Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How To Create Powerful Headlines That Sell

It’s not what you say, it’s ‘What your headline says!’ The most important element of your sales latter is the headline. You have to have a headline that draws them in if you want to generate sales. In addition, it’s important to use bolded sub-headings that convey your main benefits of your product. The reason for this is simple, most people will not read your sales letter word for word, they will skim through it. But the bold colored sub-headings interspersed throughout your sales will always catch their eye. That’s why it is so important.

Here are some tips for creating great headlines that make you money:

Keep it short! As a rule of thumb, keep your headlines shorter than 15 to 17 words. Anything longer than that tends to drag on. A good headline shouldn't be too long or too short!

Do your research! Seek out websites that are successfully selling similar products and get some ideas to use in your own headlines. Don’t copy their work word for word, but try to come up with something similar using your own words.

Include Powerful Emotional Words! Making a purchase is an emotional experience. To take advantage of this and increase your sales, use emotional words. Your headline must strike an emotional chord with your visitor and grab his attention! Some emotional words include: powerful, amazing, an incredible.

Repeat your number one benefit in the headline and several times throughout your copy! What's the main benefit that your customers will get when they use your product? How will your product improve their lives? Make it sound enticing and you may have a powerful winning headline.

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