Most of us write articles to generate clicks from the links that we place in the resource box. The main purpose of this is to either increase traffic to our websites or to interest readers in a product that we are promoting. But how do we realize these goals?
In order to succeed, there are 3 main tasks you must accomplish:
1) You’ve got to attract readers. The only real method to attract viewers is with a compelling title. When people are looking for information on a particular subject, they scan through a list of titles. This list may contain several hundred articles. Your title has to grab them and compel them to read your piece. Your title has to jump out at them and draw them in. If you’ve written a great article full of fascinating information, no one will read it if it has an uninteresting title. All of your work will have been fruitless. You’ve got to grab their attention with an intriguing title.
2) You’ve got to have a good article. If your article is not well written, or if it contains little information of value, your readers will quickly click away, and again, your work will have been fruitless. For that reason, it is important to write a great article with good information, and a compelling title.
3) The third ingredient for a successful article is a good resource box. Ideally, the information in your article should be related to the links in your resource box. This is extremely important. If your article is about ice fishing in Alaska and your links refer to vacationing in the tropics, you probably won’t generate many clicks. That’s because the people who read the article are interested in ice fishing, not sun bathing. However, if your resource box contained links for a travel agency specializing in Alaskan tours, you would probably generate a lot of clicks. Coordinate the information in your resource box with the content of your article. I use a number of different resource boxes, depending on what I am writing about.
If you’ve done a good job in each of these three areas, your article will achieve very good readership and your links will generate plenty of traffic. If your article is generating good readership, but you are not getting many clicks, it may mean that you need to work on steps 2 or 3 above.
With some of my best articles, over 17% of the readers have clicked on my links. That is a great percentage! On average though, only about 7%-8% of readers will click on a link.
If you would like to generate money as well as clicks with your articles, write your own ebook. It’s easier than you think with Create Your Own Ebook in 3 Easy Steps. Get the details at
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Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Track Your Data and Explode Your Profits
By tracking the performance of your articles and ads, you can maximize the profits you make from your Internet business. Enter a small string after your URL and you can determine where your website visitors are coming from. This is particularly important if you are using a number of different ads. A good tracking system can significantly improve the performance of your ads, articles, and subject lines.
If you are using a good stat counter, you can tell when visitors have come from one of the article submission sites. Your stat counter provides the title of your article and the site that it came from. But, you may not be able to determine which ad or subject line a visitor responded to. This is particularly true if you try different variations with each one that you submit.
It is actually quite simple to track your data. At the end of your URL, enter a slash, then a question mark, and the name of the test, ad, subject line, or Ezine that you are tracking (for Each time your website gets a hit from that source, your counter will log that visitor as coming from ad1. By comparing hits from competing ads, or articles, you can determine which are the most successful. Before you commit to any significant tracking campaign using this method, do a simple test to ensure that your website works properly with tracking data. Some servers do not recognize it and will return a “site not found” notice. If this is the case, you cannot use this simple tracking method.
The other necessary component is a good stat counter on your site. Make sure it is embedded on every page of your site. There are a number of important facts that you can discover from a good stat counter when using tracking data.
Using a tracking code can make you much more efficient. Some time ago, I entered a tracking code into each article that I submitted to the smaller submission sites. After about three weeks, I noticed that I had not received any hits from a number of these sites. As a result, I deleted about 90 sites from my submission list. I had been submitting each article to about 150 sites. After that test, I paired my submission list to about 60 sites. I saved about an hour a day with no decline in traffic! That is the power of a good tracking campaign.
In addition, you can track the performance of ads that you place. If you find that one particular ad is performing better than others, use it more consistently. Stop wasting money on those non-performing ads. With each ad that I place, I enter the ad along with the tracking data into a file and save it on the computer. Then, it is an easy matter to see which ads are doing well and which ones are doing poorly. That way, I am continually improving the performance of my ad and email campaigns.
If you’d like to improve YOUR performance, develop your own product!
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If you are using a good stat counter, you can tell when visitors have come from one of the article submission sites. Your stat counter provides the title of your article and the site that it came from. But, you may not be able to determine which ad or subject line a visitor responded to. This is particularly true if you try different variations with each one that you submit.
It is actually quite simple to track your data. At the end of your URL, enter a slash, then a question mark, and the name of the test, ad, subject line, or Ezine that you are tracking (for Each time your website gets a hit from that source, your counter will log that visitor as coming from ad1. By comparing hits from competing ads, or articles, you can determine which are the most successful. Before you commit to any significant tracking campaign using this method, do a simple test to ensure that your website works properly with tracking data. Some servers do not recognize it and will return a “site not found” notice. If this is the case, you cannot use this simple tracking method.
The other necessary component is a good stat counter on your site. Make sure it is embedded on every page of your site. There are a number of important facts that you can discover from a good stat counter when using tracking data.
Using a tracking code can make you much more efficient. Some time ago, I entered a tracking code into each article that I submitted to the smaller submission sites. After about three weeks, I noticed that I had not received any hits from a number of these sites. As a result, I deleted about 90 sites from my submission list. I had been submitting each article to about 150 sites. After that test, I paired my submission list to about 60 sites. I saved about an hour a day with no decline in traffic! That is the power of a good tracking campaign.
In addition, you can track the performance of ads that you place. If you find that one particular ad is performing better than others, use it more consistently. Stop wasting money on those non-performing ads. With each ad that I place, I enter the ad along with the tracking data into a file and save it on the computer. Then, it is an easy matter to see which ads are doing well and which ones are doing poorly. That way, I am continually improving the performance of my ad and email campaigns.
If you’d like to improve YOUR performance, develop your own product!
Now, for the first time, you can CREATE YOUR OWN EBOOK IN 3 EASY STEPS!
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Friday, September 28, 2007
Maximize Your Internet Profits With a Simple Technique
To maximize the income you make from your Internet business, keep good records. I save each article I write in a file I call “Published.” I save the resource box, summary, and keywords along with the body of each article I write. Once per quarter, I transfer these files onto a CD.
On the larger article submission sites, you can determine your page views, URL clicks, and published ezines. This is extremely useful information. With it, you can determine which articles were the most popular with the public. You can also conclude which resource boxes worked the best. This information is critical. After all, the number of URL clicks is the primary reason that most people write articles.
The other necessary component is a good stat counter on your site. Make sure it is embedded on every page of your site. There are a number of important facts that you can discover from a good stat counter:
1) How many people visit your site?
This, of course, is particularly important. If no one is visiting your site, you may as well close it down. A lack of traffic can tell you a lot; maybe your content is lacking or perhaps your ads and resource boxes are not compelling. In any case, a lack of, or decline in traffic is a sign that there is a problem.
2) Where do your visitors come from?
Do they come from your ads or your article submission sites? If so, which ones do they come from? If you haven’t had a visitor from a submission site (or ad) in several weeks, stop submitting to them. Find a site (or ad) with a bigger or more responsive audience.
3) Which search terms were used to find your site?
This can be particular telling. If a large number of your visitors find your site by using the same search term, provide more content in that targeted area. This will attract additional like-minded visitors.
4) Which pages were visited on your site?
If certain pages on your site are ignored by your visitors, replace them with fresh content. Or, replace the content on the 3 or 4 pages with lowest number of visits. This will prevent your site from getting stale and may attract more traffic.
A good stat counter can provide you with these, and many more statistics. From this data you will know what appealed to your viewers and can use this information to be more successful in the future. It can also help you decide which topics to focus on for future articles, ads, and resource boxes.
If you’re focused on making money, you know you need your own product!
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On the larger article submission sites, you can determine your page views, URL clicks, and published ezines. This is extremely useful information. With it, you can determine which articles were the most popular with the public. You can also conclude which resource boxes worked the best. This information is critical. After all, the number of URL clicks is the primary reason that most people write articles.
The other necessary component is a good stat counter on your site. Make sure it is embedded on every page of your site. There are a number of important facts that you can discover from a good stat counter:
1) How many people visit your site?
This, of course, is particularly important. If no one is visiting your site, you may as well close it down. A lack of traffic can tell you a lot; maybe your content is lacking or perhaps your ads and resource boxes are not compelling. In any case, a lack of, or decline in traffic is a sign that there is a problem.
2) Where do your visitors come from?
Do they come from your ads or your article submission sites? If so, which ones do they come from? If you haven’t had a visitor from a submission site (or ad) in several weeks, stop submitting to them. Find a site (or ad) with a bigger or more responsive audience.
3) Which search terms were used to find your site?
This can be particular telling. If a large number of your visitors find your site by using the same search term, provide more content in that targeted area. This will attract additional like-minded visitors.
4) Which pages were visited on your site?
If certain pages on your site are ignored by your visitors, replace them with fresh content. Or, replace the content on the 3 or 4 pages with lowest number of visits. This will prevent your site from getting stale and may attract more traffic.
A good stat counter can provide you with these, and many more statistics. From this data you will know what appealed to your viewers and can use this information to be more successful in the future. It can also help you decide which topics to focus on for future articles, ads, and resource boxes.
If you’re focused on making money, you know you need your own product!
Now, you can Quickly and Easily CREATE YOUR OWN EBOOK IN 3 EASY STEPS!
Use our Easy 3 step technique and start making real money tonight!
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Thursday, September 27, 2007
Submit Your Articles to the Right Sites for Success - Part 2
In my first installment, I offered a listing of the twelve largest submission sites. I’m rounding out the list with a bakers dozen of large sites. Using my prior article along with the sites shown below, you now have a list of the twenty-five largest submission sites.
When submitting articles, you should look for two criteria. First, you should seek out sites related to your niche. This is vitally important. Most of the viewers on these specialized niche sites are interested in the topic that you are writing about. As such, they are much more inclined to want to read your articles and click on your links. If your niche is about beach life, those who frequent the site would not be very interested in an article on using whale blubber. However, the Eskimo niche would be very interested (all three of them would probably click on your link). Choosing a targeted niche site can make all the difference to your article success.
The second most important criteria is the size and popularity of the site where you submit your articles. If you submit an article to a site that is frequented by very few people, then very few people will see your article. By submitting to larger, more important sites, your article has an opportunity to be viewed by many more readers. I use Google’s PageRank and Alexa to rank my submission sites.
Google’s PageRank measures the relative importance of a site on a scale from 0 – 10. Ten is the most important site and zero is the least important. When seeking out submission sites, look for those with the highest Google PageRank.
