchant has a professionally done version that I can use for free?
There are many sites where you can download low cost as well as free images. Two good sites for images and photos are:
Of course there are hundreds of other sources where you can find free graphics and inexpensive images. You can easily find them by doing a search. With all the low cost and no cost alternatives, there is no reason to risk legal repercussions just to try and save a buck on graphic images.
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Plagiarism and copyright infringement is a serious matter. Although some people don’t realize it, copying someone else’s written work or graphics without permission is a crime. Penalties for these offenses can involve fines, lawsuits, or in extreme cases, jail time. Displaying someone else’s work without their permission is not worth the risk.
In reality, there is no need to copy someone else’s work when there are so many other alternatives out there. Many sources offer free graphics so there is no excuse.
To start out, you can create your own graphics. I really enjoy making my own ecovers and banners when I have the time. It’s particularly rewarding when someone comments on how much they like the artwork that I’ve produced.
You can also invest in a digital camera if you don’t already have one. Carry the camera with you and when you see an interesting scene, take a picture or two. This technique has an added benefit; if you can’t use the picture on your own site, you can upload it to a site that offers pictures for sale to others. You can earn a few extra dollars this way and, who knows, it may open up a whole new career for you!
Use product images provided by merchants. This one is obvious, why would I try to use my own picture when the merchant has a professionally done version that I can use for free?
There are many sites where you can download low cost as well as free images. Two good sites for images and photos are:
Of course there are hundreds of other sources where you can find free graphics and inexpensive images. You can easily find them by doing a search. With all the low cost and no cost alternatives, there is no reason to risk legal repercussions just to try and save a buck on graphic images.
Do you want to learn more about how to make money online? Get my brand new guide on how to make money each and every day.
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Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Is Google Crawling Your Site As Often As You Like?
One of the most important activities behind a successful website or blog is having it crawled by the search engines. Each time they crawl your site, they store the information that they find in a cache. A cache is like a huge storage bin where information is kept. Ideally, you want the search engines to crawl your site whenever you add new information. This ensures that this new information will be found when someone does a search for it.
But sometimes, the search engines don’t crawl your site as they should. When this happens, the information or web page) that you added last week (or last month) is never made available to the public. If you are not getting ANY search engine traffic to your site, you would be well serve to check when Google last crawled (or cached) your site.
Although this may sound difficult, it is actually very easy. In the address bar at the top of your browser, enter:
If your url is:, the name of your site is:
In this case you would replace NAMEOFYOURSITE with
Then click enter. The information in the paragraph at the top of the screen will tell when Google last crawled your site. If it was last cached within the past week, all is well and you need do nothing more. If it has been a month or more, you have a problem.
To correct some of the more common problems, you can check the following:
If the result says: ‘Your search – cache: NAMEOFYOURSITE - did not match any documents,’ make sure that you have submitted the url to Google. This is a common problem for new sites, particularly if you are not an experienced webmaster. Also, it is important to get some high quality, relevant links directed to your site. You can get these by submitting a few articles with text links in the author’s resource box to the largest article directories. You should also check to ensure that your meta robots tag is not preventing search engine access.
Want more information on how to make money online? Check out the information below.
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But sometimes, the search engines don’t crawl your site as they should. When this happens, the information or web page) that you added last week (or last month) is never made available to the public. If you are not getting ANY search engine traffic to your site, you would be well serve to check when Google last crawled (or cached) your site.
Although this may sound difficult, it is actually very easy. In the address bar at the top of your browser, enter:
If your url is:, the name of your site is:
In this case you would replace NAMEOFYOURSITE with
Then click enter. The information in the paragraph at the top of the screen will tell when Google last crawled your site. If it was last cached within the past week, all is well and you need do nothing more. If it has been a month or more, you have a problem.
To correct some of the more common problems, you can check the following:
If the result says: ‘Your search – cache: NAMEOFYOURSITE - did not match any documents,’ make sure that you have submitted the url to Google. This is a common problem for new sites, particularly if you are not an experienced webmaster. Also, it is important to get some high quality, relevant links directed to your site. You can get these by submitting a few articles with text links in the author’s resource box to the largest article directories. You should also check to ensure that your meta robots tag is not preventing search engine access.
Want more information on how to make money online? Check out the information below.
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7 Reasons You Need To Write Articles To Ensure Success
Every new online business owner is looking for that magic bullet that effortlessly provides traffic, sales, profits, and backlinks. Although there are many techniques available that will provide you with some combination of these benefits, I only know of one tactic that does all of them for you, and does it for free. That tactic is article writing.
Following are just some of the reasons you need to write articles:
1. By writing targeted articles that are related to your niche, your readers will quickly see you as an expert in the field. This reduces their natural reluctance and makes them feel more comfortable with you. As an expert, people are much more likely to click on your links and visit your website.
2. Traffic is one of the most essential elements of a successful website or blog. One technique to bring in traffic is advertising. A good article writing campaign provides you with Free advertising through your author’s resource box. And who doesn’t like getting stuff for free!
3. One of the links in your resource box should be directed to products that you are recommending, either an affiliate product or your own. This technique will increase traffic to your sales page and will ultimately lead to additional sales.
4. Additional sales developed using the technique above will put money in your pocket and become a recurring source of additional profits.
5. Good articles can grow and spread your message virally. If webmasters like your article, thy will use it on their websites. This introduces your message, and more importantly; your links, to a whole new group of interested readers. This type of viral traffic can increase your benefits geometrically.
6. Getting your website or blog listed on page one of search engine results is the goal of most every serious online business owner. Articles can help you do this. As your articles are distributed throughout the Internet, the links in your resource box provide you with valuable one-way backlinks. The number of backlinks pointing to your website or blog is one of the criteria that search engines use to determine where your site is placed in search results.
7. These backlinks are important for another reason, they are a factor in determine your site’s Page Rank and Alexa rating. These two scores play a big role in how other’s view your site. Site’s with high rankings are seen as much more successful, and success breeds more success.
Looking at the benefits listed above, it is obvious why you need to write articles. And the bet part is; you get all this for free! So get busy and start writing! Want more information on how to make money with article marketing? Check out the information below.
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Following are just some of the reasons you need to write articles:
1. By writing targeted articles that are related to your niche, your readers will quickly see you as an expert in the field. This reduces their natural reluctance and makes them feel more comfortable with you. As an expert, people are much more likely to click on your links and visit your website.
2. Traffic is one of the most essential elements of a successful website or blog. One technique to bring in traffic is advertising. A good article writing campaign provides you with Free advertising through your author’s resource box. And who doesn’t like getting stuff for free!
3. One of the links in your resource box should be directed to products that you are recommending, either an affiliate product or your own. This technique will increase traffic to your sales page and will ultimately lead to additional sales.
4. Additional sales developed using the technique above will put money in your pocket and become a recurring source of additional profits.
5. Good articles can grow and spread your message virally. If webmasters like your article, thy will use it on their websites. This introduces your message, and more importantly; your links, to a whole new group of interested readers. This type of viral traffic can increase your benefits geometrically.
6. Getting your website or blog listed on page one of search engine results is the goal of most every serious online business owner. Articles can help you do this. As your articles are distributed throughout the Internet, the links in your resource box provide you with valuable one-way backlinks. The number of backlinks pointing to your website or blog is one of the criteria that search engines use to determine where your site is placed in search results.
7. These backlinks are important for another reason, they are a factor in determine your site’s Page Rank and Alexa rating. These two scores play a big role in how other’s view your site. Site’s with high rankings are seen as much more successful, and success breeds more success.
Looking at the benefits listed above, it is obvious why you need to write articles. And the bet part is; you get all this for free! So get busy and start writing! Want more information on how to make money with article marketing? Check out the information below.
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Monday, May 26, 2008
Words That Skyrocket Sales and Catapult Profits
Your sales page is a critical part of your online business. And the words you use on that sales page make all the difference in whether or not you make a sale. Words that are the most influential in a sales page are called emotional words. These emotional words bring up some sort of feeling (or emotion) in your reader.
Emotional words are what inspire people to click on that Buy Now button and make a purchase. That because making a purchase is an emotional experience. You won’t buy that Corvette because you want reliable transportation that gets you from point A to point B. You buy it for the prestige it provides in owning that car. You buy it so that you’ll be envied by friends, neighbors, and colleagues. You buy it because you look great behind the wheel. If you just wanted reliable transportation, you would have bought the YUGO at one-tenth the price.
Emotional words make you FEEL good. That new sofa looks and feels so comfy and cozy. The car you are considering looks good, smells good, and will impress the neighbors. (Why do you think that all new cars smell the same?) That new house will be the envy of all your friends. Without realizing it, people buy things for emotional reasons to satisfy emotional needs.
But what are these emotional words that push people to make purchases? There are hundreds of words that evoke emotion, following is list of ten of them.
Amazing Breakthrough
Convenient Discover
Easy Exclusive
Extraordinary Fast
FREE Guarantee
Incredible Outstanding
Powerful Proven
Your results can be improved dramatically by using some of the emotional words listed above. Use them liberally in your headlines, titles, ads, emails, subject lines, and sales pages and watch your results skyrocket.
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Emotional words are what inspire people to click on that Buy Now button and make a purchase. That because making a purchase is an emotional experience. You won’t buy that Corvette because you want reliable transportation that gets you from point A to point B. You buy it for the prestige it provides in owning that car. You buy it so that you’ll be envied by friends, neighbors, and colleagues. You buy it because you look great behind the wheel. If you just wanted reliable transportation, you would have bought the YUGO at one-tenth the price.
Emotional words make you FEEL good. That new sofa looks and feels so comfy and cozy. The car you are considering looks good, smells good, and will impress the neighbors. (Why do you think that all new cars smell the same?) That new house will be the envy of all your friends. Without realizing it, people buy things for emotional reasons to satisfy emotional needs.
But what are these emotional words that push people to make purchases? There are hundreds of words that evoke emotion, following is list of ten of them.
Amazing Breakthrough
Convenient Discover
Easy Exclusive
Extraordinary Fast
FREE Guarantee
Incredible Outstanding
Powerful Proven
Your results can be improved dramatically by using some of the emotional words listed above. Use them liberally in your headlines, titles, ads, emails, subject lines, and sales pages and watch your results skyrocket.
For a comprehensive list of emotional words, you need my powerful new program: Headline Creator Pro! At the press of a button, generate 100 Killer Headlines and Profit Pulling Emotional words that attract buyers like a magnet!
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How To Consistently Generate Bigger And Bigger Online Profits
With every online business, profits ebb and flow. There are certain times of the year that people are preoccupied with other activities and don’t spend as much time online. During those times, profits decrease somewhat. The days preceding major holidays are usually slower and fewer people are surfing online when the weather is great. The question is, how do you consistently generate bigger and bigger profits during these times.
Most successful businesses add new products on a regular basis. When you first introduce a new product, it takes considerable time and effort to bring traffic to the product and begin to generate sales. And lets be honest, not all product launches aren’t a roaring success. So what do you do if a new product isn’t generating any sales? Your actions in this situation can make the difference between bigger profits and failure.
Most new entrepreneurs will focus more energy on the failing product in an attempt to boost sales. They provide better placement for the product’s ads and links. They spend money to bring in additional traffic hoping that this will improve sales. But increased sales never come and conversions remain pitifully low.
The problem with this strategy is that while the entrepreneur is focused on the failing product, they tend to neglect the successful ones. This is the difference between newbie marketers and those who are experienced. If a product is getting traffic but not generating sales, rework the sales page. If that doesn’t work, forget it! Replace it with a different product. Don’t spend weeks or months trying to breath life into it.
There are millions of products out there. Find a new one while you continue to focus on your most profitable lines. This is the way to consistently generate bigger and bigger profits.
