There are many benefits to article marketing. One of the most important advantages is the number of backlinks that your articles can generate. Backlinks are one of the ways that the search engines determine the importance of your site. Sites that are most important show up on page one when someone searches. Sites deemed to be less important show up on the pages that follow. A page one search result on Google can significantly increase your traffic, while a page 237 listing is absolutely worthless. To increase the importance of your site, develop backlinks.
One of the best, easiest, and least expensive ways to generate backlinks is through article marketing. A good article can generate hundreds of valuable backlinks. However, the technique to generate backlinks is different than writing articles for income.
Articles written to maximize income should contain one or more text links in the body of your article for maximum exposure. These links pop out at the viewer and almost compel him to click. Articles written for backlinks should never include any type of link in the body. Webmasters who might otherwise publish your article, will not publish content that contains links in the body. Most webmasters want your links confined to the author’s resource box.
Another important factor to maximize backlinks is the number of links in your resource box. Your article will get the most exposure if it contains just one link back to the main page of your website.
One final technique to consider is the articles directories that you submit to. When writing for income you should submit your articles to the largest 20 or 25 sites. However, to generate backlinks, you need to submit your article to as many directories as possible. Doing this manually can be quite time consuming. Using some type of article submission software is ideal for submitting articles for backlinks.
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