Alexa measures the relative size of a site. If a site has an Alexa rating of 10,000, that means that there are 10,000 larger sites on the Internet. (Keep in mind that there are over 2 billion sites on the Internet now.) The lower the Alexa rating, the bigger the site. Seek out those sites with relatively low Alexa ratings.
Following is a list of sites along with their Google PageRank and Alexa ratings. Please keep in mind that these ratings change regularly. FYI- I submit each of my articles to about 60 sites.
Google PageRank 5
Alexa Rank 15,375
Google PageRank 5
Alexa Rank 15,945
Google PageRank 5
Alexa Rank 17,509
Google PageRank 6
Alexa Rank 20,008
Google PageRank 4
Alexa Rank 24,462
Google PageRank 6
Alexa Rank 28,036
Google PageRank 6
Alexa Rank 29,707
Google PageRank 7
Alexa Rank 30,664
Google PageRank 6
Alexa Rank 33,740
Google PageRank 4
Alexa Rank 33,894
Google PageRank 5
Alexa Rank 36,322
Google PageRank 4
Alexa Rank 42,283
Google PageRank 6
Alexa Rank 49,044
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When submitting articles, you should look for two criteria. First, you should seek out sites related to your niche. This is vitally important. Most of the viewers on these specialized niche sites are interested in the topic that you are writing about. As such, they are much more inclined to want to read your articles and click on your links. If your niche is about beach life, those who frequent the site would not be very interested in an article on using whale blubber. However, the Eskimo niche would be very interested (all three of them would probably click on your link). Choosing a targeted niche site can make all the difference to your article success.
The second most important criteria is the size and popularity of the site where you submit your articles. If you submit an article to a site that is frequented by very few people, then very few people will see your article. By submitting to larger, more important sites, your article has an opportunity to be viewed by many more readers. I use Google’s PageRank and Alexa to rank my submission sites.
Google’s PageRank measures the relative importance of a site on a scale from 0 – 10. Ten is the most important site and zero is the least important. When seeking out submission sites, look for those with the highest Google PageRank.
Alexa measures the relative size of a site. If a site has an Alexa rating of 10,000, that means that there are 10,000 larger sites on the Internet. (Keep in mind that there are over 2 billion sites on the Internet now.) The lower the Alexa rating, the bigger the site. Seek out those sites with relatively low Alexa ratings.
Following is a list of sites along with their Google PageRank and Alexa ratings. Please keep in mind that these ratings change regularly. FYI- I submit each of my articles to about 60 sites.
Google PageRank 5
Alexa Rank 15,375
Google PageRank 5
Alexa Rank 15,945
Google PageRank 5
Alexa Rank 17,509
Google PageRank 6
Alexa Rank 20,008
Google PageRank 4
Alexa Rank 24,462
Google PageRank 6
Alexa Rank 28,036
Google PageRank 6
Alexa Rank 29,707
Google PageRank 7
Alexa Rank 30,664
Google PageRank 6
Alexa Rank 33,740
Google PageRank 4
Alexa Rank 33,894
Google PageRank 5
Alexa Rank 36,322
Google PageRank 4
Alexa Rank 42,283
Google PageRank 6
Alexa Rank 49,044
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Persuasive Words – Powerful Sales Tool
When you browse among a number of sale items, most people will choose the product that makes them feel the best. The key word is FEEL. Whether you realize it or not, making a purchase is an emotional activity. The way you feel is an emotional response. A few examples of the emotional responses are: happy, sad, cozy, secure, etc.
You bought that super-sized TV because it makes you happy. Sitting on that sofa is so comfortable and cozy. The car you are considering will impress the neighbors. People buy things to satisfy their emotional needs.
Some words or phrases cater to these emotional needs more than others. Use these emotional trigger words in your titles, ads, emails, and sales pages to encourage people to buy. As proof, from which ad below would you prefer to purchase:
Ad 1) Sale, sale, sale! Free bonus – today only! New Item-XYZ Bird Feeder! Limited supply-Order today and get FREE Birdseed! Easy Low Payment, Free shipping, Fast delivery! Your complete Satisfaction Guaranteed or your money back – no questions asked!
Ad 2) Bird Feeder and birdseed – no charge to ship.
Both of these ads are selling the same thing. But, if you were like most people, you would prefer to buy from ad number 1. In that ad, all of the key words in the list below are used. Try using some of these words in your ads, sales pages, and emails and watch your sales increase!
1. Use the word "free" in your ad. Everybody likes a free incentive to do business with you. Offer free ebooks, downloads, reports, etc.
2. Use the word "guaranteed". It is reassuring to know that they are not risking their money buying a product that they won't like. They like to have some recourse if they are not happy.
3. Use the word "new" in your ad. People want new products or services that will improve their life.
4. Use the word "limited" in your ad. People want to have items that are exclusive. Rare products have a higher perceived value.
Please excuse me now; I have to finish up here. You see, I saw this ad for one of those new XYZ Birdfeeders that I’ve just GOT to have…
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You bought that super-sized TV because it makes you happy. Sitting on that sofa is so comfortable and cozy. The car you are considering will impress the neighbors. People buy things to satisfy their emotional needs.
Some words or phrases cater to these emotional needs more than others. Use these emotional trigger words in your titles, ads, emails, and sales pages to encourage people to buy. As proof, from which ad below would you prefer to purchase:
Ad 1) Sale, sale, sale! Free bonus – today only! New Item-XYZ Bird Feeder! Limited supply-Order today and get FREE Birdseed! Easy Low Payment, Free shipping, Fast delivery! Your complete Satisfaction Guaranteed or your money back – no questions asked!
Ad 2) Bird Feeder and birdseed – no charge to ship.
Both of these ads are selling the same thing. But, if you were like most people, you would prefer to buy from ad number 1. In that ad, all of the key words in the list below are used. Try using some of these words in your ads, sales pages, and emails and watch your sales increase!
1. Use the word "free" in your ad. Everybody likes a free incentive to do business with you. Offer free ebooks, downloads, reports, etc.
2. Use the word "guaranteed". It is reassuring to know that they are not risking their money buying a product that they won't like. They like to have some recourse if they are not happy.
3. Use the word "new" in your ad. People want new products or services that will improve their life.
4. Use the word "limited" in your ad. People want to have items that are exclusive. Rare products have a higher perceived value.
Please excuse me now; I have to finish up here. You see, I saw this ad for one of those new XYZ Birdfeeders that I’ve just GOT to have…
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Monday, September 24, 2007
How to Start Making Money on the Internet
Like everyone else, I struggled in the beginning as I stated my Internet business. After two months, I still hadn’t made any real money. During that time, I think I made less than $2.00 in Adsense revenue. Hardly enough to live on!
At about that time I did a thorough analysis of my Internet business. I closely examined what I was doing and what I needed to change in order to be successful. After a thorough assessment, I put those changes into effect.
I got rid of my free autoresponder and signed up for the paid version. Too many of my emails were ending up in my prospects’ junk/bulk email boxes. This led to an immediate improvement in my email response rates. Obviously, my emails were now getting through to inboxes.
I bought a domain name and arranged for quality hosting. This resulted in an immediate improvement in the number of clicks that my articles were achieving.
I initiated a few pre-sell pages and noticed my affiliate sales began to inch higher. But still, I wasn’t earning a substantial amount of money.
I determined that I needed one more critical item to jump-start my income. I needed my own product. Over the course of the next month, I developed my own Ebook, sales page, and ad campaign. I advertised my Ebook using four paid ads (at ten dollars each), free ezine ads, and my articles.
During my first full month marketing my own product, I made almost $400. I re-invested half of the proceeds into additional ads and I made $1,200 in my second full month.
At that point, I realized that I could indeed make a very nice living on the Internet marketing my own products. I immediately set to work on my second Ebook and from that point, my income moved steadily higher.
If you want to be successful, and make a living on the Internet, develop our own product. There are numerous advantages to having your own product. You are in complete control. You receive 100% of the proceeds of your sales. You determine the price and can change it at will. And, best of all, you can enlist others to help sell your product through affiliate programs. Success is right around the corner if you develop your own product.
If you are ready to turn that corner of success, you can develop your own product with "Create Your Own Ebook in 3 Easy Steps". This PDF makes it very easy develop your own product, even if you have no experience! Success is right around the corner! Get the details at
Get FREE Ebooks, downloads, articles, and PDF’s at Visit and sign-in today for your free Ebooks!
At about that time I did a thorough analysis of my Internet business. I closely examined what I was doing and what I needed to change in order to be successful. After a thorough assessment, I put those changes into effect.
I got rid of my free autoresponder and signed up for the paid version. Too many of my emails were ending up in my prospects’ junk/bulk email boxes. This led to an immediate improvement in my email response rates. Obviously, my emails were now getting through to inboxes.
I bought a domain name and arranged for quality hosting. This resulted in an immediate improvement in the number of clicks that my articles were achieving.
I initiated a few pre-sell pages and noticed my affiliate sales began to inch higher. But still, I wasn’t earning a substantial amount of money.
I determined that I needed one more critical item to jump-start my income. I needed my own product. Over the course of the next month, I developed my own Ebook, sales page, and ad campaign. I advertised my Ebook using four paid ads (at ten dollars each), free ezine ads, and my articles.
During my first full month marketing my own product, I made almost $400. I re-invested half of the proceeds into additional ads and I made $1,200 in my second full month.
At that point, I realized that I could indeed make a very nice living on the Internet marketing my own products. I immediately set to work on my second Ebook and from that point, my income moved steadily higher.
If you want to be successful, and make a living on the Internet, develop our own product. There are numerous advantages to having your own product. You are in complete control. You receive 100% of the proceeds of your sales. You determine the price and can change it at will. And, best of all, you can enlist others to help sell your product through affiliate programs. Success is right around the corner if you develop your own product.
If you are ready to turn that corner of success, you can develop your own product with "Create Your Own Ebook in 3 Easy Steps". This PDF makes it very easy develop your own product, even if you have no experience! Success is right around the corner! Get the details at
Get FREE Ebooks, downloads, articles, and PDF’s at Visit and sign-in today for your free Ebooks!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
The Two Secrets to Achieve Writing Success
People always ask me for the one or two secrets to achieving success in marketing articles for income. Secret number 1, write. Secret number two, submit. That’s pretty much it. Of course there are many details that you need along the way: a properly constructed Resource Box, a great title, and a few other details. But, you need to write and submit.
Some days, I’ll write just one or two articles and I’ll submit them to my entire list of article submission sites, about 150. When I feel more energetic, I write four to five articles and submit them to a list of about sixty sites. On days when I'm really pumped up, I’ll crank out ten or more articles and submit them to my top 10 sites. I’d like to submit them to more sites, but I just don’t have the time when submitting that many articles.
