Monday, October 27, 2008

How to Get Four Thousand Visits to Your Sales Page for Free

Traffic is the life blood of any Internet business. And most of us struggle to increase traffic. As pay per click costs continue to rise, we continue to look for inexpensive ways to bring visitors to our site. Following is a great free technique to bring thousands of visits to your sales pages.

Videos are big business on the Internet and it is an area that is expected to continue to grow. Almost everyone who is surfing the Internet these days spends at least some time watching videos. And many of these videos are awesome marketing weapons. A good video can reach thousands or even tens of thousands of viewers within a few days. And one of the best things about video, you can broadcast it for free to the video sites.

If the goal with your video is to market your product, service or list, don't forget to include your URL somewhere within your video. You can have it appear at the bottom of your video while your video is running. Or you can post it at the beginning and end. In addition, include your URL in the video description. However you do it, video marketing is an amazing way to build your business.

Make your videos relatively short. People get bored watching if it is too long. Try to keep your video length at 2 minutes or less. You can also post videos on your website. They are a great addition to your sales page as they have proven to increase sales rates dramatically. Many people find it easier to understand a concept through a video than through words. This will significantly increase your response rate.

Before you create a video, determine your goal. It is to get more leads or sales? Will it be a tutorial to teach a process or an informational piece? Then determine your style; will it be humorous, irreverent, or matter of fact and business like. Make sure you create an outline of the content that you are going to include before you begin shooting it. The easiest way to create a video is to use video production software. Although the most well known video software is very expensive, there are some really great alternatives that are quite inexpensive.

In fact, you can get a great video production software product for less than ten dollars! So what are you waiting for, click on the link below and make your fortune on YouTube using that great new video software – For Less Than $10!

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