Creating your own product can have significant advantages. Of course it is not the only way to make money on the Internet. You can make a substantial amount of money on the Internet by selling affiliate products. In fact, making a lot of money is quite easy if you have a substantial number of subscribers in your list or if you have a high traffic website. If you are just starting out with no subscribers and zero traffic it is more difficult. If you stay the course and work hard, the money will come, but it takes time.
One of the problems with affiliate sales is the fact that it is important to diversify. You should have at least three or four affiliates that you deal with. If you have six affiliate products that you are recommending, and send forty viewers to each affiliate site, the odds are slim that you will generate any sales, even though you sent a total of 240 prospects to the various sites. Of course, you could choose just one affiliate, but if the one you choose gives poor service, it could cause you significant problems. You never really know an affiliate until you’ve had a few sales with them and get some feedback. After all, it is not a wise decision to put all of your eggs in someone else’s basket.
You can however, increase your income stream and eliminate some of the affiliate problems.
1) Your first priority should be to develop your own product. That way, you can focus all of your marketing efforts on one product and you know that you are going to give great service. If you had your own product and generated 240 page views of your sales page, you almost certainly will generate some sales.
2) Place free ads with a number of ezines. By doing a search, you can find many services that will post ads in ezines for you. If you are using this kind of blanket service, make sure that you have a disposable email address, as you will get a lot of confirmation emails and tons of solicitations later. By using a disposable email address, you eliminate that problem.
3) Do a search for newsletters and ezines in your niche and place free (or inexpensive) ads with them. Check a few of their back issues to ensure that they offer quality content. Take note of the number of subscribers that they have. This is particularly important if you are paying for an ad.
4) Write articles on subjects related to your product’s niche. Make sure you submit each article to at least 50-100 sites. Use the largest over-all sites as well as those that specialize in topics related to your product’s niche.
If you are not happy with the amount of money that you are currently making, look into instituting the steps above to increase your bottom line.
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Sunday, September 2, 2007
Create Your Own Ebook Part 1 of 2
11:18 AM
Labels: affiliate, article income, articles, create your own ebook, ebook, ezebook, make your own ebook
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