It takes two or three hours to submit an article to my large 150 site list. I can submit to my 60 site list in about forty minutes. And I can submit an article to the short 10 site list in about ten or twelve minutes.
If you submit an article to 60 sites, you can expect to receive between 100 and 200 links over a six-month period. I’m quite happy with that. That’s one of the reasons that I write articles. The other reason is that I’m rather fond of money. I always have been, and I expect I always will be.
The people that ask me about the secret of success are what I call casual writers. They've written less than ten articles and submitted each one to just a few sites. They can’t believe that they didn’t make any money and they haven't witnessed increased traffic. In their mind, article marketing doesn’t work.
To be really successful writing articles, I’m talking about 6 figure successful, you need to write about 1000 articles per year. That’s three a day, every day!
I run my article business according to an old saying: “Work for a while like nobody will, live the rest of your life like nobody can!”
So get to work, write a few articles!
To live your life like nobody can, start writing. Better yet, Create Your Own Ebook. We show you how in 3 Easy Steps. For details, go to
Easily develop your own Ebook and start making real money!
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Would you like to submit your articles to 150 or more sites? Go to:
Some days, I’ll write just one or two articles and I’ll submit them to my entire list of article submission sites, about 150. When I feel more energetic, I write four to five articles and submit them to a list of about sixty sites. On days when I'm really pumped up, I’ll crank out ten or more articles and submit them to my top 10 sites. I’d like to submit them to more sites, but I just don’t have the time when submitting that many articles.
It takes two or three hours to submit an article to my large 150 site list. I can submit to my 60 site list in about forty minutes. And I can submit an article to the short 10 site list in about ten or twelve minutes.
If you submit an article to 60 sites, you can expect to receive between 100 and 200 links over a six-month period. I’m quite happy with that. That’s one of the reasons that I write articles. The other reason is that I’m rather fond of money. I always have been, and I expect I always will be.
The people that ask me about the secret of success are what I call casual writers. They've written less than ten articles and submitted each one to just a few sites. They can’t believe that they didn’t make any money and they haven't witnessed increased traffic. In their mind, article marketing doesn’t work.
To be really successful writing articles, I’m talking about 6 figure successful, you need to write about 1000 articles per year. That’s three a day, every day!
I run my article business according to an old saying: “Work for a while like nobody will, live the rest of your life like nobody can!”
So get to work, write a few articles!
To live your life like nobody can, start writing. Better yet, Create Your Own Ebook. We show you how in 3 Easy Steps. For details, go to
Easily develop your own Ebook and start making real money!
Get FREE downloads, articles, and PDF’s at Visit and sign-in today for your free downloads!
Would you like to submit your articles to 150 or more sites? Go to:
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Submit your Articles to the Right Sites for Success
When submitting articles, you should look for two criteria. First, you should seek out sites related to your niche. This is vitally important. Most of the viewers on these specialized niche sites are interested in the topic that you are writing about. As such, they are much more inclined to want to read your articles and click on your links. If your niche is about Eskimo life, those who frequent the site might be very interested in an article on using whale blubber. However, the sun and fun niche would have no interest at all. Choosing a targeted niche site can make all the difference to your article success.
The second most important criteria is the size and popularity of the site where you submit your articles. If you submit an article to a site that is frequented by very few people, then very few people will see your article. By submitting to larger, more important sites, your article has an opportunity to be viewed by many more readers. I use Google’s PageRank and Alexa to rank my submission sites.
Google’s PageRank measures the relative importance of a site on a scale from 0 – 10. Ten is the most important site and zero is the least important. When seeking out submission sites, look for those with the highest Google PageRank.
Alexa measures the relative size of a site. If a site has an Alexa rating of 10,000, that means that there are 10,000 larger sites on the Internet. (Keep in mind that there are over 2 billion sites on the Internet now.) The lower the Alexa rating, the bigger the site. Seek out those sites with relatively low Alexa ratings.
Following is a list of ten sites along with their Google PageRank and Alexa ratings. Please keep in mind that these ratings change regularly. FYI- I submit each of my articles to about 60 sites.
Google PageRank 6
Alexa 499
Google PageRank 4
Alexa 3,592
Google PageRank 6
Alexa 5,255
Google PageRank 5
Alexa 6,032
Google PageRank 4
Alexa 8,735
Google PageRank 6
Alexa 8,791
Google PageRank 6
Alexa 9,653
Google PageRank 6
Alexa 9,698
Google PageRank 6
Alexa 11,526
Google PageRank 4
Alexa 13,121
Google PageRank 5
Alexa 14,259
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The second most important criteria is the size and popularity of the site where you submit your articles. If you submit an article to a site that is frequented by very few people, then very few people will see your article. By submitting to larger, more important sites, your article has an opportunity to be viewed by many more readers. I use Google’s PageRank and Alexa to rank my submission sites.
Google’s PageRank measures the relative importance of a site on a scale from 0 – 10. Ten is the most important site and zero is the least important. When seeking out submission sites, look for those with the highest Google PageRank.
Alexa measures the relative size of a site. If a site has an Alexa rating of 10,000, that means that there are 10,000 larger sites on the Internet. (Keep in mind that there are over 2 billion sites on the Internet now.) The lower the Alexa rating, the bigger the site. Seek out those sites with relatively low Alexa ratings.
Following is a list of ten sites along with their Google PageRank and Alexa ratings. Please keep in mind that these ratings change regularly. FYI- I submit each of my articles to about 60 sites.
Google PageRank 6
Alexa 499
Google PageRank 4
Alexa 3,592
Google PageRank 6
Alexa 5,255
Google PageRank 5
Alexa 6,032
Google PageRank 4
Alexa 8,735
Google PageRank 6
Alexa 8,791
Google PageRank 6
Alexa 9,653
Google PageRank 6
Alexa 9,698
Google PageRank 6
Alexa 11,526
Google PageRank 4
Alexa 13,121
Google PageRank 5
Alexa 14,259
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Friday, September 21, 2007
Use a Simple Tracking Technique to Increase Profits
One of the most important activities required if you are marketing articles is tracking your results. It is extremely important to know which of your efforts are paying off and which ones are wasting your time and or money.
It is important to know which article submission sites are working for you. If you are not getting any results from a particular site, stop wasting your time and submit to someone else. Maybe the clientele from that site is not interested in your particular niche. If you are diligent in tracking your results, you will know this right away and can stop wasting time with them.
It is particularly important to know which of your ads are working. This is even more critical if you are using paid ads. If the profit an ad generates is less than the cost of the ad, you need to advertise elsewhere. This type of information is readily available if you are tracking your results. Too many people write up several ads and send them out along with a check week after week. Because they are happy with the total results, they never bother to check which individual ones are working. With diligent tracking, you can see if a particular ad is profitable.
Good tracking will also allow you to test how an ad performs. Keep good records on the results from each ad. Change just one thing on your worst performing ad and watch the results. Continue doing this with each ad and you will improve your profits by significant amounts.
I get a lot of questions on how to track an ad (or article). It is actually quite simple. At the end of your URL, enter a question mark and the name of the test, ad, or Ezine that you are tracking (for Each time your website gets a hit from that source, your counter will log that information. By comparing hits from competing ads, or articles, you can determine which are the most successful. Before you commit to any substantial tracking campaign using this method, do a simple test to ensure that your website works properly with the question mark test. Some servers do not recognize it and will return a “site not found” notice. If this is the case, you cannot use this simple tracking method.
Of course, you also have to have a good counter for this to work. You can find many free counters on the Internet by doing a search.
When tracking your paid ads, eliminate the less profitable ones. Then, commit more money (for bigger ads) in those publications that are profitable. If you do not want to use larger ads, seek out other publications to replace those less profitable ads.
The same is true if you are using free ads. Replace non-performing ads with free ads in other publications. By doing this, you will continually upgrade your ad performance, and ultimately, your profitability.
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Thursday, September 20, 2007
Achieving Success With Your Internet Business
In most businesses, the top performing twenty percent of individuals make a ton of money. And likewise, the lowest performing twenty percent languish making little or nothing. The remainder of us fall somewhere in the middle and do okay.
If you are not in the top twenty percent, you should try to imitate the efforts of the top performers in your business. Make every effort to do what they do. Follow in their footsteps to reach higher levels of production. By doing this, your income could improve dramatically.
Some of the characteristics of successful people in the Internet business are:
1) They develop and sell their own products. Having your own product is the biggest factor in achieving success. You must have your own products in order to excel. In addition, they allow others to sell their products for them on an affiliate basis.
2) They work (or did work) long hard hours to get their websites and income to the current levels.
3) They keep meticulous records. They track all results and do more of the stuff that is working and eliminate the stuff that isn’t. It’s important to know what you are doing right.
4) They are not afraid to spend money and reinvest a portion of their profits back into their business. They have no problem buying advertising, domain names, good hosting, software, and information. You’ve got to spend money in order to make it.
5) They pay talented people to take care of the details on their numerous websites. They pay others to take care of the more mundane day-to-day issues. This frees up their time to work on items that they believe to be more important, like developing new products.
Follow the five steps above and you too you can be successful. Of course there is no guarantee that you will reach the status the top twenty percent. But you might be able to see an increase of thirty or forty percent from your current income levels. By working hard, you have taken the first step toward achieving success. Most successful people have worked very hard to earn what they have. Copy the efforts of those successful individuals and someday, people new to the business may try to imitate you.
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If you are not in the top twenty percent, you should try to imitate the efforts of the top performers in your business. Make every effort to do what they do. Follow in their footsteps to reach higher levels of production. By doing this, your income could improve dramatically.
Some of the characteristics of successful people in the Internet business are:
1) They develop and sell their own products. Having your own product is the biggest factor in achieving success. You must have your own products in order to excel. In addition, they allow others to sell their products for them on an affiliate basis.
2) They work (or did work) long hard hours to get their websites and income to the current levels.
3) They keep meticulous records. They track all results and do more of the stuff that is working and eliminate the stuff that isn’t. It’s important to know what you are doing right.
4) They are not afraid to spend money and reinvest a portion of their profits back into their business. They have no problem buying advertising, domain names, good hosting, software, and information. You’ve got to spend money in order to make it.
5) They pay talented people to take care of the details on their numerous websites. They pay others to take care of the more mundane day-to-day issues. This frees up their time to work on items that they believe to be more important, like developing new products.
