More and more people are establishing blogs every day. Blogging provides an easy way to get a web site online to start an online business without any knowledge of html or any other computer language. But one thing every blog has in common is the need for traffic. Regardless of whether you use a blog or web site, you need traffic to be successful.
Use these 7 easy steps to increase your blog traffic:
1. It is very important to confine your blog posts to one specific topic. This is called your niche. By writing on a single subject, you will acquire loyal readers who are looking for fresh information in that field. If your log posts talk about everything under the sun, you will not gain many loyal followers (unless your blog is very entertaining or funny).
2. In addition, the search engines will reward your site if all of the information it contains is on one single topic. This alone is a very powerful reason to select a niche. Search engines can bring you a significant amount of traffic and are definitely worth courting.
3. Add fresh exclusive content to your blog on a regular basis. Post new information as often as you can and try to do it on a consistent basis. It is better to post one article every other day than to submit 15 articles once a month. By doing it every other day, the search engines will visit your blog on a regular basis and give your site a higher ranking. This will increase your site’s visibility and bring your blog traffic.
4. Submit you blog to as many different blog directories as possible. There are a number of services that will take care of this tedious work for you, but it is an important step in getting traffic, especially when the site is new.
5. You should also submit your site to the rss feed submission sites. Rss subscribers represent a significant following for the largest blogs and can bring you a significant amount of traffic and income. This is very important, don’t skip this step! In addition, this is another good way to build up one way links to your site and, as mentioned above, the search engines love one way links and will reward your site with traffic.
6. Use the social bookmarking sites for every article you post. There are a number of free sites that will do this for you. You can find them by doing a search, but I recommend onlywire dot com. They will submit your post to 22 other bookmarking sites. By effectively bookmarking your posts, you can instantly increase your blog traffic.
7. Develop partnerships with blogs in the same and related niches. Comment frequently on other blogs and leave a link to your own blog in your signature. Set up strategic partnerships with other blogs and use small ads in visible locations to refer readers to each other’s site.
Use these 7 easy steps to increase your blog traffic and start making money online. Do you want to learn other money making techniques? Get my FREE ebook and start making money online!
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