It is fairly well documented. In order to achieve real financial success on the Internet, you need to have your own product. If you research any of the Internet Gurus, you’ll see that almost all of them sell a number of their own products. Sure, they also participate in affiliate sales, but their big money comes from products that they have created.
If you would like to step up your financial game, you too, need to develop your own product. It may take you a while, but after you complete your first project, those that follow will be much easier. And, the more products you develop, the more successful you will be.
Information products such as Ebooks sell quite well on the Internet. Most of the Internet Gurus offer quite a few of them.
“How to” Ebooks are probably the most common. An Ebook can be created for almost any subject. If you do a search, you will see page after page of Ebooks on every imaginable topic.
Some of them are offered for free. Some of the Free Ebooks are designed as a viral sales item. That is, they are offered with re-distribution rights. That means that you can give this item away to others. Most of the viral Ebooks contain links to commercial products that the developer is associated with. Each time someone buys a product using a link from the viral Ebook, the author makes money. As the Ebook is distributed and re-distributed, the advertising reaches a wider and wider audience. Although the author makes no money from the Ebook up front, ultimately, it can be quite profitable.
The traditional Ebook does not contain many ads. It is copyrighted and cannot be resold by the buyer. The author makes money as each unit is sold.
For your first Ebook, you are probably best served by writing about something you are familiar with. This makes the job much easier for you. For subsequent Ebooks, you should research popular topics that are in demand, and then write an Ebook to satisfy that demand. By doing this, you will maximize the amount of money that you make on your Ebook.
Of course, you also need to advertise your Ebook. The best written Ebook will not sell unless you let people know about it. If this is your first project, I recommend that you start out by taking advantage of free advertising methods. These include articles, free ezine ads, blogs, and forums.
Good luck in developing your own product. May your first Ebook bring you millions!
For details on how to create your own product, go to
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Develop Your Own Product for Real Success
7:38 AM
Labels: article, create your own ebook, ebook, ezebook, make your own ebook, making an ebook
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