Tuesday, June 17, 2008

AdWord Profit Secrets

Google Adwords is a great advertising program that can generate fantastic profits for your online business. In fact, some businesses rely exclusively on AdWords to bring traffic (and profits) to their site.

But all is not perfect with Google AdWords. Have you ever been slapped by Google and had the cost on your perfect keyword pegged at $5.00 or even $10.00 for a single click? That’s a real slap in the face. Google does this when they determine that your ad/keyword is not relevant. In most cases, this situation results from your keyword not appearing on the page you are linking to.

There is an easy fix for this situation if you are linking the ad to your own site. Carefully look at your ad and the keyword you are targeting and use it on your web page. Make sure you enter it in the meta tags, if possible. Ideally, you should use this keyword in your title, description, and keyword meta tags. Then make sure you use it several times in the content on the page. One caution using this technique; don’t just throw the keyword in there haphazardly. You have to make sure that it fits in with your content and is relevant.

There is an easy technique I use to make sure all of my keywords are relevant. When developing an AdWords campaign, I click on the option to allow Google to select keywords based on the site I am targeting. After entering the URL, Google will bring up a list of relevant keywords for that site. If you stick with keywords from this list, you will never have to worry about getting slapped and being charged 5 or 10 bucks for a single keyword.

However, if you had your heart set on using a keyword that is not in the list, refer to the easy fix above and you should have no problem. Do you want to learn how to make money?

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