Thursday, May 22, 2008

How To Develop A Successful Online Business Without Spending A Penny

I frequently here people say that they would like to try making money online but they don’t have enough money to get started. That may have been a good excuse in the past, but now there are alternatives that allow you to set up a profitable online absolutely free. One of the easiest and best ways to do this is by blogging.

Setting up a blog is very easy; you don’t need any type of specialized skills or knowledge of any computer language. To create your first blog, register and set up a free account at Blogger dot com. It only takes a minute to register and get started.

Next, you need to add content. This is also a very easy process; you can do this by writing four or five articles. They don’t have to be long, 100 to 500 words is plenty. Don’t skip this step because it is important to have some content on your site before going on to the next step.

Register with Google’s Adsense program. After being accepted, you will be able to place ads on your site. You don’t need to do anything to maintain them; Google takes care of those details. These ads are great money makers. Every time someone clicks on one of the ads on your site, you make some money. Not a lot, but over time, as you get more and more visitors to your site, this income can really build up. There are some bloggers that make six-figure incomes each month from Adsense.

Join two affiliate programs, I recommend Clickbank and Commission Junction. These companies allow you to promote their products on your site. Each time someone makes a purchase, you get a percentage of the sale price. Commissions vary between 20% and 75% depending on the product.

The next three steps are the same: market, market, market. To have a successful blog you must promote it. Otherwise, no one will know that your blog exists. You can promote it by writing articles and submitting them to the largest article submission directories. I do this myself and it works very well.

Register with the large forums and comment on at least 8 posts per day. It is important that you say something worthwhile in your comments. Don’t just say, ‘nice post.’ That won’t help you at all. In each of your comments, include a signature file that links to your blog.

Write articles and post to the forums every day. This is the way to develop a successful online business. And you’ve done it without spending a cent, Congratulations!

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