Follow the five steps above and you too you can be successful. Of course there is no guarantee that you will reach the status the top twenty percent. But you might be able to see an increase of thirty or forty percent from your current income levels. By working hard, you have taken the first step toward achieving success. Most successful people have worked very hard to earn what they have. Copy the efforts of those successful individuals and someday, people new to the business may try to imitate you.
Create your own Ebook and make BIG MONEY! Go to
Our easy 3-step method allows you to make your own Ebook, even if you have no experience!
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We offer tons of information on generating income by writing articles. Visit us today!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Outsmarting Google Part 1 of 3
As you excitedly added your first Google Adsense code to your website, how many of you thought, “How can I beat the system?” A fair number I bet. But the fact of the matter is, you can’t.
With Google’s massive computing power and the best minds in the business, it is practically impossible to beat Google in the long term. Sure, there are those who call their cousin Jill and ask her to click on an ad or two. And some people will try to cheat the system and click on a few ads from their computer at work. This may work over the short term, but Google will discover it and disable your account long before you make any serious money.
If Google detects unusual Adsense clicking activity regarding your account, they will not normally disable your account immediately (although they can). In most cases, your account will initially be flagged. If your account is flagged, it means that Google will keep a close eye on things. Sometimes, they send you a warning letter, informing you that they are looking into suspicious activity. On other occasions, you get nothing. If the suspicious activity continues, your account will be terminated and banned from using the Adsense program in the future.
Google uses a number of techniques to determine suspicious activity and invalid clicks. Following, is a list of just some of those methods:
1) Your computer’s IP address is similar to the street address where you live. It uniquely identifies a computer or other network device that is connected to the Internet. When you sign up for your Adsense account, Google logs the IP address of your computer. During the course of business, Google collects the IP address from each ad as it is clicked on your site. If the IP address matches the one from your initial Adsense sign-up, your account is flagged.
2) I can hear many of you thinking now, “Ah-ha! If I disconnect my computer from the Internet and re-connect it, I’ll get a new IP address.” Forget it, it won’t work. Google places cookies on your computer. These cookies can be traced to determine whether ad clicks originated from the same computer as your initial sign-up.
3) Google has done extensive research regarding the average number of ads clicked versus the total number of visitors on a site. This is called the Click Through Rate. If 100 people visit your site and six of them click on Adsense ads, your Click Through Rate is 6%. The normal click through rate varies between .5% and 10%. If your Click Through rate exceeds 10%, or whatever percentage Google is using today, they will flag your account.
This information was obtained at . This is an excellent site for facts relating to Google’s Adsense program.
The Google Adsense program is a good advertising medium that can very nicely increase the income your site generates. It is in your best interests to play by the rules. The few extra dollars that you might make by cheating the system is not worth the legitimate income that you stand to lose over the long term. Please keep in mind that the information above is subject to change at any time by Google.
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With Google’s massive computing power and the best minds in the business, it is practically impossible to beat Google in the long term. Sure, there are those who call their cousin Jill and ask her to click on an ad or two. And some people will try to cheat the system and click on a few ads from their computer at work. This may work over the short term, but Google will discover it and disable your account long before you make any serious money.
If Google detects unusual Adsense clicking activity regarding your account, they will not normally disable your account immediately (although they can). In most cases, your account will initially be flagged. If your account is flagged, it means that Google will keep a close eye on things. Sometimes, they send you a warning letter, informing you that they are looking into suspicious activity. On other occasions, you get nothing. If the suspicious activity continues, your account will be terminated and banned from using the Adsense program in the future.
Google uses a number of techniques to determine suspicious activity and invalid clicks. Following, is a list of just some of those methods:
1) Your computer’s IP address is similar to the street address where you live. It uniquely identifies a computer or other network device that is connected to the Internet. When you sign up for your Adsense account, Google logs the IP address of your computer. During the course of business, Google collects the IP address from each ad as it is clicked on your site. If the IP address matches the one from your initial Adsense sign-up, your account is flagged.
2) I can hear many of you thinking now, “Ah-ha! If I disconnect my computer from the Internet and re-connect it, I’ll get a new IP address.” Forget it, it won’t work. Google places cookies on your computer. These cookies can be traced to determine whether ad clicks originated from the same computer as your initial sign-up.
3) Google has done extensive research regarding the average number of ads clicked versus the total number of visitors on a site. This is called the Click Through Rate. If 100 people visit your site and six of them click on Adsense ads, your Click Through Rate is 6%. The normal click through rate varies between .5% and 10%. If your Click Through rate exceeds 10%, or whatever percentage Google is using today, they will flag your account.
This information was obtained at . This is an excellent site for facts relating to Google’s Adsense program.
The Google Adsense program is a good advertising medium that can very nicely increase the income your site generates. It is in your best interests to play by the rules. The few extra dollars that you might make by cheating the system is not worth the legitimate income that you stand to lose over the long term. Please keep in mind that the information above is subject to change at any time by Google.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Use Power Words to Maximize Profits
Whether you realize it or not, making a purchase is an emotional activity. When you browse among a number of sale items, most people will choose the product that makes them feel the best. The key word is FEEL. The way you feel is an emotion. A few examples of emotional responses are: happy, sad, cozy, secure, etc.
An item for the home might be purchased because it matches the surroundings perfectly and brightens the room (it makes you feel cheerful). Sitting on that sofa is so comfortable and cozy (secure). The car you are considering will impress the neighbors (proud). People buy things to satisfy their emotional needs.
Some words or phrases cater to these emotional needs more than others. Use these emotional trigger words in your titles, ads, emails, and sales pages to encourage people to buy. As proof, from which ad below would you prefer to purchase:
Ad 1) Sale, sale, sale! Free bonus – today only! Get a brand new XYZ Fishing Rod. Buy today and get our exclusive important fishing guide – Who’s catching What and Where. This handy guide is included Absolutely FREE! Easy Low Payment, Free shipping, Fast delivery! Your complete Satisfaction Guaranteed or your money back – no questions asked!
Ad 2) XYZ Fishing rod with fishing pamphlet – no charge to ship.
Both of these ads are selling the same thing. But, if you were like most people, you would prefer to buy from ad number 1. In that ad, all of the key words in the list below are used. Try using some of these words in your ads, sales pages, and emails and watch your sales increase!
1. Use the word "important" in your ad. People want important information that could change their life.
2. Use the word "guaranteed". It is reassuring to know that they are not risking their money buying a product that they won't like. They like to have some recourse if they are not happy.
3. Use the word "fast". People like immediate gratification and want fast results, fast delivery, fast ordering, etc. We value our time more than our money.
4. Use the word "easy" in your ad. We like things that are not difficult. People like easy methods, easy instructions, easy to use, easy payments, etc.
5. Use the word "free" in your ad. Everybody likes a free incentive to do business with you. Offer free ebooks, downloads, reports, etc.
Please excuse me now; I have to finish up here. You see, I saw an ad for one of those new XYZ Fishing Rods that I’ve just GOT to order…
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An item for the home might be purchased because it matches the surroundings perfectly and brightens the room (it makes you feel cheerful). Sitting on that sofa is so comfortable and cozy (secure). The car you are considering will impress the neighbors (proud). People buy things to satisfy their emotional needs.
Some words or phrases cater to these emotional needs more than others. Use these emotional trigger words in your titles, ads, emails, and sales pages to encourage people to buy. As proof, from which ad below would you prefer to purchase:
Ad 1) Sale, sale, sale! Free bonus – today only! Get a brand new XYZ Fishing Rod. Buy today and get our exclusive important fishing guide – Who’s catching What and Where. This handy guide is included Absolutely FREE! Easy Low Payment, Free shipping, Fast delivery! Your complete Satisfaction Guaranteed or your money back – no questions asked!
Ad 2) XYZ Fishing rod with fishing pamphlet – no charge to ship.
Both of these ads are selling the same thing. But, if you were like most people, you would prefer to buy from ad number 1. In that ad, all of the key words in the list below are used. Try using some of these words in your ads, sales pages, and emails and watch your sales increase!
1. Use the word "important" in your ad. People want important information that could change their life.
2. Use the word "guaranteed". It is reassuring to know that they are not risking their money buying a product that they won't like. They like to have some recourse if they are not happy.
3. Use the word "fast". People like immediate gratification and want fast results, fast delivery, fast ordering, etc. We value our time more than our money.
4. Use the word "easy" in your ad. We like things that are not difficult. People like easy methods, easy instructions, easy to use, easy payments, etc.
5. Use the word "free" in your ad. Everybody likes a free incentive to do business with you. Offer free ebooks, downloads, reports, etc.
Please excuse me now; I have to finish up here. You see, I saw an ad for one of those new XYZ Fishing Rods that I’ve just GOT to order…
Order NOW for your FREE BONUS!
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Monday, September 17, 2007
Discover How to Write in a Style to Increase Sales
People like dealing with those who are friendly. When interacting in person, we take visual cues from each other. Subconsciously, we note whether the other person is smiling, happy, sad, sincere, trustworthy, etc. We listen to verbal clues as well to gain insight into their personality. We do this without even realizing it. After meeting someone new, we know in less than a minute whether we like that person or not, and we may not even know why.
On the Internet, we don’t get visual or verbal cues. We can’t hear the enthusiasm in someone’s voice. Much of the information we receive there is through the written word. When I first started out, I had an experience that has stayed with me and served me well.
Shortly after starting in this business, one of my subscribers contacted me by email. He addressed me by my first name and his email was written in a pleasant conversational tone. It sounded like my subscriber, whom I’d never met and did not even recall, was writing to an old friend. Because of the regular emails that he received from me, he felt as though he was talking to an old friend.
I thought, “That’s really nice. He feels as though he knows me through the regular messages sent out by my autoresponder. And through his tone, it sounds like he thinks I know him too.”
Ever since I received that email, I make a special effort to write my autoresponder messages, sales pages, and Ebooks as though I’m talking to a friend. Notice that I didn’t say friends (plural). I want each reader to think that the information they are reading is a personal message I crafted just for them.
I start out with a friendly greeting and address them by their first name whenever possible. I use the terms “you” and “I” liberally in the body of my message. I try to use a conversational tone, similar to what I would say if I was talking to them in person. In my sign-off, except for the first few mailings, I use just my first name.
If I can make one suggestion to you, always write in a friendly conversational tone. People are more inclined to buy from someone they like and trust. Convey those traits in your writing style and you will attract friends as well as success.
