Thursday, May 29, 2008

How To Get Massive Traffic And Turn It Into Huge Profits!

Traffic is important for the survival of any online Business. The question is; how do you increase your traffic so that you have the opportunity to make huge profits. Without traffic, there is no online business. Ads are not clicked, your sales pages lay dormant, and there are no profits. You need profits to run any type of business successfully. The best way to develop ongoing traffic is through the search engines. Following a little known tactic that I’ve used to attract those search engines.

To get massive traffic, you need to get the attention of the largest search engines. Article marketing is a very effective technique to develop this type of organic traffic. However, there’s one problem with this tactic. If you submit your article to large article submission directories in addition to placing it on your own website, the article will be flagged as duplicate content. In this case, your article will appear in search results only for the sites with the highest Page Rank. This means that the article you place on your own site will not appear in the search results.

However, there is a way around this. To get your website’s article to show up in search engine listings, you must rewrite it before placing it on your site. By changing the wording of your article and changing the title, search engines will see it as an entirely different article and will show it in search result listings.

Although it is not always possible, you can frequently get the articles you place on your website on page one of search engine results. Using these tactics, you can generate massive traffic and turn that traffic into huge profits. In order to do this, you need to use an effective keyword strategy. Use your keyword or key phrase:

At the beginning of your title
In the first paragraph
At least 4 times in the body of your article
At least once in a text link
In the description Meta tag
In the keyword Meta tag

Although there is no guarantee that your article will be listed on page one, using the tactics depicted above gives you the best chance. Do you want to learn other money making techniques? Get my FREE ebook and start making money online!

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