In any business, there are a few individuals that excel to super star levels and make millions upon millions of dollars. And likewise, there are some who struggle for years and make little if any money at all. The rest of us are somewhere in the middle ground between the two.
Regardless of what business you are in, you should try to emulate the super stars. Try to do what they do. I’m not saying that you will immediately vault up to super star status, but your results will almost certainly improve.
Some of the characteristics of the Internet super stars are as follows:
1) They keep meticulous records. They track all results and do more of the stuff that is working and eliminate the stuff that isn’t. It’s important to know what you are doing right.
2) They are not afraid to spend money and reinvest a portion of their profits back into their business. They have no problem buying advertising, domain names, good hosting, software, and information. You’ve got to spend money in order to make it.
3) They develop and sell their own products. When appropriate, they allow others to sell them on an affiliate basis. It is generally agreed that the number one method to be successful on the Internet is to develop your own product. You must have your own products in order to excel.
By working daily toward these goals, you too have an opportunity to grow your Internet business. For the most part, those who have achieved the most success have done it by working the hardest. Very few, if any, have inherited successful websites from their parents, most have worked very hard and earned every penny they have. So imitate the superstars and someday, people new to the business may try to imitate you.
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Friday, August 31, 2007
Imitate Those who are the Most Successful
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Maximizing Your Internet Income
Earning money on the Internet is a lot more challenging today than it was a few years ago. The most efficient method of generating sales has always been to develop a large list of clients/subscribers and sell to the list. Make it worth their while to join your list, contact them often, take care of them, and offer them quality products that meet their needs when appropriate. If you started your Internet business five years ago, you probably built up a large list of subscribers rather quickly. Today it takes considerably longer to develop a list of any size.
There are a number of reasons for this. Number one among them is competition. There are over 2 billion websites in existence now and a large percentage of them are trying to sell the same products that you are selling. With so many sellers crowding the marketplace, the pie is a bit smaller for each of us.
I hear many experts recommending that you should sell the product with the highest commission. I disagree. You should sell the product that does the best job for your subscribers, regardless of the commission. By offering the highest quality products, your subscribers will know that you sell only the finest products and will remain on your list for a very long time. In general, the longer they remain with you, the more they will buy. If you repeatedly offer them high priced crap, they will quickly unsubscribe. My attitude has always been, I’ll take care of my subscribers and the commissions will take care of themselves.
The price of the item you are selling is also a factor. If you sell a ten dollar item, you might generate fifty sales for each one thousand people that view your product. If you are selling a five hundred dollar item you might generate just three sales per one thousand page views. This is also something you should consider when deciding on which affiliate product to sell.
It is generally agreed among experts that the best way to achieve success on the Internet is to develop your own product. Most of the Internet Gurus make their Internet millions in this manner. When deciding on products to sell, copy the techniques of those who are most successful. Develop your own product. That way, no one is selling it but you and your affiliates, so you control the amount of competition. You make 100% of the profit on your sales along with a very high percentage on your affiliates’ sales. And, you can determine your own selling price. All in all, it is a very compelling proposition to develop your own product.
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Monday, August 27, 2007
7 Techniques Guaranteed to Increase URL clicks
We write articles to benefit our readers. The resource box is designed to benefit the writer. Everyone wants to be compensated for the work that they’ve done, even writers. The resource box is the writer’s only possible payment for the work that you’ve put into the article. That’s why it is important to place a well-crafted resource box that sells your website, service, or product. Using the seven techniques described below can increase your URL clicks and improve your chances for receiving fair compensation for your work.
1. Make sure you ask the reader to take action. The first rule in sales is, “Ask for the order.” Merely stating your name and website is not effective. Instead of: “Author’s name has operated website xyz on a full time basis for three years.” Be more assertive, use the term visit, go to, or click on. The example above would get a higher response rate using “Visit website xyz…”
2. Provide an offer for free information. Offers that provide immediate gratification such as a downloadable product work the best. Make sure that the freebie you provide does a good job of selling the reader on the item that you are promoting.
