Article marketing is a great way to promote your website, service, or product. Millions of people write articles, but few of them know how to get the most out of their article marketing campaign. Using a simple, but little known technique can easily triple your article traffic and get you listed on page one.
This technique involves the use of keywords. Most everyone knows the importance of keywords for their websites, but few people know that the same principles apply to articles. A well written article using proper keyword structure can easily appear on page one of the major search engines. And having your article appear on page one can easily triple your article traffic (and income) generated by a single article.
Your keywords absolutely must appear in your title. But not just anywhere in the title, it should be in the first four or five words of your title. This is important for search engines. The title of this article is, ‘Triple Your Article Traffic and Get Listed on Page One.’ The keywords are: ‘triple your traffic.’ You’ll notice that those keywords appear a number of times throughout this article. (And the search engines will notice too!) So, for maximum effectiveness, use your keywords within the first four words of the title.
In addition to using keywords to interest the search engines, your title must grab the interest of real people too. After all, it doesn’t make sense to do extra work to get your article listed on page one if no one is interested in it.
To generate interest, you should place one or two benefits in our title. Every title needs to highlight the potential benefits of reading the article. Clearly stated benefits give the reader a reason to click on your article and read it. This one contains two benefits that people are interested in: 1) Triple your article traffic, and 2) get listed on page one. Both of these benefits are of great interest to people.
Using this simple technique can easily triple your article traffic and get you listed on page one. Use it for future articles and increase your marketing campaign’s effectiveness. Do you want to learn more about how to make money with articles? Get all the details on making Article Money!
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