Attract success with my newest product, Create Your Own Ebook in 3 Easy Steps. For details, go to
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On the Internet, we don’t get visual or verbal cues. We can’t hear the enthusiasm in someone’s voice. Much of the information we receive there is through the written word. When I first started out, I had an experience that has stayed with me and served me well.
Shortly after starting in this business, one of my subscribers contacted me by email. He addressed me by my first name and his email was written in a pleasant conversational tone. It sounded like my subscriber, whom I’d never met and did not even recall, was writing to an old friend. Because of the regular emails that he received from me, he felt as though he was talking to an old friend.
I thought, “That’s really nice. He feels as though he knows me through the regular messages sent out by my autoresponder. And through his tone, it sounds like he thinks I know him too.”
Ever since I received that email, I make a special effort to write my autoresponder messages, sales pages, and Ebooks as though I’m talking to a friend. Notice that I didn’t say friends (plural). I want each reader to think that the information they are reading is a personal message I crafted just for them.
I start out with a friendly greeting and address them by their first name whenever possible. I use the terms “you” and “I” liberally in the body of my message. I try to use a conversational tone, similar to what I would say if I was talking to them in person. In my sign-off, except for the first few mailings, I use just my first name.
If I can make one suggestion to you, always write in a friendly conversational tone. People are more inclined to buy from someone they like and trust. Convey those traits in your writing style and you will attract friends as well as success.
Attract success with my newest product, Create Your Own Ebook in 3 Easy Steps. For details, go to
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Sunday, September 16, 2007
How to Achieve Financial Internet Success
In every business, a few individuals make millions upon millions of dollars. In addition, another ten percent do unbelievably well. And likewise, there are a few who struggle for years and make little if any money at all. The ten percent above those bottom individuals just barely scrape by earning a pittance. The rest of us are somewhere in the middle.
Whatever your current status, you should try to emulate successful Internet marketers. Make every effort to do what they do. By following in their footsteps, you may not achieve super star status right away, but your financial results will certainly improve.
Some of the characteristics of successful Internet marketers are as follows:
1) They develop and sell their own products. In addition, they allow others to sell their products on an affiliate basis. Having your own product is the biggest factor in becoming a successful Internet marketer. You must have your own products in order to excel. Commit time each day on your own product, I have found that the conversion ratio for my ebooks is considerably higher than the conversion ration for my affiliate sales. With your own product, you can control the price, delivery method, sales page, and other factors that effect sales.
2) They take advantage of every possible method in monetizing the Internet and their websites. They use all types of advertising and any other sources to generate income. Continuing monthly income is a very important income source for successful Internet marketers.
3) They continually work to build traffic to their websites. Expanding traffic today equals a growing income tomorrow. Each day, spend some time on efforts to increase traffic to your website and blogs.
By working hard, you can achieve great success. Of course there is no guarantee that you will reach the status of super success. But most people would probably be happy with a thirty or forty percent increase from their current income levels. By working hard and following the three steps above, you can be well on your way to a successful Internet business. Most Successful Internet marketers have worked very hard to earn they have. Copy the efforts of those successful individuals and someday, people new to the business may try to imitate you.
Develop your own product with my newest Ebook, Create Your Own Ebook in 3 Easy Steps. For details, Click Here
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Whatever your current status, you should try to emulate successful Internet marketers. Make every effort to do what they do. By following in their footsteps, you may not achieve super star status right away, but your financial results will certainly improve.
Some of the characteristics of successful Internet marketers are as follows:
1) They develop and sell their own products. In addition, they allow others to sell their products on an affiliate basis. Having your own product is the biggest factor in becoming a successful Internet marketer. You must have your own products in order to excel. Commit time each day on your own product, I have found that the conversion ratio for my ebooks is considerably higher than the conversion ration for my affiliate sales. With your own product, you can control the price, delivery method, sales page, and other factors that effect sales.
2) They take advantage of every possible method in monetizing the Internet and their websites. They use all types of advertising and any other sources to generate income. Continuing monthly income is a very important income source for successful Internet marketers.
3) They continually work to build traffic to their websites. Expanding traffic today equals a growing income tomorrow. Each day, spend some time on efforts to increase traffic to your website and blogs.
By working hard, you can achieve great success. Of course there is no guarantee that you will reach the status of super success. But most people would probably be happy with a thirty or forty percent increase from their current income levels. By working hard and following the three steps above, you can be well on your way to a successful Internet business. Most Successful Internet marketers have worked very hard to earn they have. Copy the efforts of those successful individuals and someday, people new to the business may try to imitate you.
Develop your own product with my newest Ebook, Create Your Own Ebook in 3 Easy Steps. For details, Click Here
Easily develop your own Ebook and start making real money today!
Get tons of downloads, articles, and PDF’s on generating income, visit Visit today and sign-in for your free downloads!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Making a Million Dollars in Six Months
Do you want to know how to wind up with a million dollars in six months? Start with two million and invest it in the stock market.
Although there are some people that start with nothing and earn a million dollars in six months, the odds of that happening are extremely remote. You would be better served by working hard in your own business toward a goal. If you write, like I do, you might try writing Ebooks. These are popular digital books that are routinely sold and downloaded on the Internet.
If you've written an Ebook, what do you do next? This question haunts many an Ebook writer. But, it is not as overwhelming as you may think. You can ensure your financial future by following the one basic step below. This one technique could put you well on your way toward that million-dollar mark, but probably not in six months.
What is that all-important factor? Let me first ask you what you are doing with the initial profits from your first Ebook? If you are like most people you’ll take that first $100 and use it to celebrate. Most people go out for dinner, perhaps have a few drinks, or maybe take in a movie to celebrate their success. This is the absolute worst thing you can do.
You should be reinvesting those profits. Upgrade your hosting service, buy a (or another) domain name, purchase advertising for your Ebook, or increase the size of your list. By reinvesting the profits into your business, you will be setting the stage to make more money next month.
Basically, if you are making $100 or less each month, you should be reinvesting the entire amount. The reason you are only making $100 per month is because there are some deficiencies in your business. Look for areas that need improvement and fix them. If you using articles to promote your business and you are writing less than one article a day, pay a ghostwriter. If you have less then several thousand subscribers in your list, make improvements there. It will dramatically increase your income in the future.
If you are making $1,000 each month, reinvest one quarter to one half of your profits. By doing this, you can expect to double your monthly income in a relatively short time.
No matter how successful you become, you should continually reinvest a portion of your profits back into the business. That way, you will be setting the stage to make an ever-increasing income. Or, if you prefer, you can maintain a stable income and work less hours. Either way, it is always in your best interests to reinvest a portion of the profits.
And, if you've done everything right, you could be on that road to riches beyond your wildest dreams. I’m not saying that you will earn a million dollars in six months, but, maybe you’ll do it in eight months (wink).
For riches beyond YOUR wildest dreams, Create Your Own Ebook in 3 Easy Steps. For details, go to
Easily develop your own Ebook and start making real money!
Get tons of downloads, articles, and PDF’s on generating income, visit Visit and sign-in today for free downloads!
Although there are some people that start with nothing and earn a million dollars in six months, the odds of that happening are extremely remote. You would be better served by working hard in your own business toward a goal. If you write, like I do, you might try writing Ebooks. These are popular digital books that are routinely sold and downloaded on the Internet.
If you've written an Ebook, what do you do next? This question haunts many an Ebook writer. But, it is not as overwhelming as you may think. You can ensure your financial future by following the one basic step below. This one technique could put you well on your way toward that million-dollar mark, but probably not in six months.
What is that all-important factor? Let me first ask you what you are doing with the initial profits from your first Ebook? If you are like most people you’ll take that first $100 and use it to celebrate. Most people go out for dinner, perhaps have a few drinks, or maybe take in a movie to celebrate their success. This is the absolute worst thing you can do.
You should be reinvesting those profits. Upgrade your hosting service, buy a (or another) domain name, purchase advertising for your Ebook, or increase the size of your list. By reinvesting the profits into your business, you will be setting the stage to make more money next month.
Basically, if you are making $100 or less each month, you should be reinvesting the entire amount. The reason you are only making $100 per month is because there are some deficiencies in your business. Look for areas that need improvement and fix them. If you using articles to promote your business and you are writing less than one article a day, pay a ghostwriter. If you have less then several thousand subscribers in your list, make improvements there. It will dramatically increase your income in the future.
If you are making $1,000 each month, reinvest one quarter to one half of your profits. By doing this, you can expect to double your monthly income in a relatively short time.
No matter how successful you become, you should continually reinvest a portion of your profits back into the business. That way, you will be setting the stage to make an ever-increasing income. Or, if you prefer, you can maintain a stable income and work less hours. Either way, it is always in your best interests to reinvest a portion of the profits.
And, if you've done everything right, you could be on that road to riches beyond your wildest dreams. I’m not saying that you will earn a million dollars in six months, but, maybe you’ll do it in eight months (wink).
For riches beyond YOUR wildest dreams, Create Your Own Ebook in 3 Easy Steps. For details, go to
Easily develop your own Ebook and start making real money!
Get tons of downloads, articles, and PDF’s on generating income, visit Visit and sign-in today for free downloads!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Double Your Ebook Earnings
You’ve written your Ebook but what do you do next? This question haunts many an Ebook writer. But, it is not as overwhelming as you may think. Double or even triple your Ebook earnings by following the steps below.
First of all, you need an attractive, eye-catching title. If there is one factor that can make or break your Ebook, it is the title. A fantastic Ebook, filled with great, new information will not get any readers if it has a dull uninteresting title. You need an intriguing title to generate interest in your Ebook. To find this type of information, you’ve got to do some keyword research. Enter words related to your Ebook and determine how many people have searched on these terms over the last month. There are still several websites that provide this information for free. You can find them by doing a search for “keyword tool” or “free keyword tool”.
You can also find successful titles from article content sites. By doing a search for “submit articles”, you will find many pages of them. Research related articles from the larger websites. Use their search box and type in the keyword related to your Ebook. They will usually show you three lists: most recent articles, most viewed articles, and most published articles. Nearly all ezines provide these types of lists. Look at articles from the most viewed and most published lists. These are the most successful articles in that niche. Of course, you cannot copy a title directly from someone else’s work. That would be plagiarism, which is against the law.
Now that you’ve got the title that will draw them in by the millions, you’ve got to make sure you have a sales page that sells. Don’t try to be fancy and use non-traditional fonts. Use Times New Roman, Arial, or Verdana. Some browsers cannot display some of the more exotic fonts so stick to one of these. Also, use a minimum of colors. The occasional red headline is fine, but, stick to traditional black for the most part. Never include any ads on your sales page. You do not want to distract your viewers from making a purchase.
