Thursday, August 30, 2007

Maximizing Your Internet Income

Earning money on the Internet is a lot more challenging today than it was a few years ago. The most efficient method of generating sales has always been to develop a large list of clients/subscribers and sell to the list. Make it worth their while to join your list, contact them often, take care of them, and offer them quality products that meet their needs when appropriate. If you started your Internet business five years ago, you probably built up a large list of subscribers rather quickly. Today it takes considerably longer to develop a list of any size.

There are a number of reasons for this. Number one among them is competition. There are over 2 billion websites in existence now and a large percentage of them are trying to sell the same products that you are selling. With so many sellers crowding the marketplace, the pie is a bit smaller for each of us.

I hear many experts recommending that you should sell the product with the highest commission. I disagree. You should sell the product that does the best job for your subscribers, regardless of the commission. By offering the highest quality products, your subscribers will know that you sell only the finest products and will remain on your list for a very long time. In general, the longer they remain with you, the more they will buy. If you repeatedly offer them high priced crap, they will quickly unsubscribe. My attitude has always been, I’ll take care of my subscribers and the commissions will take care of themselves.

The price of the item you are selling is also a factor. If you sell a ten dollar item, you might generate fifty sales for each one thousand people that view your product. If you are selling a five hundred dollar item you might generate just three sales per one thousand page views. This is also something you should consider when deciding on which affiliate product to sell.

It is generally agreed among experts that the best way to achieve success on the Internet is to develop your own product. Most of the Internet Gurus make their Internet millions in this manner. When deciding on products to sell, copy the techniques of those who are most successful. Develop your own product. That way, no one is selling it but you and your affiliates, so you control the amount of competition. You make 100% of the profit on your sales along with a very high percentage on your affiliates’ sales. And, you can determine your own selling price. All in all, it is a very compelling proposition to develop your own product.

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