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Most successful businesses add new products on a regular basis. When you first introduce a new product, it takes considerable time and effort to bring traffic to the product and begin to generate sales. And lets be honest, not all product launches aren’t a roaring success. So what do you do if a new product isn’t generating any sales? Your actions in this situation can make the difference between bigger profits and failure.
Most new entrepreneurs will focus more energy on the failing product in an attempt to boost sales. They provide better placement for the product’s ads and links. They spend money to bring in additional traffic hoping that this will improve sales. But increased sales never come and conversions remain pitifully low.
The problem with this strategy is that while the entrepreneur is focused on the failing product, they tend to neglect the successful ones. This is the difference between newbie marketers and those who are experienced. If a product is getting traffic but not generating sales, rework the sales page. If that doesn’t work, forget it! Replace it with a different product. Don’t spend weeks or months trying to breath life into it.
There are millions of products out there. Find a new one while you continue to focus on your most profitable lines. This is the way to consistently generate bigger and bigger profits.
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Sunday, May 25, 2008
How To Increase Traffic To Your Website Or Blog
The most difficult thing about an online business is the how to increase traffic. Traffic is the lifeblood of any website or blog. Without traffic, there can be no profit; without profit, there is no business. So in order to be successful, you must increase your traffic.
Of course there are many ways to do this but two simple traffic tactics follow:
Research high volume keywords that are related to your site or blog. The best way to do this is through Google’s free keyword tool. Once you have isolated a good keyword or key phrase, write an article using it in the title. In addition, include the keyword several more times within your article. And finally, use it in the author’s resource box as a text link that points back to your sight.
Submit this article to the article submission directories with the highest Page Rank. Ideally you should look for directories with a Page Rank of 4 or greater. You can easily get this information by downloading the Google toolbar.
The other technique to increase traffic involves the use of forums. Do some research and locate eight to ten forums that are related to your niche and have Page Ranks of four and above. Register with each one and develop a signature file that contains a text link with your keyword that points back to your website or blog. Set it up so that your signature file prints out each time you leave a comment or post.
Then search for posts that are closely related to your niche and enter meaningful comments. Do not just say, ‘Nice post.’ Make sure you include your keyword the title of your comment and try to work it in again in your comment.
In addition, write your own posts and again, include your keyword in the title and body. To really increase traffic, make four or five entries on each of the forums you’ve registered with. Following these tactics will increase traffic substantially to your website or blog.
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Of course there are many ways to do this but two simple traffic tactics follow:
Research high volume keywords that are related to your site or blog. The best way to do this is through Google’s free keyword tool. Once you have isolated a good keyword or key phrase, write an article using it in the title. In addition, include the keyword several more times within your article. And finally, use it in the author’s resource box as a text link that points back to your sight.
Submit this article to the article submission directories with the highest Page Rank. Ideally you should look for directories with a Page Rank of 4 or greater. You can easily get this information by downloading the Google toolbar.
The other technique to increase traffic involves the use of forums. Do some research and locate eight to ten forums that are related to your niche and have Page Ranks of four and above. Register with each one and develop a signature file that contains a text link with your keyword that points back to your website or blog. Set it up so that your signature file prints out each time you leave a comment or post.
Then search for posts that are closely related to your niche and enter meaningful comments. Do not just say, ‘Nice post.’ Make sure you include your keyword the title of your comment and try to work it in again in your comment.
In addition, write your own posts and again, include your keyword in the title and body. To really increase traffic, make four or five entries on each of the forums you’ve registered with. Following these tactics will increase traffic substantially to your website or blog.
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Saturday, May 24, 2008
Discover How You Can Make Money Online Fast
I am frequently asked how to make money online fast. This question is usually asked by people who aren’t making money at all. They want to know about a magic button that prints money each time you press it. Well, unfortunately, that magic button doesn’t exist. But there are techniques to make money online fast.
The easiest ways to make money fast is by using a talent or skill that is in demand. If you have one of these talents, or can develop one, it is like having a printing press that spits out cash. Some of the talents that are always in demand are:
Any type of writing. Vast amounts of information is exchanged on the Internet. The primary source of information today is written. Because the search engines put such a high value in fresh written content, writing services all always in demand. The best writing opportunities are: article writing, web content, persuasive writing (for sales pages), and copy writing (ads). If you have, or can develop one of these skills, you can make lots of money very quickly and consistently.
Design skills. If you are artistic and can produce attractive graphics, you services are highly sought after. Using these talents, you can create banners, ads, headings, and other eye catching graphics. These services are very much in demand and can command a premium price online.
Of course, this is not a complete list. There are many other talents that allow you to make money online fast, but these are just a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing. Once you determine what your skills are, the process to monetize it is the same. Visit the large forums and search for posts having to do with your skill. Pay particular attention to those postings that have large numbers of replies. By reading through these listings, you are sure to find opportunities where people are looking for your services.
If you do not see any suitable listings, enter your own post detailing your talents and the services you offer. But do not disclose your prices, ask interested individuals to send you a private message (pm) for additional details.
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The easiest ways to make money fast is by using a talent or skill that is in demand. If you have one of these talents, or can develop one, it is like having a printing press that spits out cash. Some of the talents that are always in demand are:
Any type of writing. Vast amounts of information is exchanged on the Internet. The primary source of information today is written. Because the search engines put such a high value in fresh written content, writing services all always in demand. The best writing opportunities are: article writing, web content, persuasive writing (for sales pages), and copy writing (ads). If you have, or can develop one of these skills, you can make lots of money very quickly and consistently.
Design skills. If you are artistic and can produce attractive graphics, you services are highly sought after. Using these talents, you can create banners, ads, headings, and other eye catching graphics. These services are very much in demand and can command a premium price online.
Of course, this is not a complete list. There are many other talents that allow you to make money online fast, but these are just a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing. Once you determine what your skills are, the process to monetize it is the same. Visit the large forums and search for posts having to do with your skill. Pay particular attention to those postings that have large numbers of replies. By reading through these listings, you are sure to find opportunities where people are looking for your services.
If you do not see any suitable listings, enter your own post detailing your talents and the services you offer. But do not disclose your prices, ask interested individuals to send you a private message (pm) for additional details.
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Friday, May 23, 2008
Discover Powerful Emotional Words That Guarantee Sales
Making a purchase is an emotional activity. For example: That chrome plated coffee maker you bought is four times the price of the plain generic one. If you only wanted to make coffee, surely you would have purchased the cheaper one. But instead, you chose the fancy chrome plated one. Why?
As you were considering the purchase, you imagined seeing it in your kitchen. You felt that that plain one looked drab. But the Chrome one looked great. It improved the look of the room. It was eye catching and made you feel happy about how it looked on the counter. That is why you spent four times as much as you needed to for a simple coffee maker.
Although we don’t do this consciously, each of us plays though a similar process whenever we make a purchase. So if you want to improve sales, play on those emotional needs. Certain words satisfy emotional needs more than others. Use these emotional words and phases in bold headlines. If you really want to increase sales, use them in your titles, ads, emails, headlines, and in the body of your sales pages to encourage people to buy.
Following is a list of emotional words that will increase sales. Use them and watch your conversions increase.
For a comprehensive list of emotional words, you need my powerful new program: Headline Creator Pro! At the press of a button, generate 100 Killer Headlines and Profit Pulling Emotional words that attract buyers like a magnet!
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As you were considering the purchase, you imagined seeing it in your kitchen. You felt that that plain one looked drab. But the Chrome one looked great. It improved the look of the room. It was eye catching and made you feel happy about how it looked on the counter. That is why you spent four times as much as you needed to for a simple coffee maker.
Although we don’t do this consciously, each of us plays though a similar process whenever we make a purchase. So if you want to improve sales, play on those emotional needs. Certain words satisfy emotional needs more than others. Use these emotional words and phases in bold headlines. If you really want to increase sales, use them in your titles, ads, emails, headlines, and in the body of your sales pages to encourage people to buy.
Following is a list of emotional words that will increase sales. Use them and watch your conversions increase.
For a comprehensive list of emotional words, you need my powerful new program: Headline Creator Pro! At the press of a button, generate 100 Killer Headlines and Profit Pulling Emotional words that attract buyers like a magnet!
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Create Killer Headlines with Emotional Words in a Snap!
Get the Best Headline and Emotional word generator at the Cheapest Price!
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How To Reduce Your Gasoline Costs by 50%
Consumers are getting crushed by the soaring cost of gasoline here in the US. Prices are increasing almost daily and people’s budgets are stretched to the limit. However, there are a number of things that you can do to combat these wicked price increases. Following are some proven techniques that can reduce your gasoline costs by 50%.
1. Use regular gas instead of the premium blend if your owner’s manual permits it. There is thirty to fifty cent difference between the cost of regular and premium gasoline. And if your car is designed to run on regular gas, there is no advantage in filling up with premium. Of course, if your car requires premium, you should never use regular as it may cause some damage to your engine.
2. Keep your engine well maintained. A dirty air filter can reduce your gas mileage by as much as 40%. Change the air filter according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. However, if you live in an area that is prone to dust and dirt in the air, you should change the air filter more frequently.
3. Ensure that your tires are inflated to the proper pressure. Tires that are over or under inflated can reduce your gas mileage by a considerable amount. Use a tire gauge to check your pressure. Do not depend on the guage that is attached to the air hose where you get air. They are frequently inaccurate.
4. Slow down! By far the primary cause of most poor mileage is speed. As far as gas mileage goes; speed kills! Traveling at 75 miles per hour as opposed to 55 mph can reduce your gasoline mileage by a whopping 25%. So the next time you are late for an appointment, call them and tell them that you can’t afford to get there on time.
5. Keep your car well maintained mechanically. Worn out spark plugs not only rob your car’s gas mileage and power, it’s stealing the money right out of your pocket. A six cylinder car that has one fouled spark plug is wasting 17% of the gas you buy.
Following the 5 easy tips above, you can easily reduce your gasoline costs by 50%. Check out my newest ebook for tons of other details on how to cut expenses and put money in your pocket!
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1. Use regular gas instead of the premium blend if your owner’s manual permits it. There is thirty to fifty cent difference between the cost of regular and premium gasoline. And if your car is designed to run on regular gas, there is no advantage in filling up with premium. Of course, if your car requires premium, you should never use regular as it may cause some damage to your engine.
2. Keep your engine well maintained. A dirty air filter can reduce your gas mileage by as much as 40%. Change the air filter according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. However, if you live in an area that is prone to dust and dirt in the air, you should change the air filter more frequently.
3. Ensure that your tires are inflated to the proper pressure. Tires that are over or under inflated can reduce your gas mileage by a considerable amount. Use a tire gauge to check your pressure. Do not depend on the guage that is attached to the air hose where you get air. They are frequently inaccurate.
4. Slow down! By far the primary cause of most poor mileage is speed. As far as gas mileage goes; speed kills! Traveling at 75 miles per hour as opposed to 55 mph can reduce your gasoline mileage by a whopping 25%. So the next time you are late for an appointment, call them and tell them that you can’t afford to get there on time.
5. Keep your car well maintained mechanically. Worn out spark plugs not only rob your car’s gas mileage and power, it’s stealing the money right out of your pocket. A six cylinder car that has one fouled spark plug is wasting 17% of the gas you buy.
Following the 5 easy tips above, you can easily reduce your gasoline costs by 50%. Check out my newest ebook for tons of other details on how to cut expenses and put money in your pocket!
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Thursday, May 22, 2008
How To Develop A Successful Online Business Without Spending A Penny
I frequently here people say that they would like to try making money online but they don’t have enough money to get started. That may have been a good excuse in the past, but now there are alternatives that allow you to set up a profitable online absolutely free. One of the easiest and best ways to do this is by blogging.
Setting up a blog is very easy; you don’t need any type of specialized skills or knowledge of any computer language. To create your first blog, register and set up a free account at Blogger dot com. It only takes a minute to register and get started.
