Millions of people worldwide have financial problems brought on by over-spending and credit card debt. Many times this situation can be corrected by reducing your expenses. Most people are surprised at the amount of money that they can save by cutting back some of their expenses. If you find yourself in the situation, try some of the techniques below to reduce your expenses and put some money in your pocket.
1. Meals purchased outside the home
If you work or have school aged children, you can save a great deal of money by packing lunches. The average family spends over $200 per month on restaurant or take-out meals. By packing lunch every day, you can easily save $150.
2. Subscriptions
Cancel newspaper subscriptions and get your daily news online and from the television. Cancel magazine subscriptions and you can read many of your favorite magazines at your local library and save $8 a month.
3. TV
Are you really watching all those premium channels on TV? Cancel those expensive premium channels and try roughing it by watching the basic TV package. This can save you $40 each month.
4. Grocery shopping
You can save a lot here. Shop at the discount stores and whenever possible and buy items in bulk. Use coupons whenever possible and eliminate all junk food and pre-packaged meals. Although it is somewhat time consuming to make meals from scratch, it is much healthier for you and it is considerably cheaper. This can save you $100 each month.
5. Telephones
Many people today are reducing their phone bills by eliminating their land lines and keeping their cell phones. Save about $40 with this move.
6. Entertainment
Just because we are reducing expenses doesn’t mean that we have to sit home and vegetate. Remember, the best things in life are free. Read a best seller (that you get for free from the local library). The library also has other resources that you can take advantage of; most larger libraries offer free DVD rentals. So when you get tired of reading all those books from the library, check out a couple DVD’s. This can save you $150 a month.
7. Memberships
I never said this was going to be fun or easy. Terminate your gym, golf, any other clubs you have. Get your daily exercise by walking, running, hiking, or biking. This can save you at least $200 a month.
We’ve only completed the first seven steps and already you’ve saved almost $700 a month. Just wait and see how much you’ll save by the time we get to step 20!
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