The final step you need to consider as you release your Ebook is advertising. People must be able to find your Ebook in order to buy it. If this is your first Ebook, start out with advertising that you can do for free. Write and submit at least one article each day. Make sure you design an attractive, compelling resource box to entice viewers to click on your Ebook links. In addition, use free ezine ads. Many ezines will allow you to place a free ad if you become a subscriber. If you are going to join a large number of ezines, or sign up with an ad submission company, use an alternative email address, not your primary one. Create a number of blogs and post new articles daily. At the bottom of each entry you make, provide a link to your new Ebook.
These are just some of the steps required for a successful Ebook launch. But, if you’ve done everything right, you could be on the road to riches beyond your wildest dreams.
For riches beyond YOUR wildest dreams, Create Your Own Ebook in 3 Easy Steps. For details, go to
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First of all, you need an attractive, eye-catching title. If there is one factor that can make or break your Ebook, it is the title. A fantastic Ebook, filled with great, new information will not get any readers if it has a dull uninteresting title. You need an intriguing title to generate interest in your Ebook. To find this type of information, you’ve got to do some keyword research. Enter words related to your Ebook and determine how many people have searched on these terms over the last month. There are still several websites that provide this information for free. You can find them by doing a search for “keyword tool” or “free keyword tool”.
You can also find successful titles from article content sites. By doing a search for “submit articles”, you will find many pages of them. Research related articles from the larger websites. Use their search box and type in the keyword related to your Ebook. They will usually show you three lists: most recent articles, most viewed articles, and most published articles. Nearly all ezines provide these types of lists. Look at articles from the most viewed and most published lists. These are the most successful articles in that niche. Of course, you cannot copy a title directly from someone else’s work. That would be plagiarism, which is against the law.
Now that you’ve got the title that will draw them in by the millions, you’ve got to make sure you have a sales page that sells. Don’t try to be fancy and use non-traditional fonts. Use Times New Roman, Arial, or Verdana. Some browsers cannot display some of the more exotic fonts so stick to one of these. Also, use a minimum of colors. The occasional red headline is fine, but, stick to traditional black for the most part. Never include any ads on your sales page. You do not want to distract your viewers from making a purchase.
The final step you need to consider as you release your Ebook is advertising. People must be able to find your Ebook in order to buy it. If this is your first Ebook, start out with advertising that you can do for free. Write and submit at least one article each day. Make sure you design an attractive, compelling resource box to entice viewers to click on your Ebook links. In addition, use free ezine ads. Many ezines will allow you to place a free ad if you become a subscriber. If you are going to join a large number of ezines, or sign up with an ad submission company, use an alternative email address, not your primary one. Create a number of blogs and post new articles daily. At the bottom of each entry you make, provide a link to your new Ebook.
These are just some of the steps required for a successful Ebook launch. But, if you’ve done everything right, you could be on the road to riches beyond your wildest dreams.
For riches beyond YOUR wildest dreams, Create Your Own Ebook in 3 Easy Steps. For details, go to
Easily develop your own Ebook and start making real money!
Get tons of downloads, articles, and PDF’s on generating income, visit
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Getting an Advantage for Your Articles
Most ezine submission sites provide a clearly defined section to insert the author’s resource information. When I first began writing, it disturbed me when a site did not provide space for my resource information. At first, I submitted my articles to them without any resource information. As I looked at articles from other author’s within these sites, it was obvious that most other authors submitted articles without their resource information.
At first, I considered dropping them from the list of sites that I submitted to. After all, the resource box is my only opportunity to be compensated for the work I did in writing the article.
Then, I had an idea, why not try to submit to these sites by adding my resource information at the bottom of my article. Would they accept this format?
I tried it with several articles and, sure enough, my articles were accepted and published just as I had submitted them. For several months I continued to make regular submissions to these sites with good success.
Then I had another idea. My resource box is almost always designed just like a paid ad. Bold attention grabbing headline, link, etc. What if I designed my resource information to look like part of the article? I would be giving up the attention grabbing feature, but, if someone was interested enough to read down to the bottom, they would probably see my resource information too.
I tried it and carefully tracked my results. Sure enough, these articles were drawing more clicks than articles with traditional resource boxes.
Now, instead of being disturbed when I find an ezine that doesn’t provide a resource box, I’m quite happy about it. In fact, I actively seek out those sites.
So, the next time you come across a site with no resource box, make sure that you submit your resource information at the bottom of your piece. In fact, consider designing a special resource box that appears to be part of the article.
The following paragraph and resource information serves as an example. You can see that my resource information is neither bold, nor attention grabbing. However, it provides a smooth, seamless transition from my article into my promotions.
I normally compose articles about how to make money by writing. One of my recurring themes states that, in order to make serious money on the Internet, you have to have your own product.
For details on how to create your own product, go to
Develop your own Ebook and make real money!
For additional information on making money by writing, visit
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At first, I considered dropping them from the list of sites that I submitted to. After all, the resource box is my only opportunity to be compensated for the work I did in writing the article.
Then, I had an idea, why not try to submit to these sites by adding my resource information at the bottom of my article. Would they accept this format?
I tried it with several articles and, sure enough, my articles were accepted and published just as I had submitted them. For several months I continued to make regular submissions to these sites with good success.
Then I had another idea. My resource box is almost always designed just like a paid ad. Bold attention grabbing headline, link, etc. What if I designed my resource information to look like part of the article? I would be giving up the attention grabbing feature, but, if someone was interested enough to read down to the bottom, they would probably see my resource information too.
I tried it and carefully tracked my results. Sure enough, these articles were drawing more clicks than articles with traditional resource boxes.
Now, instead of being disturbed when I find an ezine that doesn’t provide a resource box, I’m quite happy about it. In fact, I actively seek out those sites.
So, the next time you come across a site with no resource box, make sure that you submit your resource information at the bottom of your piece. In fact, consider designing a special resource box that appears to be part of the article.
The following paragraph and resource information serves as an example. You can see that my resource information is neither bold, nor attention grabbing. However, it provides a smooth, seamless transition from my article into my promotions.
I normally compose articles about how to make money by writing. One of my recurring themes states that, in order to make serious money on the Internet, you have to have your own product.
For details on how to create your own product, go to
Develop your own Ebook and make real money!
For additional information on making money by writing, visit
Find tons of downloads and information on generating income. Visit today!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Develop Your Own Product for Real Success
It is fairly well documented. In order to achieve real financial success on the Internet, you need to have your own product. If you research any of the Internet Gurus, you’ll see that almost all of them sell a number of their own products. Sure, they also participate in affiliate sales, but their big money comes from products that they have created.
If you would like to step up your financial game, you too, need to develop your own product. It may take you a while, but after you complete your first project, those that follow will be much easier. And, the more products you develop, the more successful you will be.
Information products such as Ebooks sell quite well on the Internet. Most of the Internet Gurus offer quite a few of them.
“How to” Ebooks are probably the most common. An Ebook can be created for almost any subject. If you do a search, you will see page after page of Ebooks on every imaginable topic.
Some of them are offered for free. Some of the Free Ebooks are designed as a viral sales item. That is, they are offered with re-distribution rights. That means that you can give this item away to others. Most of the viral Ebooks contain links to commercial products that the developer is associated with. Each time someone buys a product using a link from the viral Ebook, the author makes money. As the Ebook is distributed and re-distributed, the advertising reaches a wider and wider audience. Although the author makes no money from the Ebook up front, ultimately, it can be quite profitable.
The traditional Ebook does not contain many ads. It is copyrighted and cannot be resold by the buyer. The author makes money as each unit is sold.
For your first Ebook, you are probably best served by writing about something you are familiar with. This makes the job much easier for you. For subsequent Ebooks, you should research popular topics that are in demand, and then write an Ebook to satisfy that demand. By doing this, you will maximize the amount of money that you make on your Ebook.
Of course, you also need to advertise your Ebook. The best written Ebook will not sell unless you let people know about it. If this is your first project, I recommend that you start out by taking advantage of free advertising methods. These include articles, free ezine ads, blogs, and forums.
Good luck in developing your own product. May your first Ebook bring you millions!
For details on how to create your own product, go to
Develop your own Ebook and make real money!
For free downloads and information on making money with articles, visit
We offer tons of information on generating income by writing. Visit us today!
If you would like to step up your financial game, you too, need to develop your own product. It may take you a while, but after you complete your first project, those that follow will be much easier. And, the more products you develop, the more successful you will be.
Information products such as Ebooks sell quite well on the Internet. Most of the Internet Gurus offer quite a few of them.
“How to” Ebooks are probably the most common. An Ebook can be created for almost any subject. If you do a search, you will see page after page of Ebooks on every imaginable topic.
Some of them are offered for free. Some of the Free Ebooks are designed as a viral sales item. That is, they are offered with re-distribution rights. That means that you can give this item away to others. Most of the viral Ebooks contain links to commercial products that the developer is associated with. Each time someone buys a product using a link from the viral Ebook, the author makes money. As the Ebook is distributed and re-distributed, the advertising reaches a wider and wider audience. Although the author makes no money from the Ebook up front, ultimately, it can be quite profitable.
The traditional Ebook does not contain many ads. It is copyrighted and cannot be resold by the buyer. The author makes money as each unit is sold.
For your first Ebook, you are probably best served by writing about something you are familiar with. This makes the job much easier for you. For subsequent Ebooks, you should research popular topics that are in demand, and then write an Ebook to satisfy that demand. By doing this, you will maximize the amount of money that you make on your Ebook.
Of course, you also need to advertise your Ebook. The best written Ebook will not sell unless you let people know about it. If this is your first project, I recommend that you start out by taking advantage of free advertising methods. These include articles, free ezine ads, blogs, and forums.
Good luck in developing your own product. May your first Ebook bring you millions!
For details on how to create your own product, go to
Develop your own Ebook and make real money!
For free downloads and information on making money with articles, visit
We offer tons of information on generating income by writing. Visit us today!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Power Words that Increase Sales
Making a purchase is an emotional activity. When browsing among a number of sale items, most people will most often choose the product that makes them feel the best. How you feel about something is an emotional response. Some words or phrases cater to these emotional needs more than others. Sitting on that sofa is so comfortable and cozy. The car you are considering will impress the neighbors. That item for the home looks just perfect with your surroundings. People buy things to satisfy their emotional needs and make them feel good.