Next, you need to add content. This is also a very easy process; you can do this by writing four or five articles. They don’t have to be long, 100 to 500 words is plenty. Don’t skip this step because it is important to have some content on your site before going on to the next step.
Register with Google’s Adsense program. After being accepted, you will be able to place ads on your site. You don’t need to do anything to maintain them; Google takes care of those details. These ads are great money makers. Every time someone clicks on one of the ads on your site, you make some money. Not a lot, but over time, as you get more and more visitors to your site, this income can really build up. There are some bloggers that make six-figure incomes each month from Adsense.
Join two affiliate programs, I recommend Clickbank and Commission Junction. These companies allow you to promote their products on your site. Each time someone makes a purchase, you get a percentage of the sale price. Commissions vary between 20% and 75% depending on the product.
The next three steps are the same: market, market, market. To have a successful blog you must promote it. Otherwise, no one will know that your blog exists. You can promote it by writing articles and submitting them to the largest article submission directories. I do this myself and it works very well.
Register with the large forums and comment on at least 8 posts per day. It is important that you say something worthwhile in your comments. Don’t just say, ‘nice post.’ That won’t help you at all. In each of your comments, include a signature file that links to your blog.
Write articles and post to the forums every day. This is the way to develop a successful online business. And you’ve done it without spending a cent, Congratulations!
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Setting up a blog is very easy; you don’t need any type of specialized skills or knowledge of any computer language. To create your first blog, register and set up a free account at Blogger dot com. It only takes a minute to register and get started.
Next, you need to add content. This is also a very easy process; you can do this by writing four or five articles. They don’t have to be long, 100 to 500 words is plenty. Don’t skip this step because it is important to have some content on your site before going on to the next step.
Register with Google’s Adsense program. After being accepted, you will be able to place ads on your site. You don’t need to do anything to maintain them; Google takes care of those details. These ads are great money makers. Every time someone clicks on one of the ads on your site, you make some money. Not a lot, but over time, as you get more and more visitors to your site, this income can really build up. There are some bloggers that make six-figure incomes each month from Adsense.
Join two affiliate programs, I recommend Clickbank and Commission Junction. These companies allow you to promote their products on your site. Each time someone makes a purchase, you get a percentage of the sale price. Commissions vary between 20% and 75% depending on the product.
The next three steps are the same: market, market, market. To have a successful blog you must promote it. Otherwise, no one will know that your blog exists. You can promote it by writing articles and submitting them to the largest article submission directories. I do this myself and it works very well.
Register with the large forums and comment on at least 8 posts per day. It is important that you say something worthwhile in your comments. Don’t just say, ‘nice post.’ That won’t help you at all. In each of your comments, include a signature file that links to your blog.
Write articles and post to the forums every day. This is the way to develop a successful online business. And you’ve done it without spending a cent, Congratulations!
Want to learn other ways to make money? Get my free ebook and Make Money Every Day!
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How Anyone Anywhere Can Make Money Online
There are thousands of ways to make money online and earn cash from the comfort of your own home. I like to write articles, others are more artistic and design graphics. And still others create websites or make money by writing computer code. As I said, there are thousands of ways to make money on the Internet.
But what if you don’t have any of those skills. Can you still make money online? The answer is simple. Anyone who has access to a computer and can use the internet has everything they need to work online and earn cash. Millions of people around the world are online right now and many of them are making money. Over a million people work online full time and are earning more money than you might think possible. You do not need to be a computer whiz, writer, artist, or have any specialized knowledge to join the millions of people that work online every day.
So how can you make money if you don’t have any skills? One of the easiest ways is by doing online surveys. If you can read and click a mouse, you can make money by doing surveys. Surveys are very easy to do, they are normally presented as multiple-choice questions, so all you need to do is click your mouse on one of the boxes. And it does not matter how old you are, your gender, or where you live. Anyone anywhere can make money by doing surveys.
So, how do you get started? Before you begin, you should get a free email account from Yahoo or Gmail. This is important. Never use your primary email address when signing up with a survey program. Then do a search using the term, ‘paid surveys.’ This will provide you with a list of 50 to 100 companies that will pay you to take surveys.
Read the details on each program before registering. Some of the important factors you should consider are:
their method of payment, the minimum amount required before they send you a check, and if there are any upfront costs (it is usually free).
Do you want to learn more about how I make money? Get my brand new guide on how to make money each and every day.
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But what if you don’t have any of those skills. Can you still make money online? The answer is simple. Anyone who has access to a computer and can use the internet has everything they need to work online and earn cash. Millions of people around the world are online right now and many of them are making money. Over a million people work online full time and are earning more money than you might think possible. You do not need to be a computer whiz, writer, artist, or have any specialized knowledge to join the millions of people that work online every day.
So how can you make money if you don’t have any skills? One of the easiest ways is by doing online surveys. If you can read and click a mouse, you can make money by doing surveys. Surveys are very easy to do, they are normally presented as multiple-choice questions, so all you need to do is click your mouse on one of the boxes. And it does not matter how old you are, your gender, or where you live. Anyone anywhere can make money by doing surveys.
So, how do you get started? Before you begin, you should get a free email account from Yahoo or Gmail. This is important. Never use your primary email address when signing up with a survey program. Then do a search using the term, ‘paid surveys.’ This will provide you with a list of 50 to 100 companies that will pay you to take surveys.
Read the details on each program before registering. Some of the important factors you should consider are:
their method of payment, the minimum amount required before they send you a check, and if there are any upfront costs (it is usually free).
Do you want to learn more about how I make money? Get my brand new guide on how to make money each and every day.
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Wednesday, May 21, 2008
How To Create Powerful Headlines That Sell
It’s not what you say, it’s ‘What your headline says!’ The most important element of your sales latter is the headline. You have to have a headline that draws them in if you want to generate sales. In addition, it’s important to use bolded sub-headings that convey your main benefits of your product. The reason for this is simple, most people will not read your sales letter word for word, they will skim through it. But the bold colored sub-headings interspersed throughout your sales will always catch their eye. That’s why it is so important.
Here are some tips for creating great headlines that make you money:
Keep it short! As a rule of thumb, keep your headlines shorter than 15 to 17 words. Anything longer than that tends to drag on. A good headline shouldn't be too long or too short!
Do your research! Seek out websites that are successfully selling similar products and get some ideas to use in your own headlines. Don’t copy their work word for word, but try to come up with something similar using your own words.
Include Powerful Emotional Words! Making a purchase is an emotional experience. To take advantage of this and increase your sales, use emotional words. Your headline must strike an emotional chord with your visitor and grab his attention! Some emotional words include: powerful, amazing, an incredible.
Repeat your number one benefit in the headline and several times throughout your copy! What's the main benefit that your customers will get when they use your product? How will your product improve their lives? Make it sound enticing and you may have a powerful winning headline.
If you hate writing sales letters and headlines, you need my powerful new program: Headline Creator Pro! In a matter of seconds you’ll generate 100 profit pulling headlines. In addition, Headline Creator Pro gives you 100’s emotional words that attract buyers like a magnet!
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Here are some tips for creating great headlines that make you money:
Keep it short! As a rule of thumb, keep your headlines shorter than 15 to 17 words. Anything longer than that tends to drag on. A good headline shouldn't be too long or too short!
Do your research! Seek out websites that are successfully selling similar products and get some ideas to use in your own headlines. Don’t copy their work word for word, but try to come up with something similar using your own words.
Include Powerful Emotional Words! Making a purchase is an emotional experience. To take advantage of this and increase your sales, use emotional words. Your headline must strike an emotional chord with your visitor and grab his attention! Some emotional words include: powerful, amazing, an incredible.
Repeat your number one benefit in the headline and several times throughout your copy! What's the main benefit that your customers will get when they use your product? How will your product improve their lives? Make it sound enticing and you may have a powerful winning headline.
If you hate writing sales letters and headlines, you need my powerful new program: Headline Creator Pro! In a matter of seconds you’ll generate 100 profit pulling headlines. In addition, Headline Creator Pro gives you 100’s emotional words that attract buyers like a magnet!
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How To Slash Your Gasoline Costs And Have Money Left Over
We consumers are really feeling the pinch as gasoline prices continue to skyrocket in the US. There are a number of reasons that the price of gas is increasing: the economy's instability, Middle East war, fears that the supply cannot keep up with the demand, and a number of other factors.
Soaring gas prices are taking a considerable toll on consumers. Particularly those who are in the middle to lower income levels. Many people who were just getting by when gas was reasonably priced are now living month to month and paycheck to paycheck. They are only one payment away from bankruptcy.
If you are one of those individuals that have been beaten down by gas prices, you have two options. You either have to find another job (in addition to the one you’ve got), or you have to cut back (or perhaps slash) your expenses. It is either this or move back in with your parents and I know you don’t want to do that!
Here are some tips where you can save money. Use regular gasoline instead of premium if your car’s owner manner permits it. Performing routine maintenance on your vehicles can save a substantial amount of money. A dirty air filter can reduce your gas mileage by as much as 40%. Keep your tires inflated to the proper pressure. Tires that have incorrect pressure can further reduce your gas mileage. Slow down! Traveling at 55 miles per hour versus 75 can improve your gas mileage by 25%!
You can also save big money at the grocery store. Never go grocery shopping without a list. Spend the few extra minutes that it takes to make a list of the items you need. Then buy just those items. You will be surprised at the number of impulse items that you routinely buy (or should I say used to buy) at the grocery store.
Never buy prepared foods. That pre-made salad in a bag costs twice as much as buying the items separately and preparing the ingredients at home. This is true of almost all prepared foods. You pay dearly for convenience of food that is prepared for you. As an added benefit, the meals that you make yourself contain fewer chemical additives and are much healthier for you.
How about soda and bottled water? Switch over to tap water and you can save a tremendous amount. Do you always buy the name brand item? Use generics and store brands and you’ll be surprised at the amount of money you can save.
Check out my newest ebook for tons of other details on how to cut expenses and put money in your pocket (without having to get another job or move in with your parents)!
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Soaring gas prices are taking a considerable toll on consumers. Particularly those who are in the middle to lower income levels. Many people who were just getting by when gas was reasonably priced are now living month to month and paycheck to paycheck. They are only one payment away from bankruptcy.
If you are one of those individuals that have been beaten down by gas prices, you have two options. You either have to find another job (in addition to the one you’ve got), or you have to cut back (or perhaps slash) your expenses. It is either this or move back in with your parents and I know you don’t want to do that!
Here are some tips where you can save money. Use regular gasoline instead of premium if your car’s owner manner permits it. Performing routine maintenance on your vehicles can save a substantial amount of money. A dirty air filter can reduce your gas mileage by as much as 40%. Keep your tires inflated to the proper pressure. Tires that have incorrect pressure can further reduce your gas mileage. Slow down! Traveling at 55 miles per hour versus 75 can improve your gas mileage by 25%!
You can also save big money at the grocery store. Never go grocery shopping without a list. Spend the few extra minutes that it takes to make a list of the items you need. Then buy just those items. You will be surprised at the number of impulse items that you routinely buy (or should I say used to buy) at the grocery store.
Never buy prepared foods. That pre-made salad in a bag costs twice as much as buying the items separately and preparing the ingredients at home. This is true of almost all prepared foods. You pay dearly for convenience of food that is prepared for you. As an added benefit, the meals that you make yourself contain fewer chemical additives and are much healthier for you.
How about soda and bottled water? Switch over to tap water and you can save a tremendous amount. Do you always buy the name brand item? Use generics and store brands and you’ll be surprised at the amount of money you can save.
Check out my newest ebook for tons of other details on how to cut expenses and put money in your pocket (without having to get another job or move in with your parents)!
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How to Start A Successful Online Business At No Expense
Starting a successful online business may not be as difficult as you think. And the best part about is; you can begin making money with little or no expense out of your pocket. Although it is best to have your own domain, you can easily begin to make money using free resources. You can find many free website hosting programs and blogs by doing a search.
