Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Reduce Debt With 5 Easy Strategies

Millions of people are over-extended financially. They max out their credit cards and dig a financial hole that seems impossible to escape from. If you find yourself in that situation, there are some strategies you can use to reduce your debt and free some money each month.

If you are having financial problems due to excessive debt levels there are only two alternatives. You must bring additional money into the household to pay down some of the debt or you have to reduce your expenses. This article will deal with reducing expenses. The first thing you need to do is change your spending habits, create a spending plan for yourself. Here are 5 strategies to get you started:

1. Stop spending money on items you don’t need. Before buying those new shoes at the mall, ask yourself, ‘Do I really NEED them?” The key word here is ‘need.’ Most people spend much more money on things they want, as opposed to things they need. Only buy things you need until your debt problems are under control.

2. Take inventory of your monthly spending habits. Most people have no idea how much money they spend each month. They forget the little things like that coffee in the morning, the soda or drink in the afternoons. These little meaningless expenses can really add up at the end of the month. Keep a small pocket journal and write down everything you buy during the course of a month. You’ll be surprised at how much spend on frivolous things hat you don’t really need (and can do without).

3. Reduce your expenses by using public transportation if possible. Talk to colleagues about starting a carpool. At the grocery store, buy generic and store brand products. Use coupons whenever possible. Drink tap water instead of expensive bottled water and soda. There are thousands of other ways to reduce your expenses, use some of them.

4. Sell some of the items you no longer use or need. Have a yard sale or open a sellers account on Ebay. Millions of dollars worth of used items are bought and sold on Ebay every day.

5. Stop using your credit cards! Use your credit cards for emergencies only. Get into the habit of paying cash.

Check out my newest ebook for the details on how to slash expenses and put money in your pocket to reduce debt!

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Put Money In Your Pocket.
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