Monday, April 21, 2008

Yes You Can Generate Free Traffic

One of the most difficult (or expensive) aspects of running an online business is the generation of traffic. Traffic is necessary to achieve any kind of online success. It is the brick and mortar equivalent of walk-in customers. And without you don’t have a business at all.

So how do you get traffic coming to your site? Of course, there are thousands of ways. The traditional ways are obvious; you can advertise on other websites, TV, radio, or in newspapers. You can use solo ads, ezine ads, classified ads, or pay per click ads. All of these methods will get you traffic, but, unfortunately, the all cost money.

What are your alternatives if you are just starting out and have little or no money for advertising? Well don’t worry, you have plenty of options. And although these methods are free, doesn’t mean that they won’t cost you anything. To take advantage of free advertising, you have to commit some of your effort, time, or both. But if you don’t have any cash, it is a workable solution.

Writing articles is a great free way to generate traffic. But to be really successful, you have to write and submit at least one article a day, everyday! You should submit each of your articles to the largest 20 to 25 free article directories. In all, this process will take you about an hour to complete.

Include a resource box with each of your articles. Your resource box will provide a link to your website along with some information as to why someone would want to go there. You will get much more traffic if you give visitors something for free when they visit. Free reports, ebooks, and information always work well. Your free offer should be related to the content of your article. And, of course, your article should be related to the subject as your website. This ensures that your traffic will be targeted to the products that you offer. And this gives you the best chance of converting that traffic into profits.

There is another advantage in writing articles; it positions you as an expert in the field. By coming across as an expert, people are more willing to click on your links and buy your products. This, after all, is why you want traffic in the first place.

So, if you are trying to get traffic without spending a fortune, invest some of your own time and effort. You may be very pleasantly surprised at the amount of traffic (and income) you can generate.

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