Once you set up your site, you need to start adding content. You can add content for free by writing articles. Each article should be between 300 and 500 words in length and all of them should be based on one particular subject. This is called your niche. By focusing all of your content on one topic, you will attract more people than if your site contains a mix of many different subjects.
After you have added 20 to 30 articles, you should begin to include some money making items on your site. You can begin by including some advertising. Google’s Adsense program is an excellent way to start. It is easy to register and once you upload the ad code, Google takes care of the rest. You only need to cash the checks.
Then research some good affiliate products that are related to your niche. ClickBank, Commission Junction, and ShareaSale are three good places to find good products. You should place ads for at least 8 to 10 quality affiliate products on each page of your site. Make sure that the ads are located very near your content to maximize sales.
The last thing that you need to do is develop traffic. Traffic is the life blood of any Internet business. Begin by writing articles and submitting them to the largest article submission directories. In each article you write, include a link to your site in the author’s resource box. The only disadvantage to this method of traffic generation is the fact that you need to do it on a consistent basis. One article a week will not work. Try to submit at least one article a day.
You should also find forums that are related to your niche. Register with at least four or five of them and post eight comments a day in each one. Make sure your comments have substance. Saying, ‘Great post,’ will not work. Provide good insightful information in your comments and include a link to your site in every entry you make. You can do this in your signature file.
Using these techniques, you can start a successful online business and begin to make money in just a few months. And the best part, you’ve done it at no expense to you. The amount of money you make will depend on the amount of traffic that you can generate. More traffic equals more income. So, get busy!
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Once you set up your site, you need to start adding content. You can add content for free by writing articles. Each article should be between 300 and 500 words in length and all of them should be based on one particular subject. This is called your niche. By focusing all of your content on one topic, you will attract more people than if your site contains a mix of many different subjects.
After you have added 20 to 30 articles, you should begin to include some money making items on your site. You can begin by including some advertising. Google’s Adsense program is an excellent way to start. It is easy to register and once you upload the ad code, Google takes care of the rest. You only need to cash the checks.
Then research some good affiliate products that are related to your niche. ClickBank, Commission Junction, and ShareaSale are three good places to find good products. You should place ads for at least 8 to 10 quality affiliate products on each page of your site. Make sure that the ads are located very near your content to maximize sales.
The last thing that you need to do is develop traffic. Traffic is the life blood of any Internet business. Begin by writing articles and submitting them to the largest article submission directories. In each article you write, include a link to your site in the author’s resource box. The only disadvantage to this method of traffic generation is the fact that you need to do it on a consistent basis. One article a week will not work. Try to submit at least one article a day.
You should also find forums that are related to your niche. Register with at least four or five of them and post eight comments a day in each one. Make sure your comments have substance. Saying, ‘Great post,’ will not work. Provide good insightful information in your comments and include a link to your site in every entry you make. You can do this in your signature file.
Using these techniques, you can start a successful online business and begin to make money in just a few months. And the best part, you’ve done it at no expense to you. The amount of money you make will depend on the amount of traffic that you can generate. More traffic equals more income. So, get busy!
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008
How To Write Articles For Explosive Success
Article marketing is a great way to promote your online business. Good articles can provide three benefits: traffic, income, and backlinks. These are all important benefits to operate a successful business. If you want to write content for the Internet, there are several points that you should to be aware of.
First, you should specialize and focus all of your articles in one particular area or general topic. By doing this, you will be viewed as an expert in the field and develop a loyal following of readers who seek out your work.
It is also important that your content be relatively short and concise. As a rule, you should try to keep your article length between 300 and 500 words. People did not click on your article to read a novel, so keep it short.
The number of articles that you submit determines how successful you can be. As a general rule, to maximize your success, you should submit at least one each day. To be really successful, you should submit more than one every day, but unfortunately, most writers don’t have the time to do this.
Who you submit your articles to is just as important as writing them. Submit them to the 20 or 25 largest article submission sites as well as sites that are related to your particular niche. This will ensure you get plenty of page views by interested readers. Making this many submissions, you will save a great deal of time by using some type of article submission software.
Add an author’s resource box to every article you write. Include one or more links to your site or products that you are promoting.
By following the tips above, your article marketing efforts can bring you a great deal of success. You will see significant increase in your traffic levels, enhance your income considerably, and explode the number of backlinks pointing to your site. And these benefits can put you on the road to having a successful online business. Want to get more information on article marketing? Check out the information below.
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First, you should specialize and focus all of your articles in one particular area or general topic. By doing this, you will be viewed as an expert in the field and develop a loyal following of readers who seek out your work.
It is also important that your content be relatively short and concise. As a rule, you should try to keep your article length between 300 and 500 words. People did not click on your article to read a novel, so keep it short.
The number of articles that you submit determines how successful you can be. As a general rule, to maximize your success, you should submit at least one each day. To be really successful, you should submit more than one every day, but unfortunately, most writers don’t have the time to do this.
Who you submit your articles to is just as important as writing them. Submit them to the 20 or 25 largest article submission sites as well as sites that are related to your particular niche. This will ensure you get plenty of page views by interested readers. Making this many submissions, you will save a great deal of time by using some type of article submission software.
Add an author’s resource box to every article you write. Include one or more links to your site or products that you are promoting.
By following the tips above, your article marketing efforts can bring you a great deal of success. You will see significant increase in your traffic levels, enhance your income considerably, and explode the number of backlinks pointing to your site. And these benefits can put you on the road to having a successful online business. Want to get more information on article marketing? Check out the information below.
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List Building Secrets For Gigantic Profits
List building is an essential element of the successful Internet business today. A good list ensures that your online business grows every day and puts more money in your pocket every month. Current research indicates that you can expect to make about $1 dollar a month for each subscriber in your list. That is how these super affiliates and mega gurus make that big money. When you see a sales page that brags about making tens of thousands every month, you can bet that they have a very large list.
There are a number of methods you can use to build your list. The most well known technique is through the use of a squeeze page. The sole purpose of a squeeze page is to collect the name and email address of new subscribers. It is important that you offer a valuable incentive for people to sign up. Free ebooks, reports, and ecourses are very popular for this purpose.
In addition to using a squeeze page, you should add an opt in box on every page of your site. The reason for this is simple. Using my site as an example: I offer a lot free downloads within my site, but in order to get to the internal download pages, you must be a member of my list. Although I never publish the URL’s of my download pages, unregistered members come to these pages every day. This happens because current members of my list often refer others to my internal pages (which is okay). By including opt in boxes on these pages, I have an opportunity to bring these visitors into my list.
The final piece of the puzzle, as always, is marketing. Nothing at all happens online unless you have traffic coming to your site. I write articles as my primary marketing tool. In EVERY article that I write, I include a link to my squeeze page in the author’s resource box. I also participate in forums and comment regularly on blogs. Using these techniques, I have people coming to my squeeze page and joining my list every day.
Of course, there are many ways to market your list, but the important point is to do it on a daily basis. And make sure that a large percentage of your links point to your squeeze page. Over the long term, these tactics will ensure your online success.
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There are a number of methods you can use to build your list. The most well known technique is through the use of a squeeze page. The sole purpose of a squeeze page is to collect the name and email address of new subscribers. It is important that you offer a valuable incentive for people to sign up. Free ebooks, reports, and ecourses are very popular for this purpose.
In addition to using a squeeze page, you should add an opt in box on every page of your site. The reason for this is simple. Using my site as an example: I offer a lot free downloads within my site, but in order to get to the internal download pages, you must be a member of my list. Although I never publish the URL’s of my download pages, unregistered members come to these pages every day. This happens because current members of my list often refer others to my internal pages (which is okay). By including opt in boxes on these pages, I have an opportunity to bring these visitors into my list.
The final piece of the puzzle, as always, is marketing. Nothing at all happens online unless you have traffic coming to your site. I write articles as my primary marketing tool. In EVERY article that I write, I include a link to my squeeze page in the author’s resource box. I also participate in forums and comment regularly on blogs. Using these techniques, I have people coming to my squeeze page and joining my list every day.
Of course, there are many ways to market your list, but the important point is to do it on a daily basis. And make sure that a large percentage of your links point to your squeeze page. Over the long term, these tactics will ensure your online success.
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Monday, May 19, 2008
7 Tactics For Massive Profits
Generating profits is the reason you start an online business. Unfortunately, about 80% of these business owners make no money at all. And only 10% make massive profits. If you are stuck in that bottom 80 %, try some of these tactics below to start making money.
There are only three rules you need to follow to make money online. They are: Market, Market, and Market some more. If you are not earning any income, it is probably because you are not marketing your business effectively. If you want to make massive profits, you must market your business every day.
1. Article marketing is a very effective method to bring traffic to your website. Those who are the most successful at this tend to write the most articles. To maximize your potential, you should try to write at least one article per day. Make sure that every article contains an author’s resource box with 2 or 3 links to your site, squeeze page, or affiliate products that you are promoting.
2. Advertising can bring in a tidy some of money each month. Although Adsense is the easiest program to install and administer, use other advertising as well to maximize your profit potential. Place ads for affiliate products adjacent to the main content of your web page. This placement will give you the most bang for your buck.
3. Make sure that the products and ads shown on your site are targeted to your site’s niche. If your site is about bird watching, you will sell very few foreign exchange trading programs, but bird feeders will probably sell very well.
4. Until you are making over $1000 per month, reinvest half of your monthly profits into outside advertising. This ensures that you will continue to make more and more money each month.
5. Keep track of your expenses. Make sure you are spending your money effectively. By using your money wisely, you can increase your profits substantially.
6. Track everything. Make it a priority to know where your traffic is coming from and focus more of you efforts in those areas. If ads from a particular ezine are doing well for you, place a larger ad in that publication next month. By careful tracking you can consistently generate more and more profits.
7. Spend time in forums that are related to your niche. Post often with good meaningful information. Develop a signature file that touts your website or squeeze page. To maximize your success using this technique, make at least 8 posts per day for every forum you belong to.
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There are only three rules you need to follow to make money online. They are: Market, Market, and Market some more. If you are not earning any income, it is probably because you are not marketing your business effectively. If you want to make massive profits, you must market your business every day.
1. Article marketing is a very effective method to bring traffic to your website. Those who are the most successful at this tend to write the most articles. To maximize your potential, you should try to write at least one article per day. Make sure that every article contains an author’s resource box with 2 or 3 links to your site, squeeze page, or affiliate products that you are promoting.
2. Advertising can bring in a tidy some of money each month. Although Adsense is the easiest program to install and administer, use other advertising as well to maximize your profit potential. Place ads for affiliate products adjacent to the main content of your web page. This placement will give you the most bang for your buck.
3. Make sure that the products and ads shown on your site are targeted to your site’s niche. If your site is about bird watching, you will sell very few foreign exchange trading programs, but bird feeders will probably sell very well.
4. Until you are making over $1000 per month, reinvest half of your monthly profits into outside advertising. This ensures that you will continue to make more and more money each month.
5. Keep track of your expenses. Make sure you are spending your money effectively. By using your money wisely, you can increase your profits substantially.
6. Track everything. Make it a priority to know where your traffic is coming from and focus more of you efforts in those areas. If ads from a particular ezine are doing well for you, place a larger ad in that publication next month. By careful tracking you can consistently generate more and more profits.
7. Spend time in forums that are related to your niche. Post often with good meaningful information. Develop a signature file that touts your website or squeeze page. To maximize your success using this technique, make at least 8 posts per day for every forum you belong to.
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How To Easily Generate Massive Profits With A Blog
A blog is an ideal vehicle to make money. Unlike a website, you do not any kind of specialized html knowledge to get started. If you can write a 300-word article on a word processor, you have everything that you need. And the best part, you can easily generate massive profits with a blog.
