With Gasoline prices hovering around all time highs, it is becoming increasingly important to find methods that can reduce your gasoline costs and save you money. Following is a list of easy and practical steps that can significantly increase your gas mileage and save you a substantial amount of money.
Excessive Speeds: Speeding can reduce your cars gas mileage by 33% on the highway and up to 5% around town. Save money on gas by slowing down. The U. S. Department Of Energy says that for every 5 MPH you drive over 60, it costs you an additional 36 cents for each gallon of gas you use.
Jack Rabbit Starts: Relax; you don’t have to win the race at every red light. Jack rabbit starts reduce your gas mileage by significant amounts.
Don't Idle: Turn off your engine when you go into a store. Allowing your car to idle for just five minutes can reduce your gas mileage by as much as 8%.
Tire Pressure: Under inflated tires will cost you money in two ways. First, your tires will wear out quicker requiring you to replace them much sooner than you hoped. Second, Your gas mileage will suffer. For every one pound PSI your tires are under-inflated, you lose .4% in gas mileage. If your tires are under-inflated by five pounds, which is not uncommon, your gas mileage will suffer by 2%.
Maintain a steady speed: Did you eve get behind one of those drivers who speed up, then slow down, and then speed up again. That drives me crazy. Those people are not only aggravating the rest of us, they are wasting gas. Constant acceleration and braking will reduce your gas mileage and wear out your brakes. Anticipate traffic patterns and maintain a steady speed. By avoiding constant acceleration and deceleration, you can significantly reduce gas consumption and increase the life of your brakes.
Remove Excess Weight: Save gas by removing all that useless junk from your car. 300 pounds of unnecessary weight will reduce your mileage by 6%. And no, that does not mean that you should throw your mother-in-law out of the vehicle.
Convert Your Car To Run On Water: The number one tactic to reduce your gasoline costs is to convert your car to run on water! That’s right, there are conversion manuals that show you how you can easily and quickly adapt any vehicle to run on water. This process alone can improve your gas mileage (and reduce your fuel costs) by as much as 60%!
Following the easy tips above, you can reduce your gasoline costs by substantial amounts and save a ton of money.
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