Generating profits is the reason you start an online business. Unfortunately, about 80% of these business owners make no money at all. And only 10% make massive profits. If you are stuck in that bottom 80 %, try some of these tactics below to start making money.
There are only three rules you need to follow to make money online. They are: Market, Market, and Market some more. If you are not earning any income, it is probably because you are not marketing your business effectively. If you want to make massive profits, you must market your business every day.
1. Article marketing is a very effective method to bring traffic to your website. Those who are the most successful at this tend to write the most articles. To maximize your potential, you should try to write at least one article per day. Make sure that every article contains an author’s resource box with 2 or 3 links to your site, squeeze page, or affiliate products that you are promoting.
2. Advertising can bring in a tidy some of money each month. Although Adsense is the easiest program to install and administer, use other advertising as well to maximize your profit potential. Place ads for affiliate products adjacent to the main content of your web page. This placement will give you the most bang for your buck.
3. Make sure that the products and ads shown on your site are targeted to your site’s niche. If your site is about bird watching, you will sell very few foreign exchange trading programs, but bird feeders will probably sell very well.
4. Until you are making over $1000 per month, reinvest half of your monthly profits into outside advertising. This ensures that you will continue to make more and more money each month.
5. Keep track of your expenses. Make sure you are spending your money effectively. By using your money wisely, you can increase your profits substantially.
6. Track everything. Make it a priority to know where your traffic is coming from and focus more of you efforts in those areas. If ads from a particular ezine are doing well for you, place a larger ad in that publication next month. By careful tracking you can consistently generate more and more profits.
7. Spend time in forums that are related to your niche. Post often with good meaningful information. Develop a signature file that touts your website or squeeze page. To maximize your success using this technique, make at least 8 posts per day for every forum you belong to.
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