First off, you should buy a domain that reflects the subject of your blog. The annual cost for a domain name is about $10 dollars. In addition, web-hosting services cost another $10 per month. These are your only expenses to begin making blog money. WordPress is a great platform to use for blogging, and the best part, it is free!
To maximize the income your blog generates, there are a couple of things that you should do. You need to make frequent postings. As you post articles and information more frequently, the search engines will visit your site more often. This will result in more traffic. This is a key component to monetize your blog. At the very least, you should enter information at least 2 or 3 times per week.
Next, register with Adsense and place advertisements throughout your postings. But, don’t stop there. Too many bloggers use Adsense and nothing else. If you combine Adsense with other money making techniques, you can make some serious income.
Research affiliate products that are related to your niche. It is important the products you recommend be targeted to the information you are posting. ClickBank, ShareaSale, and Commission Junction are three good places to look for affiliate products. You can register with these companies for free and advertise as many of their products as you like on your site. Each time someone buys a product by clicking on an advertisement on your site, you collect a commission. Commissions range between 15% and 75% of the total sale price. Place ads for these products in prominent places on your blog where people can easily see them. The best places to put ads are next to, above and just below your content.
In addition to these methods, you can make money by reviewing products and other websites. The more traffic you develop, the more you will receive for these services. There are thousands of other ways that you can monetize your blog. Just make sure you add fresh content to your blog on a regular basis to keep traffic coming back. Using the techniques above, you can easily generate massive profits with a blog.
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First off, you should buy a domain that reflects the subject of your blog. The annual cost for a domain name is about $10 dollars. In addition, web-hosting services cost another $10 per month. These are your only expenses to begin making blog money. WordPress is a great platform to use for blogging, and the best part, it is free!
To maximize the income your blog generates, there are a couple of things that you should do. You need to make frequent postings. As you post articles and information more frequently, the search engines will visit your site more often. This will result in more traffic. This is a key component to monetize your blog. At the very least, you should enter information at least 2 or 3 times per week.
Next, register with Adsense and place advertisements throughout your postings. But, don’t stop there. Too many bloggers use Adsense and nothing else. If you combine Adsense with other money making techniques, you can make some serious income.
Research affiliate products that are related to your niche. It is important the products you recommend be targeted to the information you are posting. ClickBank, ShareaSale, and Commission Junction are three good places to look for affiliate products. You can register with these companies for free and advertise as many of their products as you like on your site. Each time someone buys a product by clicking on an advertisement on your site, you collect a commission. Commissions range between 15% and 75% of the total sale price. Place ads for these products in prominent places on your blog where people can easily see them. The best places to put ads are next to, above and just below your content.
In addition to these methods, you can make money by reviewing products and other websites. The more traffic you develop, the more you will receive for these services. There are thousands of other ways that you can monetize your blog. Just make sure you add fresh content to your blog on a regular basis to keep traffic coming back. Using the techniques above, you can easily generate massive profits with a blog.
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Sunday, May 18, 2008
Diversify Your Affiliate Programs For An Ongoing Income Stream
Affiliate programs are an excellent way start making money online. Affiliate programs offer many advantages for the new online business. You can begin making money without taking the time to develop your own product, you don’t have to worry about creating a sales page or concern yourself with accepting credit cards or delivering a product. All of these details are taken care of by the merchant.
But before you jump aboard the first affiliate ship you see, do some research. There are two basic types of affiliate programs: standard and residual programs. Most standard programs give you a one-time payment. Each time you make a sale, you receive a payment. No sale, no payment; it is a simple and straight forward arrangement.
Residual programs however, work a little differently. Most residual plans collect payments from customers on an ongoing basis, usually monthly. Examples of this are: monthly web hosting plans and autoresponder payments.
As with standard affiliate products, you collect a payment each time you make a sale for one of these products. The initial payment you receive from the sale is substantially lower than payments on standard affiliate products. However, in addition to your initial payment, you will get an additional commission each time your customer makes a monthly payment for that service or product. And you will continue to receive these payments for as long as that customer remains with the company.
This is the value of residual programs. You can collects payments for years to come. So, if you are looking to add affiliate programs as part of your business plan, consider adding both standard as well as residual programs. By diversifying in this way, you can generate substantial current income and build up a very nice residual income stream.
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But before you jump aboard the first affiliate ship you see, do some research. There are two basic types of affiliate programs: standard and residual programs. Most standard programs give you a one-time payment. Each time you make a sale, you receive a payment. No sale, no payment; it is a simple and straight forward arrangement.
Residual programs however, work a little differently. Most residual plans collect payments from customers on an ongoing basis, usually monthly. Examples of this are: monthly web hosting plans and autoresponder payments.
As with standard affiliate products, you collect a payment each time you make a sale for one of these products. The initial payment you receive from the sale is substantially lower than payments on standard affiliate products. However, in addition to your initial payment, you will get an additional commission each time your customer makes a monthly payment for that service or product. And you will continue to receive these payments for as long as that customer remains with the company.
This is the value of residual programs. You can collects payments for years to come. So, if you are looking to add affiliate programs as part of your business plan, consider adding both standard as well as residual programs. By diversifying in this way, you can generate substantial current income and build up a very nice residual income stream.
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Saturday, May 17, 2008
You Can Make Fast Money Online If You Know How
Making fast money online is not only possible, it can be very profitable. However, in order to be successful making fast money requires different techniques than with a traditional web business. Using a standard web based business model, you develop a website or blog within a certain niche. Then either develop your own product or find related affiliate products and start referring people to those sales pages. The problem with the traditional business is that it requires traffic to work and traffic usually builds slowly over time.
To make money quickly, you need to provide some sort of service that is in demand. Services that lend themselves well to making fast money are:
Good fresh content is always in demand. If you can write short 500 word articles, you can make money very quickly.
Graphics Designer
The ability to develop good graphic representations is always in demand. If you can make eye pleasing ebook covers, box covers, banners, or ads you can easily make money very quickly online.
If you can write good copy that sells, you can make a lot of money quite quickly. These skills are in high demand.
Web Designer
If you can put together attractive websites that sell, your services are in high demand and you will find it very easy to make good money.
So, assuming that you have one of these (or one of many other skills) how do you go about making fast money? Go to the large forums like Warrior Forum or Digital Point. Search for threads that are related to you field of expertise. Many times you will see postings by people who are looking for the service that you provide. Reply to these threads with an offer to perform your service. Do not put any specifics in your reply, ask the individual to send you a private message regarding the details.
If no one has posted threads requesting your services, post your comment telling people about the services that you can perform. These techniques have made me a lot of money and I’m sure that they will work for you.
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To make money quickly, you need to provide some sort of service that is in demand. Services that lend themselves well to making fast money are:
Good fresh content is always in demand. If you can write short 500 word articles, you can make money very quickly.
Graphics Designer
The ability to develop good graphic representations is always in demand. If you can make eye pleasing ebook covers, box covers, banners, or ads you can easily make money very quickly online.
If you can write good copy that sells, you can make a lot of money quite quickly. These skills are in high demand.
Web Designer
If you can put together attractive websites that sell, your services are in high demand and you will find it very easy to make good money.
So, assuming that you have one of these (or one of many other skills) how do you go about making fast money? Go to the large forums like Warrior Forum or Digital Point. Search for threads that are related to you field of expertise. Many times you will see postings by people who are looking for the service that you provide. Reply to these threads with an offer to perform your service. Do not put any specifics in your reply, ask the individual to send you a private message regarding the details.
If no one has posted threads requesting your services, post your comment telling people about the services that you can perform. These techniques have made me a lot of money and I’m sure that they will work for you.
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Friday, May 16, 2008
How To Build An Online Business That Grows Exponentially
By committing time and effort into your online business, you will begin to see some profits. As those profits begin to build, what should you do with this money? Many people blow all their profits by celebrating. This may be lots of fun, but it is no way to run a successful business.
To make sure your business is still around next year and the year after that, there are smarter uses for today’s profits. A wiser course of action is to reinvest a portion of those profits back into your business. By using a consistent system of reinvesting your profits, you can grow your business exponentially! Until you are making several thousand dollars a month, you should invest at least half of your online profits in your business. But how can that money be put to best use? Focus on the core methods that make you money and spend money in those areas.
1. If the bulk of your profits are generated through your list of subscribers, commit some of that money toward increasing the size of your list. Use advertising to generate interest and increase the size of your list. Research the major list companies and buy targeted leads or subscribers. There are many companies that offer this service, take advantage of them.
2. If your profits are the result of article marketing efforts, outsource some article writing. Contract to have articles written every month. If you had been submitting one article a day, outsourcing may enable you to double that production. By doubling your efforts, you will make more money next month and the month after that.
3. If advertising is the main reason for your profits, increase your ad budget. Place larger ads or run them more frequently. Then begin running ads in additional ezines or websites. If advertising is how you generated your initial profits, more ads will most likely lead to increased profits.
Why not reinvest in your business by using all three of the methods above. The more you reinvest into your business, the faster your business will grow. And with a consistent pattern of reinvesting profits, you may be able to grow your business exponentially!
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To make sure your business is still around next year and the year after that, there are smarter uses for today’s profits. A wiser course of action is to reinvest a portion of those profits back into your business. By using a consistent system of reinvesting your profits, you can grow your business exponentially! Until you are making several thousand dollars a month, you should invest at least half of your online profits in your business. But how can that money be put to best use? Focus on the core methods that make you money and spend money in those areas.
1. If the bulk of your profits are generated through your list of subscribers, commit some of that money toward increasing the size of your list. Use advertising to generate interest and increase the size of your list. Research the major list companies and buy targeted leads or subscribers. There are many companies that offer this service, take advantage of them.
2. If your profits are the result of article marketing efforts, outsource some article writing. Contract to have articles written every month. If you had been submitting one article a day, outsourcing may enable you to double that production. By doubling your efforts, you will make more money next month and the month after that.
3. If advertising is the main reason for your profits, increase your ad budget. Place larger ads or run them more frequently. Then begin running ads in additional ezines or websites. If advertising is how you generated your initial profits, more ads will most likely lead to increased profits.
Why not reinvest in your business by using all three of the methods above. The more you reinvest into your business, the faster your business will grow. And with a consistent pattern of reinvesting profits, you may be able to grow your business exponentially!
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How To Turn Articles Into Backlink Generating Machines
There are many benefits to article marketing. One of the most important advantages is the number of backlinks that your articles can generate. Backlinks are one of the ways that the search engines determine the importance of your site. Sites that are most important show up on page one when someone searches. Sites deemed to be less important show up on the pages that follow. A page one search result on Google can significantly increase your traffic, while a page 237 listing is absolutely worthless. To increase the importance of your site, develop backlinks.
One of the best, easiest, and least expensive ways to generate backlinks is through article marketing. A good article can generate hundreds of valuable backlinks. However, the technique to generate backlinks is different than writing articles for income.
Articles written to maximize income should contain one or more text links in the body of your article for maximum exposure. These links pop out at the viewer and almost compel him to click. Articles written for backlinks should never include any type of link in the body. Webmasters who might otherwise publish your article, will not publish content that contains links in the body. Most webmasters want your links confined to the author’s resource box.
Another important factor to maximize backlinks is the number of links in your resource box. Your article will get the most exposure if it contains just one link back to the main page of your website.
One final technique to consider is the articles directories that you submit to. When writing for income you should submit your articles to the largest 20 or 25 sites. However, to generate backlinks, you need to submit your article to as many directories as possible. Doing this manually can be quite time consuming. Using some type of article submission software is ideal for submitting articles for backlinks.
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One of the best, easiest, and least expensive ways to generate backlinks is through article marketing. A good article can generate hundreds of valuable backlinks. However, the technique to generate backlinks is different than writing articles for income.
