Monday, September 1, 2008

How to Improve Your Article Writing Skills and Get Published

Most people keep ask me the same questions regarding article writing. They want to know things like the ideal length of an article, best topics to write about, what subject should be dealt with, and how to go about it. Since many of my readers ask these same questions, I thought it would be better to shed some light on these subjects related to article writing and help out a whole lot of people at once. Here are some easy tips you can follow to market your articles effortlessly.

To begin with, readers visit your web page to read something interesting and informative that can be used in their everyday life. For instance, it has been observed that the readership for ‘How to’ articles is quite large and many of these articles are found through search engines on the internet. List type articles are very effective to increase the number of page views of your articles. It is especially effective if you have some expertise in the area and can provide hard to find or inside information in your article. Make sure that the title is impressive and creates curiosity in the minds of reader to stop by and read your article. A title reflects the quality of the article so, don’t take it lightly.

Typos, along with spelling and grammatical errors are the most common mistakes made by most writers. If an article is riddled with errors, some article directories will reject your article. However, even if your article is approved, having numerous spelling and grammatical errors will create a bad impression in the minds of your readers. This problem is easily fixed by doing a thorough proof read, spell check and grammar check for each and every article. Keep your article short and simple. Ideally, the article length should be around 400 to 700 words.

Another interesting phenomenon is that people tend to read more articles during week days than weekends. Strangely, fewer articles are submitted to directories during weekends compared to regular working days.

Many writers are under the impression that with more links they can earn more. This is just half true. There is no direct relationship between the number of links you include and the amount of money your article makes. The point is, stick to a maximum of 2 or 3 links; this is enough to get good results. Anything more than this might not work as readers will seldom click on more than 3 links in any given article.

Don’t try to cover too many topics under one article. Pick a single topic that you are comfortable with. This allows to you to give your expert opinion and the readers will also get a more in-depth article. But also make sure that your article provides informative and useful information to the reader.

Try following these tips and watch your article marketing results improve. To learn more article marketing tips, tricks, and tactics you can get further information below:

Write Small Articles And Make Big Money!

Free ebook - Make Money Every Day!

Make Money Writing – It’s easier than you think!

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