By using emotional power words in your titles, ads, emails, and sales pages you will entice more people to buy your product. As proof of this, from which ad below would you prefer to make a purchase?
Ad 1) Sale, sale, sale! Free bonus – today only! Buy 1 tube of XYZ Skin Cream, get 1 FREE! Rub it in and you can feel it releasing all the tension in your body. Makes you feel so relaxed, you’ll think you just had a massage! Fast delivery, Free shipping! Your complete Satisfaction Guaranteed or your money back – no questions asked!
Ad 2) Two tubes XYZ Skin Cream – no charge to ship.
Both of these ads are selling the same thing. But, if you are like most people, you would prefer to buy from ad number 1. In that ad, all of the key words from the list below are used. Try using some of these words in your ads, sales pages, and emails and watch your sales increase!
1. Use the word "fast". People like immediate gratification and want fast results, fast delivery, fast ordering, etc. We value our time more than our money.
2. Use the word "discount/sale " in your ad. People like bargains and are more inclined to buy something on sale. Using a time limit on your sale (today only) makes people more inclined to buy it now.
3. Use the word "you/your" in your ad. Design your ad in a normal conversational tone. People will subconsciously believe that you are talking directly to them. It makes them feel important and more inclined to buy.
Please excuse me now; I have to finish up here. You see, I saw an ad for this new XYZ Skin Cream that I’ve just GOT to order…
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By using emotional power words in your titles, ads, emails, and sales pages you will entice more people to buy your product. As proof of this, from which ad below would you prefer to make a purchase?
Ad 1) Sale, sale, sale! Free bonus – today only! Buy 1 tube of XYZ Skin Cream, get 1 FREE! Rub it in and you can feel it releasing all the tension in your body. Makes you feel so relaxed, you’ll think you just had a massage! Fast delivery, Free shipping! Your complete Satisfaction Guaranteed or your money back – no questions asked!
Ad 2) Two tubes XYZ Skin Cream – no charge to ship.
Both of these ads are selling the same thing. But, if you are like most people, you would prefer to buy from ad number 1. In that ad, all of the key words from the list below are used. Try using some of these words in your ads, sales pages, and emails and watch your sales increase!
1. Use the word "fast". People like immediate gratification and want fast results, fast delivery, fast ordering, etc. We value our time more than our money.
2. Use the word "discount/sale " in your ad. People like bargains and are more inclined to buy something on sale. Using a time limit on your sale (today only) makes people more inclined to buy it now.
3. Use the word "you/your" in your ad. Design your ad in a normal conversational tone. People will subconsciously believe that you are talking directly to them. It makes them feel important and more inclined to buy.
Please excuse me now; I have to finish up here. You see, I saw an ad for this new XYZ Skin Cream that I’ve just GOT to order…
Order NOW for your FREE BONUS!
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We offer tons of information on generating income by writing articles. Visit us today!
Saturday, September 8, 2007
How Successful Entrepreneurs Excel
In any business, there are a few individuals that excel to super star levels and make millions upon millions of dollars. And likewise, there are some who struggle for years and make little if any money at all. The rest of us are somewhere in the middle ground between the two.
Regardless of what business you are in, you should try to emulate the super stars. Try to do what they do. I’m not saying that you will immediately vault up to super star status, but your results will almost certainly improve.
Some of the characteristics of the Internet super stars are as follows:
* They diversify their business and participate in more than one niche. If an opportunity presents itself, they can swiftly change gears and exploit an additional area.
* They pay talented people to take care of the details on their numerous websites. They pay others to take care of the more mundane day-to-day issues. This frees up their time to work on items that they believe to be more important, like developing new products.
* They develop and sell their own products. When appropriate, they allow others to sell them on an affiliate basis. It is generally agreed that the number one method to be successful is to develop your own product. You must have your own products in order to excel.
* They keep abreast of current trends and reinvest in their business. They buy information to assist them in developing new profitable techniques.
In many cases, the difference between a successful business and a floundering one is a matter of small details. Diversify and participate in several different niches. By concentrating all of your efforts in a single area, you live or die with the popularity of that sector. If public interest in your niche weakens, or never existed, success will elude you. By diversifying your business among several different sectors, your chances of achieving success are considerably better.
Work hard and imitate those who are successful. By doing that, you too have an opportunity to grow your Internet business to levels you never dreamed possible. Keep in mind that those who have achieved ultra successful status have done so by working many long, hard hours. It was not handed to them on a silver platter. Most have worked very hard and earned every penny they have. So imitate those ultra successful individuals and someday, people new to the business may try to emulate you.
Create your own Ebook and make BIG MONEY! Go to
Our easy 3-step method allows you to make your own Ebook in a few short hours, even if you have no experience! Use our guide to easily create your own ebook and MAKE REAL MONEY with your own product!
For free downloads and information on making money with articles, go to:
We offer tons of information on generating income by writing articles. Visit us today!
Regardless of what business you are in, you should try to emulate the super stars. Try to do what they do. I’m not saying that you will immediately vault up to super star status, but your results will almost certainly improve.
Some of the characteristics of the Internet super stars are as follows:
* They diversify their business and participate in more than one niche. If an opportunity presents itself, they can swiftly change gears and exploit an additional area.
* They pay talented people to take care of the details on their numerous websites. They pay others to take care of the more mundane day-to-day issues. This frees up their time to work on items that they believe to be more important, like developing new products.
* They develop and sell their own products. When appropriate, they allow others to sell them on an affiliate basis. It is generally agreed that the number one method to be successful is to develop your own product. You must have your own products in order to excel.
* They keep abreast of current trends and reinvest in their business. They buy information to assist them in developing new profitable techniques.
In many cases, the difference between a successful business and a floundering one is a matter of small details. Diversify and participate in several different niches. By concentrating all of your efforts in a single area, you live or die with the popularity of that sector. If public interest in your niche weakens, or never existed, success will elude you. By diversifying your business among several different sectors, your chances of achieving success are considerably better.
Work hard and imitate those who are successful. By doing that, you too have an opportunity to grow your Internet business to levels you never dreamed possible. Keep in mind that those who have achieved ultra successful status have done so by working many long, hard hours. It was not handed to them on a silver platter. Most have worked very hard and earned every penny they have. So imitate those ultra successful individuals and someday, people new to the business may try to emulate you.
Create your own Ebook and make BIG MONEY! Go to
Our easy 3-step method allows you to make your own Ebook in a few short hours, even if you have no experience! Use our guide to easily create your own ebook and MAKE REAL MONEY with your own product!
For free downloads and information on making money with articles, go to:
We offer tons of information on generating income by writing articles. Visit us today!
Friday, September 7, 2007
Fast and Easy Methods to Quickly Grow Your List
If you are serious about making money on the Internet, you’ve got to have a list. A responsive, well maintained list is an important part of your long-term success. A good list can double the amount of income that you generate over time. For that reason, it is extremely important that you develop a good list and maximize the number of viewers that participate.
In order to do this, you need a good opt-in page. Your opt-in page is a web page where your visitors will sign-in to your list. The better your sign-in page, the higher your opt-in percentages.
It is important that you have a single page on your site devoted exclusively to generating subscribers. Do not post ads or banners of any kind on this page. You do not want to distract viewers. Your only goal is to entice them to join your list of subscribers.
Offer plenty of reasons for them to subscribe. Sell them. Provide your incentives in large bullet points. Use color for your most attractive enticements, but do not over power the page with color. Your primary font color should be the traditional black. Don’t use teal or some other non-traditional color for your primary font color. Use no more than 3 colors on the page, including black and white.
Entice viewers to sign up. Give them something free. Offer them a free report, information, ecourse, download, or Ebook. Whatever you decide, make sure you give them something for free. It is almost a requirement now that you give your subscribers something for signing up.
Your opt-in box should have a place of prominence. Do not hide it on the side; proudly display it at the top or middle of the page! It should be visible as soon as visitors enter your site without having to page up or down. Down not hide it among a jumble of other items, allow it to stand out on its own.
Lastly, add a simple pop-up box on every page of your website. This is really important. Many people that navigate through your site are not subscribers. If they see things that they like, they will frequently want to join your list. By offering a pop-up on every page, you give them that opportunity. When I added the pop-up, my opt-in numbers doubled.
By instituting the techniques above, you can maximize the number of subscribers on your list and increase the amount of money you generate.
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In order to do this, you need a good opt-in page. Your opt-in page is a web page where your visitors will sign-in to your list. The better your sign-in page, the higher your opt-in percentages.
It is important that you have a single page on your site devoted exclusively to generating subscribers. Do not post ads or banners of any kind on this page. You do not want to distract viewers. Your only goal is to entice them to join your list of subscribers.
Offer plenty of reasons for them to subscribe. Sell them. Provide your incentives in large bullet points. Use color for your most attractive enticements, but do not over power the page with color. Your primary font color should be the traditional black. Don’t use teal or some other non-traditional color for your primary font color. Use no more than 3 colors on the page, including black and white.
Entice viewers to sign up. Give them something free. Offer them a free report, information, ecourse, download, or Ebook. Whatever you decide, make sure you give them something for free. It is almost a requirement now that you give your subscribers something for signing up.
Your opt-in box should have a place of prominence. Do not hide it on the side; proudly display it at the top or middle of the page! It should be visible as soon as visitors enter your site without having to page up or down. Down not hide it among a jumble of other items, allow it to stand out on its own.
Lastly, add a simple pop-up box on every page of your website. This is really important. Many people that navigate through your site are not subscribers. If they see things that they like, they will frequently want to join your list. By offering a pop-up on every page, you give them that opportunity. When I added the pop-up, my opt-in numbers doubled.
By instituting the techniques above, you can maximize the number of subscribers on your list and increase the amount of money you generate.
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Thursday, September 6, 2007
Easy Steps to Attract Viewers for Your Articles
Attracting viewers is the reason that most of us write articles. The most important component of your article is the title. It is the one factor that determines how many readers will see your work. If you write a great article and add an uninteresting title, you will generate very few readers.
In order to generate page views, you must first write a quality article that people are interested in reading. The subject of your work is also of great importance. If you write an article on the geological make-up of the Peruvian mountains, I can almost guarantee that few people will read it. There are not that many readers who are interested in the subject. It is important to write articles on subjects that have an audience.
The number one factor in reaching viewers is your title. It is the advertisement for your article. Most people will just skim through the various titles until they find something of interest. It is your job, to design title that satisfies their interest.