Articles written to maximize income should contain one or more text links in the body of your article for maximum exposure. These links pop out at the viewer and almost compel him to click. Articles written for backlinks should never include any type of link in the body. Webmasters who might otherwise publish your article, will not publish content that contains links in the body. Most webmasters want your links confined to the author’s resource box.
Another important factor to maximize backlinks is the number of links in your resource box. Your article will get the most exposure if it contains just one link back to the main page of your website.
One final technique to consider is the articles directories that you submit to. When writing for income you should submit your articles to the largest 20 or 25 sites. However, to generate backlinks, you need to submit your article to as many directories as possible. Doing this manually can be quite time consuming. Using some type of article submission software is ideal for submitting articles for backlinks.
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Thursday, May 15, 2008
How To Get Some Extra Money Every Month
Money is an important aspect of our daily lives. Ideally, you should spend less than you earn and get some extra money every month. Unfortunately, using credit cards, some people spend more than they make and this can lead to financial problems.
But it is easier than you think to cut a few corners and get some extra money every month. Here are some easy tips to help you cut back on those expenses.
First of all, you need to stop using your credit cards unless it is for an emergency. And no, a new purse is not considered an emergency.
You can save a lot of money on your grocery bill. Use coupons and shop at stores that offer double or even triple coupon deals. Whenever possible, buy items in bulk. Eliminate the purchase of all junk food and pre-packaged meals. Although it is more time consuming to make meals from scratch, it is much healthier for you and your family and it is significantly less expensive. This can save you $100 each month.
Consider carpooling. With the price rising daily, there are bound to others in your workplace that would be interested in saving money on gas. Post a flyer in your place of business advertising the fact that you are interested in carpooling. This could cut your gasoline expenses in half. And with the price of gas, it could be a substantial amount.
Do you buy coffee, candy or snacks every day while at work? By eliminating these expenses or cutting them back to once a week, you can easily save $50 a month.
Try bringing your lunch to work and pack a lunch for the children. This one change can result in savings of $150 or more.
When was the last time you were at your local library? The services offered there are completely free; take advantage of them! In addition to best selling novels, most libraries now offer DVD’s, magazines, and children’s books. Becoming a regular library patron can save you a fair amount of money.
By following just a few of the tips above you can save several hundred dollars each month. Check out my newest ebook for all the details on reducing expenses and putting money in your pocket every month!
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But it is easier than you think to cut a few corners and get some extra money every month. Here are some easy tips to help you cut back on those expenses.
First of all, you need to stop using your credit cards unless it is for an emergency. And no, a new purse is not considered an emergency.
You can save a lot of money on your grocery bill. Use coupons and shop at stores that offer double or even triple coupon deals. Whenever possible, buy items in bulk. Eliminate the purchase of all junk food and pre-packaged meals. Although it is more time consuming to make meals from scratch, it is much healthier for you and your family and it is significantly less expensive. This can save you $100 each month.
Consider carpooling. With the price rising daily, there are bound to others in your workplace that would be interested in saving money on gas. Post a flyer in your place of business advertising the fact that you are interested in carpooling. This could cut your gasoline expenses in half. And with the price of gas, it could be a substantial amount.
Do you buy coffee, candy or snacks every day while at work? By eliminating these expenses or cutting them back to once a week, you can easily save $50 a month.
Try bringing your lunch to work and pack a lunch for the children. This one change can result in savings of $150 or more.
When was the last time you were at your local library? The services offered there are completely free; take advantage of them! In addition to best selling novels, most libraries now offer DVD’s, magazines, and children’s books. Becoming a regular library patron can save you a fair amount of money.
By following just a few of the tips above you can save several hundred dollars each month. Check out my newest ebook for all the details on reducing expenses and putting money in your pocket every month!
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You CAN Make Money Online If You Know How
Using the Internet, there are great opportunities to earn money online. In order to get started, you have to determine what type of skills you have. Do you write reasonably well? Are you artistic? Are you a good typist? Do you take good pictures? There are millions of talents that can bring you extra money on the computer. Spend some time brainstorming and you can probably list a large number of services that you can perform online. You are only limited by your imagination. However, don’t be discouraged if you have no exceptional talents, even those with no skills can make money online
Next you need to determine how much time you can commit to your online business. You can make money online by spending as little as an hour or two a week online. However, you should keep in mind that the more time you commit, the more money you can make.
After you have outlined the amount of time you can commit, you need to determine how much money you would like to make online. Be realistic, if you can only spend ten minutes a day, don’t expect to make $5,000 dollars a month. In most cases, the mount of money that you make online will be related to the amount of time that you spend on your business.
Using the skills you outlined above, you should put together a plan of action. If you didn’t list any skills above, you can still make money online. For instance, you can fill out surveys and make $20 to $50 dollars each month. Do a search for paid surveys to locate companies in this field.
Another way to make money that requires no skill is selling items on Ebay. Millions of people worldwide use Ebay to make extra money each month. Used items sell quite well. You can get started by cleaning out your garage or attic and listing those items for sale. One word of caution here, before selling an item, determine how much it costs to ship an item. And when you list an item for sale, indicate that the buyer will pay the shipping charges.
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Next you need to determine how much time you can commit to your online business. You can make money online by spending as little as an hour or two a week online. However, you should keep in mind that the more time you commit, the more money you can make.
After you have outlined the amount of time you can commit, you need to determine how much money you would like to make online. Be realistic, if you can only spend ten minutes a day, don’t expect to make $5,000 dollars a month. In most cases, the mount of money that you make online will be related to the amount of time that you spend on your business.
Using the skills you outlined above, you should put together a plan of action. If you didn’t list any skills above, you can still make money online. For instance, you can fill out surveys and make $20 to $50 dollars each month. Do a search for paid surveys to locate companies in this field.
Another way to make money that requires no skill is selling items on Ebay. Millions of people worldwide use Ebay to make extra money each month. Used items sell quite well. You can get started by cleaning out your garage or attic and listing those items for sale. One word of caution here, before selling an item, determine how much it costs to ship an item. And when you list an item for sale, indicate that the buyer will pay the shipping charges.
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Wednesday, May 14, 2008
How To Develop A Money Making Affiliate Business
Millions of online entrepreneurs use affiliate programs as part of their business plan. Unfortunately, only about 20% of them make any money at all. Successful affiliate marketing isn't always easy to achieve. In fact, it's not easy at all. But, if you follow a few basic rules you can increase you chances of achieving success with affiliate products. Here are a few tips to make money as a successful affiliate marketer:
Product Research
Successful affiliate marketing starts out with good research. Determine which affiliate products are most relevant to your niche. Only consider products that are closely related to the content on your site.
Sales Research
Look for products that are selling well. Some affiliate products generate less than 10 total sales per month. If you are recommending one of those products, you will find it very difficult to make money. Determine which products are the most popular and promote those items.
Sales Page Research
Visit the sales page of products that you are considering. Is it compelling? Does it intrigue you to buy it? Are there convincing testimonials? View the sales page with a critical eye and determine if you would be convinced to buy the product based on the sales page.
Keep Good Records And Be Persistent
Stay with a product long enough to allow it to make money for you. Most products sold online convert about 1% of the visitors into buyers. This means that out of 100 people that you send to a merchant’s sales page, you will only generate one sale. Keep track of how many people you are referring to each item you are promoting. Don’t quit on a product because you haven’t made any sales after sending just 20 people to the website. I once sent 320 people to what I thought was a great affiliate product and made no sales at all. Although disappointed, I stayed with the product. Over the next week, I made 4 sales of that one product. I’m very glad I was persistent and stayed with that item.
By apply these 4 tips you can significantly increase your affiliate income. Are you looking for other ways to make money online? Get my FREE ebook and start making money every day!
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Product Research
Successful affiliate marketing starts out with good research. Determine which affiliate products are most relevant to your niche. Only consider products that are closely related to the content on your site.
Sales Research
Look for products that are selling well. Some affiliate products generate less than 10 total sales per month. If you are recommending one of those products, you will find it very difficult to make money. Determine which products are the most popular and promote those items.
Sales Page Research
Visit the sales page of products that you are considering. Is it compelling? Does it intrigue you to buy it? Are there convincing testimonials? View the sales page with a critical eye and determine if you would be convinced to buy the product based on the sales page.
Keep Good Records And Be Persistent
Stay with a product long enough to allow it to make money for you. Most products sold online convert about 1% of the visitors into buyers. This means that out of 100 people that you send to a merchant’s sales page, you will only generate one sale. Keep track of how many people you are referring to each item you are promoting. Don’t quit on a product because you haven’t made any sales after sending just 20 people to the website. I once sent 320 people to what I thought was a great affiliate product and made no sales at all. Although disappointed, I stayed with the product. Over the next week, I made 4 sales of that one product. I’m very glad I was persistent and stayed with that item.
By apply these 4 tips you can significantly increase your affiliate income. Are you looking for other ways to make money online? Get my FREE ebook and start making money every day!
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4 Steps To Build A Large And Profitable List
A large responsive list is an essential part of any successful Internet business. For the most part, those who make the most money online usually have the largest lists. When you hear that an individual sold $50,000 dollars worth of one product in a single day, you can be certain that these sales were generated through a very large list.
To develop a successful long-term online business, you almost need a large list. Here are several tips to start building your list.
1. You will need and autoresponder. There are many good autoresponder that will take care of all of your list building needs. They will manage your list and send out your emails according to the schedule that you have set up. They will also supply with the code to build an opt in box that captures subscribers’ name and email addresses. GetResponse and Aweber are among the biggest and best known autoresponder in the industry.
2. Develop a good opt in page. This is an important component of any list building campaign. Display your opt-in box prominently. Do not hide it deep within a page so that it is difficult to find. Place it so that it is the first thing people see when they arrive at the page.
3. Provide a great incentive for people to join your list. You will maximize sign ups by offering a free ebook, ecourse, report, or software. Your free give away must be related to your niche.
4. Maintain and take care of your list. Provide them with lots of beneficial information that is related to your niche. Give them a reason to stay on your list and refer others. Send them free bonus items interspersed with recommendations for helpful products. Never send them junk; provide them with the best information and products you can find. Sending out crap is the quickest way to destroy a list.
B using the steps outlined above, you could develop a large, reliable, and high quality list. And who knows, maybe someday we will be reading about how you generated $50,000 worth of sales in one day! Want to learn more about profitable list building? Check out the information below.
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To develop a successful long-term online business, you almost need a large list. Here are several tips to start building your list.
1. You will need and autoresponder. There are many good autoresponder that will take care of all of your list building needs. They will manage your list and send out your emails according to the schedule that you have set up. They will also supply with the code to build an opt in box that captures subscribers’ name and email addresses. GetResponse and Aweber are among the biggest and best known autoresponder in the industry.
2. Develop a good opt in page. This is an important component of any list building campaign. Display your opt-in box prominently. Do not hide it deep within a page so that it is difficult to find. Place it so that it is the first thing people see when they arrive at the page.
3. Provide a great incentive for people to join your list. You will maximize sign ups by offering a free ebook, ecourse, report, or software. Your free give away must be related to your niche.
4. Maintain and take care of your list. Provide them with lots of beneficial information that is related to your niche. Give them a reason to stay on your list and refer others. Send them free bonus items interspersed with recommendations for helpful products. Never send them junk; provide them with the best information and products you can find. Sending out crap is the quickest way to destroy a list.
B using the steps outlined above, you could develop a large, reliable, and high quality list. And who knows, maybe someday we will be reading about how you generated $50,000 worth of sales in one day! Want to learn more about profitable list building? Check out the information below.
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Tuesday, May 13, 2008
How To Get A Top 10 Listing In Google And Make Big Money
One of the most coveted positions online is a top ten search rating by Google. Unfortunately, Google keeps the algorithms it uses to determine website ranking a closely guarded secret. However, there are some techniques that are thought to work reasonably well. Of course, these algorithms are changed on a regular basis so that savvy entrepreneurs can’t easily uncover them.