3. Describe your free offer in detail using a sentence or two. Make sure you tell the reader how this item can benefit them. Stress how the download (or your website) will benefit the reader and how it can solve their problems. This can be particularly effective if the article discusses the problem your link (or website) solves.
4. Give your free download a name that implies that it has value. “Free report on …” is better than “sales brochure”; “free information on…” is better than “sales information”.
5. Do not try to be cute or clever, use a direct offer that stresses the benefits.
6. Track your results. Keep records on how many responses you get from each resource box. Refine your best responding offers to fine tune and maximize your response rates.
7. Mention the features, stress the benefits. A feature is a physical description of the product or service; a benefit describes the advantages in using that product. Sell the benefits; paint a picture for your reader. Make an emotional appeal so the viewers can actually see themselves using your product. Features interest the reader, benefits sell the product.
By using the seven techniques described above, you can be assured that you will maximize your opportunities for some sort compensation for your articles.
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Sunday, August 26, 2007
Making Money as an Article Writer
Writing content for the Internet can be immensely rewarding both financially and personally. With the way he Internet continues to grow, the need for quality written content will maintain the demand for articles. Perhaps in five years, the demand will shift to video content, but for right now, the written word is king.
The question is, how do we, as writers profit from that demand? There are websites available that will pay writers for content. In most cases, you can get between five and fifteen dollars for a 500-word article. It may not seem like a lot, but once you become proficient, you can write a 500-word article in about half an hour. You are not setting the world on fire financially, but you are earning about thirty dollars an hour by doing something you enjoy.
Another way you can profit writing articles is by using the content on your own website. Using Adsense along with commercial text based ads and ads for your own products can provide a very nice income if your website is currently generating decent traffic. By searching the Internet, you can see numerous testimonials for people who are making a very nice living using these techniques.
Make sure that each article you write contains an author’s resource box. Each time that your article is published through an ezine, they are required to publish your resource information. It should contain three to five sentences publicizing your website or products that you endorse. Most ezines will allow you to include three links in your resource box. To maximize the number of clicks generated, be sure that the items you recommend are related to the content in the article. If your article is about knitting, your readers will probably have little interest in foreign exchange trading.
If you are interested and knowledgeable about a particular subject, you might find success by writing a newsletter. Quality newsletters can draw a very nice income through advertising.
As an alternative to the newsletter, consider writing a targeted blog. You can use all of the income sources mentioned above and you can also solicit donations. Several blog writers I know do fairly well requesting donations.
I’ve touched on a few of the traditional methods to make money by writing articles but there are many others. The nice thing about the Internet is that you are only limited by your imagination.
For free downloads and information on making money with articles, go to:
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Labels: article, article income, make money writing, writing articles
Saturday, August 25, 2007
If You’re New to Writing Articles - Article Writing 101
Most people write articles with a specific purpose in mind. Some write to increase traffic to their website and others write to generate income. Some write for the sheer joy of it, for the publicity, or to see their name in print.
Whatever your reason for writing, I hope you achieve success with it. However, if you are just beginning your writing career, keep in mind that it is not a sprint; it is a long distance race. Whatever your goals, you will not achieve it with your first article (unless you just wanted to see your name in print).
The most successful article writers have over a thousand articles in print. Many of them submit numerous articles each day. However, when you reach that point, your articles will work very hard for you. Good articles written six months, or even a year ago, continue to work today. So, if you want to be successful writing articles, regardless of your goals, you’ve got to write often.
If you write to generate income, you may not make a penny until your twentieth or even thirtieth article. However, if you stick to it, you can make a lot of money or generate a lot of traffic to your website. In addition to submitting articles often, it matters which ezines you submit your work to. If an ezine specializes in Internet information and you submit an article on knitting, it is unlikely that your article will generate many page views. If you are writing for a particular niche, and you should be, submit to sites that specialize in your area of expertise. As you make more and more submissions, you will become recognized as an expert in your field. Once you achieve expert status, you will get increased page views and your articles will be syndicated (published in other ezines) much more often.
Another word of advice for the fledgling author, submit your articles to the largest ezines. It doesn’t do you much good to submit twenty articles to xyz site and receive a total of seven page views. To prevent this, I will check my article stats at various sites from time to time. If recent page views are down substantially, or if they show that fifteen of my articles have not yet been published because they are still pending approval, I will usually drop them from my submission last. You don’t need to check you stats with every submission, but it is a good idea to check them each month or two.
