Monday, May 5, 2008

How To Save 40% And Eliminate Your Debt In Half The Time

An excessive amount of credit card debt is a worldwide problem that afflicts people of all ages. Students are particularly prone to this problem because their inexperience with finances. They often graduate with large credit card balances. Many of these students are consistently late with payments. This worsens their credit rating, causes them to pay higher interest rates, and increases their monthly payments.

If you find yourself falling into this trap, there are steps that you can take to prevent it. First of all, make your payments on time. Each time you submit a late payment, a notation is made on your credit history. Be late too many times and you will pay the price when you try to get a mortgage. So, always make your payments on time.

The next step is to reduce your expenses. Before whipping out that credit card for a purchase, ask yourself, ‘Do I really need that today?’ If it is not an absolute necessity, put off the purchase until you can get it by paying cash. As added protection, do not carry the credit cards with you. Leave them at home in a safe place. That way, you will not be tempted to use them.

Reduce your expenses and use the money you save to reduce your debt. There are many simple ways to reduce spending. Following are several money saving ideas that you can implement at the grocery store:
Drink tap water and eliminate the purchase of soda, beer, or bottled drinks. Replace name brand purchases with generic and store brands. This alone can result in a significant savings. Before going shopping for groceries, eat a light meal. You should never go grocery shopping when you are hungry. Make a list of items you intend to buy and stick to it. Do not buy anything that is not on your list. Use coupons and shop at stores that offer to double or even triple them. Look for sales and take advantage of them. By following these few grocery store tips, you may be able to cut your grocery bill by 30-40%.

The last step in this process is to take the money that you saved at the grocery store and apply it to reducing your credit card debt. By doing this on a consistent basis, you can pay off all of your debt in half the time. So, get busy and save some money!

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