Having your site listed in the top ten search listings can catapult your online business to a whole new level. It is thought that the number of backlinks pointing to your site is an important criterion to consider your site’s relative importance. And the more important your site, the higher your search rank listing.
An easy way to generate backlinks is through article marketing. The best way to generate those coveted backlinks is to submit your articles to hundreds of article directories. This is a very difficult and time-consuming task if you do it by hand. But the job can be handled in a relatively short time if you have a good article submission program.
Another way to get good search engine rankings is by submitting your site to hundreds of web directories, both paid and free. This can also be a very time consuming process. However, to speed up the process, you can use a paid service to do the job for you. There are many services online that perform this service.
Using these two techniques can result in tens of thousands of links pointing to your site. And with this many links, you are almost assured of getting a great search engine ranking. So get busy and start submitting while we think that submission technique works!
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Having your site listed in the top ten search listings can catapult your online business to a whole new level. It is thought that the number of backlinks pointing to your site is an important criterion to consider your site’s relative importance. And the more important your site, the higher your search rank listing.
An easy way to generate backlinks is through article marketing. The best way to generate those coveted backlinks is to submit your articles to hundreds of article directories. This is a very difficult and time-consuming task if you do it by hand. But the job can be handled in a relatively short time if you have a good article submission program.
Another way to get good search engine rankings is by submitting your site to hundreds of web directories, both paid and free. This can also be a very time consuming process. However, to speed up the process, you can use a paid service to do the job for you. There are many services online that perform this service.
Using these two techniques can result in tens of thousands of links pointing to your site. And with this many links, you are almost assured of getting a great search engine ranking. So get busy and start submitting while we think that submission technique works!
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7 Easy Steps To Reduce Your Monthly Expenses By $700
Millions of people worldwide have financial problems brought on by over-spending and credit card debt. Many times this situation can be corrected by reducing your expenses. Most people are surprised at the amount of money that they can save by cutting back some of their expenses. If you find yourself in the situation, try some of the techniques below to reduce your expenses and put some money in your pocket.
1. Meals purchased outside the home
If you work or have school aged children, you can save a great deal of money by packing lunches. The average family spends over $200 per month on restaurant or take-out meals. By packing lunch every day, you can easily save $150.
2. Subscriptions
Cancel newspaper subscriptions and get your daily news online and from the television. Cancel magazine subscriptions and you can read many of your favorite magazines at your local library and save $8 a month.
3. TV
Are you really watching all those premium channels on TV? Cancel those expensive premium channels and try roughing it by watching the basic TV package. This can save you $40 each month.
4. Grocery shopping
You can save a lot here. Shop at the discount stores and whenever possible and buy items in bulk. Use coupons whenever possible and eliminate all junk food and pre-packaged meals. Although it is somewhat time consuming to make meals from scratch, it is much healthier for you and it is considerably cheaper. This can save you $100 each month.
5. Telephones
Many people today are reducing their phone bills by eliminating their land lines and keeping their cell phones. Save about $40 with this move.
6. Entertainment
Just because we are reducing expenses doesn’t mean that we have to sit home and vegetate. Remember, the best things in life are free. Read a best seller (that you get for free from the local library). The library also has other resources that you can take advantage of; most larger libraries offer free DVD rentals. So when you get tired of reading all those books from the library, check out a couple DVD’s. This can save you $150 a month.
7. Memberships
I never said this was going to be fun or easy. Terminate your gym, golf, any other clubs you have. Get your daily exercise by walking, running, hiking, or biking. This can save you at least $200 a month.
We’ve only completed the first seven steps and already you’ve saved almost $700 a month. Just wait and see how much you’ll save by the time we get to step 20!
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1. Meals purchased outside the home
If you work or have school aged children, you can save a great deal of money by packing lunches. The average family spends over $200 per month on restaurant or take-out meals. By packing lunch every day, you can easily save $150.
2. Subscriptions
Cancel newspaper subscriptions and get your daily news online and from the television. Cancel magazine subscriptions and you can read many of your favorite magazines at your local library and save $8 a month.
3. TV
Are you really watching all those premium channels on TV? Cancel those expensive premium channels and try roughing it by watching the basic TV package. This can save you $40 each month.
4. Grocery shopping
You can save a lot here. Shop at the discount stores and whenever possible and buy items in bulk. Use coupons whenever possible and eliminate all junk food and pre-packaged meals. Although it is somewhat time consuming to make meals from scratch, it is much healthier for you and it is considerably cheaper. This can save you $100 each month.
5. Telephones
Many people today are reducing their phone bills by eliminating their land lines and keeping their cell phones. Save about $40 with this move.
6. Entertainment
Just because we are reducing expenses doesn’t mean that we have to sit home and vegetate. Remember, the best things in life are free. Read a best seller (that you get for free from the local library). The library also has other resources that you can take advantage of; most larger libraries offer free DVD rentals. So when you get tired of reading all those books from the library, check out a couple DVD’s. This can save you $150 a month.
7. Memberships
I never said this was going to be fun or easy. Terminate your gym, golf, any other clubs you have. Get your daily exercise by walking, running, hiking, or biking. This can save you at least $200 a month.
We’ve only completed the first seven steps and already you’ve saved almost $700 a month. Just wait and see how much you’ll save by the time we get to step 20!
Check out my newest ebook for the details on how to reduce expenses and put money in your pocket!
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Blogging To Make Money Every Day
Blogs have become very popular because of their ease of use. In fact, millions of people online have blogs. And many of those bloggers monetize their sites and they are making money every day. If you have been having trouble making money with your blog, here are a few tips to get you in the black.
The first thing to do is to choose a topic that you are passionate about. This is very important because to be successful, you need to contribute a lot of content. Make sure the focus of your site is not too narrow. If your passion is ice fishing in the Canadian backwoods, develop a blog about fishing in general. The fishing niche is about 10,000 times as large for fishing than it is for ice fishing in the Canadian backwoods. (It’s just an estimate, I didn’t do a search.) The point is, find a topic that you, and lots of others are interested in so you can develop plenty of traffic.
After you have begun to add content to your blog, you need to add some stuff that can make you money. Start out with Google Adsense. It is very easy to use and requires no maintenance after you set it up. After you register and are approved by Google, they will provide with the code to put on your site. Almost immediately targeted ads will be posted to your site. It is important that the ads are targeted to your niche. Not many fishing enthusiasts will click on an ad for high fashion evening gowns. Google ensures that all of the ads that they place on your site are closely related to your content.
Include some advertising for other related products. Register as an affiliate with Commission Junction and Clickbank and search for a few related products. Place ads for these products in prominent places where people can easily see them. The best places to put ads are next to, above and just below your content.
The last thing you need to do is generate traffic and acquire readers. This is the part that people have the most trouble with. Although detailed traffic generation techniques are not be discussed in this article, there is a great deal of information written on the subject and you can find it by doing a search.
Make sure you add fresh content to your blog on a regular basis to keep traffic coming back. Using the techniques above, you can establish a blog that can make money every day.
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The first thing to do is to choose a topic that you are passionate about. This is very important because to be successful, you need to contribute a lot of content. Make sure the focus of your site is not too narrow. If your passion is ice fishing in the Canadian backwoods, develop a blog about fishing in general. The fishing niche is about 10,000 times as large for fishing than it is for ice fishing in the Canadian backwoods. (It’s just an estimate, I didn’t do a search.) The point is, find a topic that you, and lots of others are interested in so you can develop plenty of traffic.
After you have begun to add content to your blog, you need to add some stuff that can make you money. Start out with Google Adsense. It is very easy to use and requires no maintenance after you set it up. After you register and are approved by Google, they will provide with the code to put on your site. Almost immediately targeted ads will be posted to your site. It is important that the ads are targeted to your niche. Not many fishing enthusiasts will click on an ad for high fashion evening gowns. Google ensures that all of the ads that they place on your site are closely related to your content.
Include some advertising for other related products. Register as an affiliate with Commission Junction and Clickbank and search for a few related products. Place ads for these products in prominent places where people can easily see them. The best places to put ads are next to, above and just below your content.
The last thing you need to do is generate traffic and acquire readers. This is the part that people have the most trouble with. Although detailed traffic generation techniques are not be discussed in this article, there is a great deal of information written on the subject and you can find it by doing a search.
Make sure you add fresh content to your blog on a regular basis to keep traffic coming back. Using the techniques above, you can establish a blog that can make money every day.
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Monday, May 12, 2008
How To Create Your First Money Making Website For Free
I recommend that people use free techniques if you are just starting an online business. Too many people spend their last dollar on buying a domain, setting up a paid autoresponder, and arranging for paid web hosting only to find out that an online business is not for them. A better solution is to begin using free tools and switch over to paid services once you begin to see some success.
The first thing you need to arrange is a place to host your site. I have found that most beginners are better off using a free blog to start out. Using a blog, you do not need to know any specialized computer languages like html. Entering content to a blog is as easy as using a word processor.
1. Start out by registering for a blog at the WordPress dot com. It is free and very easy to do. You also get loads of features: they offer dozens of attractive templates and allow you to provide information, articles, photos and videos on your site. It is an all in one solution that is absolutely free.
2. When you first enter the WordPress site, click on sign-in. Then create a user name. This will become part of the name of your blog so put some real thought into it. Make sure it is relevant to the subject of your blog. Next fill in the information they request, your email address, and agree to the legal stuff.
3. Click on ‘Gimme A Blog!' WordPress will do all the work to create your blog. You can then proceed to the next page.
4. On the next page you will see your domain name. It will consist of yourblogname dot WordPress dot com. If this is your first site, copy the URL into note pad and save it in a file in your computer so you won’t forget it. This domain name is how you, the search engines, and your visitors will access your blog.
5. Consider a related title for your blog. This title will appear in the header on every page, so choose it carefully.
6. Relax and pat yourself on the back, you have just completed setting up your first money making website.
7. After you have completed the details in your activation email from WordPress, you can begin blogging (and making some money). And the best part: It didn’t cost you a dime!
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The first thing you need to arrange is a place to host your site. I have found that most beginners are better off using a free blog to start out. Using a blog, you do not need to know any specialized computer languages like html. Entering content to a blog is as easy as using a word processor.
1. Start out by registering for a blog at the WordPress dot com. It is free and very easy to do. You also get loads of features: they offer dozens of attractive templates and allow you to provide information, articles, photos and videos on your site. It is an all in one solution that is absolutely free.
2. When you first enter the WordPress site, click on sign-in. Then create a user name. This will become part of the name of your blog so put some real thought into it. Make sure it is relevant to the subject of your blog. Next fill in the information they request, your email address, and agree to the legal stuff.
3. Click on ‘Gimme A Blog!' WordPress will do all the work to create your blog. You can then proceed to the next page.
4. On the next page you will see your domain name. It will consist of yourblogname dot WordPress dot com. If this is your first site, copy the URL into note pad and save it in a file in your computer so you won’t forget it. This domain name is how you, the search engines, and your visitors will access your blog.
5. Consider a related title for your blog. This title will appear in the header on every page, so choose it carefully.
6. Relax and pat yourself on the back, you have just completed setting up your first money making website.
7. After you have completed the details in your activation email from WordPress, you can begin blogging (and making some money). And the best part: It didn’t cost you a dime!
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3 Tips To Make Money Writing Articles
If you can write a short 300 to 500 word article, you can make money online. In fact, you can make a lot of money. Every Web site provides some type of information posted online, otherwise, there is no pointing having a site. Most savvy web masters are always on the lookout for fresh content to attract the search engines and bring in traffic. If you can supply this type of fresh article content, you can earn a very nice online income.
Each article you write can earn anywhere from $5 to $100. As you can see, the more articles you write, the more money you will make. Some writers are very prolific and can write 20 to 30 articles a day. If you can only write one or two a day, don’t worry; speed will come as you practice your skill.
