Saturday, July 5, 2008

Email Profits - An Easy Online Business

To have a truly successful online business, you must have a list. Although you can make money by operating an online business without a list, the job is much more difficult and your income potential is significantly limited. To be really successful, you must have a list of subscribers.

On average, you can expect to earn about $1 in profits each month for every member on your list. Although this may not sound like much, you can easily add 3000 subscribers a year to your list. This means that you will earn about $36,000 profit in 1 year. If you are not earning that much now, maybe you need to consider building a list.

Another nice benefit to email marketing is the amount of work required to be successful. You can easily run a six figure business by spending just an hour or so each day at it. So, if you want to create a powerful stream of income without working 80 hours a week, you need to get involved in email marketing.

How do you get started making email profits? You will need to build a list (also known as an opt in list). This can take some time, but it is not difficult. Develop a squeeze page to collect names and email addresses and offer a free report to entice visitors to sign up. A good offer and squeeze page can convert 25%- 35% of your visitors into subscribers.

Once you have built your list, email marketing is as simple as sending out emails. Send your subscribers valuable free information on a regular basis. Then, about once a week, send out a special offer for your own product or someone else's. When your subscribers click on the links and buy these products, you make money. It is that simple.

Imagine sending out emails a few times per week, and making hundreds or thousands of dollars each time. That's a powerful business plan! So if you want to live a life with more free time and much more money, earning email profits may be perfect for you.

Want to learn more about how to make email profits? Check out the information below.

An Easy Online Business…
Generate Email Profits!

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