You certainly know the importance of list building to your future profits if you have an internet marketing business. On average, most successful online entrepreneurs earn approximately 90% of their online profits from list building.
With a good quality list building operation, you can easily add 300 people to your list each month. And the potential rewards for this effort can be great. This works out to about 3600 subscribers each year. When you consider that you can expect to earn about a dollar per subscriber each month, it works to be a nice profit at the end of your first year. And the profits from years two and three can be very surprising.
Wondering how your list can make you money? Recommend products to your subscribers once a week, but make sure you are familiar and clear with the items you are promoting. Never use hard sell tactics and always promote the highest quality items you can find. Recommending crappy products at exorbitant prices is a good way to destroy a list!
Keep your subscribers happy by sending them plenty of good, free software, ebooks, reports, and information. By sending them quality information, they will come to realize that your emails contain items of value. This ensures that your emails will be opened, read, and acted upon. If you send them nothing but sales pitches, they will soon realize that your emails offer nothing of real value. When that happens, they will stop reading your email, and, even worse, unsubscribe from your list.
Another option to earn money with your list is offer space to other webmasters. You will be pleasantly surprised at how many active marketers are willing to pay for new places to advertise.
There are many ways that you can make money with your list, but you need to make a commitment of time and effort to make your online business a success.
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