There are three basic methods that you can use to start your article business.
1. You can write articles at any of the out-sourcing sites. To find these sites, do a search for ghostwriters. Using this method, you are almost certain to make some money, but it is not the best way to get well-paid writing assignments.
2. Another easy way is to develop your own Web site to promote your article-writing services. Promote your site by writing articles. Submit your articles to the largest submission sites. Include a resource box that promotes your site and includes a link. In a relatively short time, you'll begin to get article assignments and make money.
3. If you don’t have a web site, you can promote your article writing talents at some of the large major forums like Warrior Forum and Digital Point. Develop a signature file that promotes your article writing abilities. Look for posts related to articles and comment on these threads. Enter your own posts relating to your article business and within a short time, you will generate more business than you can handle.
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Each article you write can earn anywhere from $5 to $100. As you can see, the more articles you write, the more money you will make. Some writers are very prolific and can write 20 to 30 articles a day. If you can only write one or two a day, don’t worry; speed will come as you practice your skill.
There are three basic methods that you can use to start your article business.
1. You can write articles at any of the out-sourcing sites. To find these sites, do a search for ghostwriters. Using this method, you are almost certain to make some money, but it is not the best way to get well-paid writing assignments.
2. Another easy way is to develop your own Web site to promote your article-writing services. Promote your site by writing articles. Submit your articles to the largest submission sites. Include a resource box that promotes your site and includes a link. In a relatively short time, you'll begin to get article assignments and make money.
3. If you don’t have a web site, you can promote your article writing talents at some of the large major forums like Warrior Forum and Digital Point. Develop a signature file that promotes your article writing abilities. Look for posts related to articles and comment on these threads. Enter your own posts relating to your article business and within a short time, you will generate more business than you can handle.
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Saturday, May 10, 2008
Affiliate Marketing Secrets To Earn Big Money Every Month
There are many successful affiliate marketers who earn incomes in excess of $200,000 every month. The fact is, most successful entrepreneurs earning this kind of money use secret techniques. Discover some of the secrets of the most successful affiliate marketing professionals and how they earn those huge sums.
One of the most important factors to make serious affiliate money is selecting the right programs. Your affiliate products must be laser targeted to the content, not only on your site, but to the information on the particular page where you feature it. By laser targeting the placement of your ads, you will maximize sales because you know that everyone visiting that page will have an interest in the product you are promoting there.
Before promoting any program, you should know the particulars on the people who are visiting that promotion page. How are they finding the page; are they using search engines? If so, which keywords are they searching on and where are they coming from. Are they finding your site from article directories? If so, which articles are they clicking from?
Most affiliate marketers will not go into this type of detail in the course of their research. But that is what makes the difference between a super affiliate and an ordinary one.
One final technique that the most successful entrepreneurs use is email. Most of them have very large lists that they solicit on a regular basis. In addition, they will initiate joint venture programs with others who are super successful. Although this option may not be available to you, you should begin to build a list if you don’t already have one.
The most successful individuals also use multi-tier programs. These are programs that pay you a standard affiliate commission for any sales that you make, and pay you additional commissions for the sales of those you bring into the program. Some of the ultra big producers have brought thousands of people into multi-tier programs. When you have that many people under you, you can earn massive checks from the program.
Begin using these techniques and you too may one day join the ranks of these super producers and earn hundreds of thousands each month.
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One of the most important factors to make serious affiliate money is selecting the right programs. Your affiliate products must be laser targeted to the content, not only on your site, but to the information on the particular page where you feature it. By laser targeting the placement of your ads, you will maximize sales because you know that everyone visiting that page will have an interest in the product you are promoting there.
Before promoting any program, you should know the particulars on the people who are visiting that promotion page. How are they finding the page; are they using search engines? If so, which keywords are they searching on and where are they coming from. Are they finding your site from article directories? If so, which articles are they clicking from?
Most affiliate marketers will not go into this type of detail in the course of their research. But that is what makes the difference between a super affiliate and an ordinary one.
One final technique that the most successful entrepreneurs use is email. Most of them have very large lists that they solicit on a regular basis. In addition, they will initiate joint venture programs with others who are super successful. Although this option may not be available to you, you should begin to build a list if you don’t already have one.
The most successful individuals also use multi-tier programs. These are programs that pay you a standard affiliate commission for any sales that you make, and pay you additional commissions for the sales of those you bring into the program. Some of the ultra big producers have brought thousands of people into multi-tier programs. When you have that many people under you, you can earn massive checks from the program.
Begin using these techniques and you too may one day join the ranks of these super producers and earn hundreds of thousands each month.
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Friday, May 9, 2008
Designing A Good Budget For An Early Retirement
A household budget is an important tool to make it easier to manage and control your family's finances. As with any important tool, you should have your budget writing. Many people say that they keep a budget in their head, but that never really works. Keeping your budget in a spreadsheet or written on paper is absolutely necessary if you really intend to use it. A comprehensive budget is an extremely important tool that allows you manage the family finances.
It is significant to keep a good attitude about your budget and do not view it negatively. Focus ion the advantages that it provides you with now and into the future. A well-designed budget should include money for entertainment as well as necessities. This goes a long way in allowing you to enjoy life as you save money while preventing you from living beyond your means.
When planning a budget it is important to consider all of the income and expenses within your household. Your budget should start as an outline to get a rough idea of what your expenses are. Make sure you include all of your expenses. If you stop on the way to work to buy coffee, include it in your budget outline. Don’t forget to add in an amount for savings each month. At this point, your budget is not set it in stone.
After you have included all of the information in your preliminary budget, go through it and determine what your totals are. Have you allocated enough to savings? Are there areas where you need to cut back or add in addition money? These are all questions that need to be answered before you finalize your budget. After you are satisfied with all of the numbers you have a completed budget.
The numbers you have in your budget are firm. Do not deviate from them. If you allocated 200 dollars for monthly entertainment and you blew the entire amount on the first Friday, too bad! You’ll have to watch TV, or read books for the rest of the month. But that is the value of a budget; it keeps you focused on the things that are important; like a comfortable retirement, or the kids’ college expenses. By planning your budget wisely, you can accomplish all of these things and still maintain a good quality of life.
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It is significant to keep a good attitude about your budget and do not view it negatively. Focus ion the advantages that it provides you with now and into the future. A well-designed budget should include money for entertainment as well as necessities. This goes a long way in allowing you to enjoy life as you save money while preventing you from living beyond your means.
When planning a budget it is important to consider all of the income and expenses within your household. Your budget should start as an outline to get a rough idea of what your expenses are. Make sure you include all of your expenses. If you stop on the way to work to buy coffee, include it in your budget outline. Don’t forget to add in an amount for savings each month. At this point, your budget is not set it in stone.
After you have included all of the information in your preliminary budget, go through it and determine what your totals are. Have you allocated enough to savings? Are there areas where you need to cut back or add in addition money? These are all questions that need to be answered before you finalize your budget. After you are satisfied with all of the numbers you have a completed budget.
The numbers you have in your budget are firm. Do not deviate from them. If you allocated 200 dollars for monthly entertainment and you blew the entire amount on the first Friday, too bad! You’ll have to watch TV, or read books for the rest of the month. But that is the value of a budget; it keeps you focused on the things that are important; like a comfortable retirement, or the kids’ college expenses. By planning your budget wisely, you can accomplish all of these things and still maintain a good quality of life.
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Manage Affiliate Products To Maximize Profits
Regardless of the niche that you participate in, some products sell better than others. This is normal. From a business stand point, you should focus the bulk of your marketing efforts on these profitable items. A common mistake that many new entrepreneurs make is trying to turn a losing product into a money maker. This is one of the quickest ways to lose money and make your business fail. If you, as a business owner, discover that certain products are not making money, your actions will determine the future of your business.
Unfortunately, many new business owners focus on the losing products and neglect their profitable items. This is one of the quickest ways to turn a profitable business into a not-so-profitable one. And it is one of the primary reasons why 80% of people that promote affiliate program are not making meaningful amounts of money.
Successful entrepreneurs concentrate the bulk of their marketing efforts on their most profitable products. If a product is not performing well, replace it with something different. And while you do this, continue to promote your most profitable products.
By using this technique, you can constantly upgrade your line to more profitable products. To be effective, you should constantly track and monitor performance so that you know which products are performing the best. And at least once each quarter, replace the worst performing item in your product line.
If you do this on a consistent basis, profits will grow and your business will continually improve over time. But to do this effectively, you need good tools to monitor performance. You need to know how many page views each product is getting and well as their conversion rates. This information is crucial for any web business. So get busy, monitor product performance, get rid of your losers, and make more money!
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Unfortunately, many new business owners focus on the losing products and neglect their profitable items. This is one of the quickest ways to turn a profitable business into a not-so-profitable one. And it is one of the primary reasons why 80% of people that promote affiliate program are not making meaningful amounts of money.
Successful entrepreneurs concentrate the bulk of their marketing efforts on their most profitable products. If a product is not performing well, replace it with something different. And while you do this, continue to promote your most profitable products.
By using this technique, you can constantly upgrade your line to more profitable products. To be effective, you should constantly track and monitor performance so that you know which products are performing the best. And at least once each quarter, replace the worst performing item in your product line.
If you do this on a consistent basis, profits will grow and your business will continually improve over time. But to do this effectively, you need good tools to monitor performance. You need to know how many page views each product is getting and well as their conversion rates. This information is crucial for any web business. So get busy, monitor product performance, get rid of your losers, and make more money!
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Alternative Affiliate Programs Can Make You Money
Are you trying to make money online? How is it working out? One of the most common methods of making money online is through the use of affiliate programs. However, most people participate in affiliate programs that are offered by the largest affiliate companies. In fact, about 90% of affiliate marketers deal exclusively with the three largest affiliate companies.
Some of the products that are offered by these large companies boast of having several thousand affiliates promoting a single product. While that does indicate that there is a lot of interest for the product, it makes it difficult for the little guy to compete, especially if he is just starting out. So as you can see, the competition for some of these products offered by the large affiliate companies is fierce.
As an alternative, perhaps you should consider promoting products that are offered through some of the smaller affiliate companies. These companies frequently offer products that are not carried elsewhere. This means that you will encounter less competition. However, it also means that you will have to promote the product more heavily, as it may not be as well known.
A great listing for some of the smaller affiliate companies can be found at affiliateseeking dot com. This site is a great source of information for affiliates. They offer categories for Affiliate Networks, 2 Tier Programs, Pay Per Lead programs, and Multi Tier programs along with a number of others.
This is an excellent affiliate resource site. If you haven’t been doing quite as well as you expected with affiliate products, check them out. Better yet, why don’t you use products from both sources. Continue promoting your existing large company affiliate products and add in a few from these alternative sources. That way, you can determine which category performs best for you.
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Some of the products that are offered by these large companies boast of having several thousand affiliates promoting a single product. While that does indicate that there is a lot of interest for the product, it makes it difficult for the little guy to compete, especially if he is just starting out. So as you can see, the competition for some of these products offered by the large affiliate companies is fierce.
As an alternative, perhaps you should consider promoting products that are offered through some of the smaller affiliate companies. These companies frequently offer products that are not carried elsewhere. This means that you will encounter less competition. However, it also means that you will have to promote the product more heavily, as it may not be as well known.
A great listing for some of the smaller affiliate companies can be found at affiliateseeking dot com. This site is a great source of information for affiliates. They offer categories for Affiliate Networks, 2 Tier Programs, Pay Per Lead programs, and Multi Tier programs along with a number of others.
This is an excellent affiliate resource site. If you haven’t been doing quite as well as you expected with affiliate products, check them out. Better yet, why don’t you use products from both sources. Continue promoting your existing large company affiliate products and add in a few from these alternative sources. That way, you can determine which category performs best for you.
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