My final bit of information is this; submit each article to at least forty or fifty sites. This is particularly important if you write to generate income or traffic. Make sure you include those in your niche as well as the largest ten or fifteen sites. In order to do this efficiently, you will need some sort of automated submission software. If you try to do it on your own, it will take you several hours just to make the submissions. Using the automated software, it should only take you about twenty minutes.
For a list of my favorite submission sites, sign in at: then, from the Download Page, click on “Favorite Submission Sites”.
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Friday, August 24, 2007
Are You New to Writing Articles? – Read This
I read many ezine articles in the course of doing research. I’m surprised at the number of writers that try to squeeze the contents of an entire book into one article. I didn’t go online to read a novel. When I see an article that is a thousand words or more, I immediately click away. In most cases, the author adds unrelated information to fill more pages. There’s an advantage in breaking up a long article into several smaller ones; you get to publish several resource boxes. The resource box is your only possible source of payment. Publishing three of them is better than publishing just one.
Don’t try to cover every possible detail when writing your articles. If the subject is a long one, break it up into several articles. If the article tells about an ongoing adventure, separate it in a number of sections, such as:
Trekking through the Yukon – Part 1 of 7
This method has an added advantage. If readers found part 1 compelling, they will actively seek out parts 2 through 7. If you can successfully repeat this process, you may develop a following of faithful viewers. In that case, you might benefit by using that same format in a blog. Then you can use your articles to advertise your blog. Some people make a very nice income by blogging.
Ideally, each article you write should contain between 400 and 600 words. I usually try to keep mine in the 500-word area. That way, it is long enough to provide good information and short enough to keep readers attention.
I try to incorporate three to five facts in each article. Each fact is entered into a separated into its own paragraph and each paragraph is separated by a space. This format makes the article attractive and breaks it up into different sections. This makes it easier ion the reader.
Another question that I get a lot is on submitting articles. You are best served by targeting your submissions to ezines that specialize in your niche. Submit each article to forty or fifty ezines. Make sure that at least some of them are related to your niche. Also make sure that you make submissions to the largest ezines. You can find them by doing a search. You can determine the popularity and size of an ezine by checking it using Alexa and Google’s Page Rank system. Although it is a little time consuming, you only need to do this one time.
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
Increase Your Article Income - Stress the Benefits
If you have any sales experience, you will probably be familiar with the terms features and benefits. A feature of a product is a description of its attributes. The benefits of that product are the advantages that it provides you. Many articles I read stress only the features of a particular technique or product. And that is a pity, because it is the benefits that sell products, not the features. By including more benefits in your articles, it is almost a certainty that you will see additional URL clicks.
The features of a toaster might be:
Chrome finish
Makes toast quickly
However, people will not buy a toaster because it has a chrome finish or makes toast quickly. In my mind, all toasters make toast quickly and most of them have a chrome finish. Most people will buy an item based on the how that product will benefit them. The benefits of the toaster above are:
The stylish chrome finish looks stunning on your counter top.
You can make toast, eat breakfast, and be on your way to work in less than two minutes.
Which toaster would you buy, the one with the chrome finish or the one that looks stunning on your counter top? Would you prefer the one that makes toast quickly, or the one that gets you on your way to work in less than two minutes?
Readers (and consumers) are interested in the features of a product, but they will buy that product based on its benefits. Put more simply, features bring in viewers, benefits bring in cash!
When writing your article, list some of the features of the product but stress the benefits. Describe how a person would benefit by using your product. Paint a picture for them. Allow them to see themselves with your product. By stressing the benefits, you will see a significant increase in URL clicks in your articles.
While we’re on that subject, click on one of the items linked below and you’ll be able to afford that vacation on the Caribbean beach. Imagine yourself basking in the warm sea breeze sipping a Mai Tai and watching the palm trees sway in the…
Download our FREE REPORT at on making money writing articles and receive tons of free articles, reports, information, and downloads. Make massive profits writing articles!
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