Most people who are new to Internet marketing start their online business with great optimism and a burning desire to succeed. They have great hopes, big plans and huge dreams! But unfortunately, 80 % of them will never make a penny. In fact, 95% of them will close their Internet business in the first year. The reason is simple; they lack the necessary tools, knowledge, and motivation required to succeed.
But if they had made just one simple change, they could have turned that failure into success and had a money making online business. And what is that single item? A good Internet marketing coach! That’s right, using a good Internet marketing coach could have turned their failed online business into a business that makes money day after day, month after month, and year after year.
So why didn’t they go this route? Most people don’t use a coach because of the perceived expense. But a good coach doesn’t have to be expensive. While it is true that some coaching programs will set you back $5,000 or even $10,000, there are many good coaching programs available for less than 100 dollars a month. And when you consider that your online business can easily earn you a monthly income of four or even five figures, this expense is minimal and well worth the cost.
There are a few criteria you need to keep in mind when selecting an Internet marketing coach. Look for one that allows you the ability to ask questions. Some coaches permit you to ask a certain number of questions each month. Other coaches give you unlimited access to their expertise and will answer every one of your questions. If you are inexperienced, you might benefit by seeking out a coach who offers unlimited access.
And make sure that your coach responds to your emails and questions BEFORE you sign up. If the coach ignores your questions before the sale, strike that coach off your list. The service will not improve after he has your money.
So what are you waiting for, sign up with a good online coach and start making some money!
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