Saturday, December 20, 2008

How to Get 10 times the Traffic from Your Articles

There are two key components that get thousands of page views and tons of traffic from your articles. Articles using these little known tactics will increase page views and traffic by 10 fold versus those that neglect these techniques.

The first key factor in generating traffic from your articles is the title. Most article writers will slap any old title on the article and send it off. This is a huge mistake, The title is the advertising for your article. In most article directories, only the title is shown to attract readers. Your title has to grab them by the ears and scream out, ‘READ ME!.’

To develop a title that attracts tons of traffic from your articles, do some research. Determine what people are searching for (related to your article). Then include those terms in your title. Of course, in a well crafted article, you should also use these terms several times within your article and add them to your listing of keywords. This will bring in readers from the article directory.

But there is another way that readers might be attracted to your article and wind up as traffic to your website. That is through listings in search engines. On some articles that I have written, my article shows in 7 of the top ten positions on the first page of Google. This can bring you many times the traffic from your articles that you can get through the article directory alone.

In most cases, search engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN will include your article description below the title. To entice these readers, you need a great description. Your title is the bait that will cause them to nibble, but a good description will reel them in and land them in your boat (a fishing reference). In other words, the title will get the attention of the reader, and the article description will cause the reader to click on the link and read the article.

A good description begins by asking a question, and then lets the reader know that they can find the answer by reading your article. Of course, your article has to answer the question, so make sure the question you ask is relevant.

If you want to bring in more traffic from your articles, use these two key components watch your article traffic explode. Do you want to learn more about how to make money writing articles? Get all the details on article money makers!

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