Your title can make or break an article. It is the packaging that entices your readers to buy your product. Brick and mortar companies use colorful packaging to entice customers. In the article-marketing world, we do not have that luxury. We must attract readers with the title alone. Your title must interest readers and draw them in. It has to stop them from looking at other titles and compel them to click on your article.
According to published research, longer titles attain greater numbers of readers than shorter titles. This goes against the grain of what we learned in school. Many of us were taught that good writing is short and to the point. In article marketing, just the opposite is true. A longer title gathers more viewers.
Certain types of articles do better than others. “How to” articles do particularly well. If you’ve written that type of article, make sure to use the words “How to” or “10 ways to” in your title.
Certain words and phrases naturally attract attention. Make sure you use at least some of them in your title. Some of these attention-getting words are: free, easy, secret, and money. Of course, there are many others. One easy way to find them is to look at the most popular articles from several ezines. You will begin to see a pattern of certain words that appear repeatedly. Consider using some of these same words for your title.
As mentioned previously, the subject of your article is of great importance in the number of viewers that you attract. In order to find subjects of current interest, research keywords that people are currently using in their Internet searches. This information tells you what people are interested in today. If your article and title satisfy that interest, you will attract readers. There are several websites that provide this sort of up-to-date information. One that I find very helpful in this area is:
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We offer tons of information on generating income by writing articles. Visit us today!
In order to generate page views, you must first write a quality article that people are interested in reading. The subject of your work is also of great importance. If you write an article on the geological make-up of the Peruvian mountains, I can almost guarantee that few people will read it. There are not that many readers who are interested in the subject. It is important to write articles on subjects that have an audience.
The number one factor in reaching viewers is your title. It is the advertisement for your article. Most people will just skim through the various titles until they find something of interest. It is your job, to design title that satisfies their interest.
Your title can make or break an article. It is the packaging that entices your readers to buy your product. Brick and mortar companies use colorful packaging to entice customers. In the article-marketing world, we do not have that luxury. We must attract readers with the title alone. Your title must interest readers and draw them in. It has to stop them from looking at other titles and compel them to click on your article.
According to published research, longer titles attain greater numbers of readers than shorter titles. This goes against the grain of what we learned in school. Many of us were taught that good writing is short and to the point. In article marketing, just the opposite is true. A longer title gathers more viewers.
Certain types of articles do better than others. “How to” articles do particularly well. If you’ve written that type of article, make sure to use the words “How to” or “10 ways to” in your title.
Certain words and phrases naturally attract attention. Make sure you use at least some of them in your title. Some of these attention-getting words are: free, easy, secret, and money. Of course, there are many others. One easy way to find them is to look at the most popular articles from several ezines. You will begin to see a pattern of certain words that appear repeatedly. Consider using some of these same words for your title.
As mentioned previously, the subject of your article is of great importance in the number of viewers that you attract. In order to find subjects of current interest, research keywords that people are currently using in their Internet searches. This information tells you what people are interested in today. If your article and title satisfy that interest, you will attract readers. There are several websites that provide this sort of up-to-date information. One that I find very helpful in this area is:
CREATE YOUR OWN EBOOK in just a few hours!
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For free downloads and information on making money with articles, go to:
We offer tons of information on generating income by writing articles. Visit us today!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Words that Persuade People to Buy
Making a purchase is an emotional activity. When you browse among a number of sale items, most people will choose the product that makes them feel the best. An item for the home might be purchased because it matches the surroundings perfectly. Sitting on that sofa is so comfortable and cozy. The car you are considering will impress the neighbors. People buy things to satisfy emotional needs.
Some words or phrases cater to emotional needs more than others. Use these emotional trigger words in your titles, ads, emails, and sales pages to encourage people to buy. As proof, from which ad below would you prefer to purchase?:
Ad 1) Sale, sale, sale! Free bonus – today only! Get 2 brand new, Limited Edition XYZ collectibles for the price of 1! Free shipping, Fast delivery, Easy Low, Low Payments! Your complete Satisfaction Guaranteed or your money back – no questions asked!
Ad 2) Two XYZ Collectibles – Good price - No charge to ship.
Both of these ads are selling the same thing. But doesn’t ad 1 sound much more appealing? If you were like most people, you would prefer to buy from ad number 1. In that ad, all of the key words are used from the list below.
Try using some of these words in your ads, sales pages, titles, and emails and watch your sales increase!
1. Use the word "fast". People like immediate gratification and want fast results, fast delivery, fast ordering, etc. We value our time more than our money.
2. Use the word "easy" in your ad. We like things that are not difficult. People like easy methods, easy instructions, easy to use, easy payments, etc.
3. Use the word "free" in your ad. Everybody likes a free incentive to do business with you. Offer free ebooks, downloads, reports, etc.
Please excuse me now; I have to finish up here. You see, I saw this ad for one of those new XYZ collectibles that I’ve just GOT to order…
Order NOW and get a FREE BONUS!
Visit NOW!
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Some words or phrases cater to emotional needs more than others. Use these emotional trigger words in your titles, ads, emails, and sales pages to encourage people to buy. As proof, from which ad below would you prefer to purchase?:
Ad 1) Sale, sale, sale! Free bonus – today only! Get 2 brand new, Limited Edition XYZ collectibles for the price of 1! Free shipping, Fast delivery, Easy Low, Low Payments! Your complete Satisfaction Guaranteed or your money back – no questions asked!
Ad 2) Two XYZ Collectibles – Good price - No charge to ship.
Both of these ads are selling the same thing. But doesn’t ad 1 sound much more appealing? If you were like most people, you would prefer to buy from ad number 1. In that ad, all of the key words are used from the list below.
Try using some of these words in your ads, sales pages, titles, and emails and watch your sales increase!
1. Use the word "fast". People like immediate gratification and want fast results, fast delivery, fast ordering, etc. We value our time more than our money.
2. Use the word "easy" in your ad. We like things that are not difficult. People like easy methods, easy instructions, easy to use, easy payments, etc.
3. Use the word "free" in your ad. Everybody likes a free incentive to do business with you. Offer free ebooks, downloads, reports, etc.
Please excuse me now; I have to finish up here. You see, I saw this ad for one of those new XYZ collectibles that I’ve just GOT to order…
Order NOW and get a FREE BONUS!
Visit NOW!
For free downloads and information on making money with articles, go to:
We offer tons of information on generating income by writing articles. Visit us today!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
How to Profit from the Explosive Growth of the Internet
The Internet continues to grow at a phenomenal rate. There are about 700 times as many websites in existence today as there were in 1998. (Wow! If only my money would grow that fast!) There are currently over two billion websites on the Internet, and that figure is expected to continue growing.
Therein lies the opportunity for people to make money. Every one of those sites has to be hosted somewhere. Some of them are hosted for free by Internet Service Providers (ISP’s). But a very large number of them are hosted by companies that charge a fee for their hosting services. Many of those fee-based hosts offer affiliate programs.
An affiliate program allows you to refer customers to purchase a product or service that is provided by another company (the merchant). Each time one of your referrals makes a purchase from the merchant, you collect a commission.
You can take advantage of this by checking with your own web hosting company to see if they have an affiliate program. These programs are usually free to join so you have nothing to lose. Most web hosting affiliate programs will send you a percentage of the monthly sales that are generated by your efforts. If you send 100 people to the web host through your affiliate efforts and three of them open accounts paying ten dollars per month, you would receive a percentage of that $30 each month. If, over the course of a year, they opened 50 accounts through your efforts, you would earn a percentage of the $500 monthly amount. Each company has a different percentage that they pay their affiliates so the amount will vary from company to company. But wouldn’t it be nice to start receiving monthly checks instead of paying them?
If you are using free hosting through your ISP, or if you are unhappy with the service that your web host is providing, you can find hosting opportunities by doing a search for “affiliate hosting programs”. You will find page after page of affiliate programs for hosting companies. It is important that you do research before making a final selection. Do not base your decision solely on the amount of commission they pay. Narrow your search down to the top 5 candidates or so. Make sure they are reliable. One of the complaints that I hear most often has to do with web hosts whose sites go down frequently. Also, make sure that the site you recommend offers sufficient disk space and bandwidth. It is also important that they provide telephone support. If the site is down, web support is not much help.
To be successful with affiliate sales is hard work. You have to market the program and get visitors to the affiliate site. There are many free advertising methods that you can use. I suggest that you write articles, use blogs, free ezine ads, and forums. I recommend that you start out using these free methods. Then, if you decide that it is too much work, or you are not making any money, you can back out without losing any money.
For quality web hosting services (and a nice affiliate program!) check out
MAKE BIG MONEY ON THE INTERNET! Create your own Ebook in 3 easy steps! Easily develop your own product and start making money! Visit NOW!
For free downloads and information on making money with articles, go to:
We offer tons of information on generating income by writing articles. Visit us today!
Therein lies the opportunity for people to make money. Every one of those sites has to be hosted somewhere. Some of them are hosted for free by Internet Service Providers (ISP’s). But a very large number of them are hosted by companies that charge a fee for their hosting services. Many of those fee-based hosts offer affiliate programs.
An affiliate program allows you to refer customers to purchase a product or service that is provided by another company (the merchant). Each time one of your referrals makes a purchase from the merchant, you collect a commission.
You can take advantage of this by checking with your own web hosting company to see if they have an affiliate program. These programs are usually free to join so you have nothing to lose. Most web hosting affiliate programs will send you a percentage of the monthly sales that are generated by your efforts. If you send 100 people to the web host through your affiliate efforts and three of them open accounts paying ten dollars per month, you would receive a percentage of that $30 each month. If, over the course of a year, they opened 50 accounts through your efforts, you would earn a percentage of the $500 monthly amount. Each company has a different percentage that they pay their affiliates so the amount will vary from company to company. But wouldn’t it be nice to start receiving monthly checks instead of paying them?
If you are using free hosting through your ISP, or if you are unhappy with the service that your web host is providing, you can find hosting opportunities by doing a search for “affiliate hosting programs”. You will find page after page of affiliate programs for hosting companies. It is important that you do research before making a final selection. Do not base your decision solely on the amount of commission they pay. Narrow your search down to the top 5 candidates or so. Make sure they are reliable. One of the complaints that I hear most often has to do with web hosts whose sites go down frequently. Also, make sure that the site you recommend offers sufficient disk space and bandwidth. It is also important that they provide telephone support. If the site is down, web support is not much help.
To be successful with affiliate sales is hard work. You have to market the program and get visitors to the affiliate site. There are many free advertising methods that you can use. I suggest that you write articles, use blogs, free ezine ads, and forums. I recommend that you start out using these free methods. Then, if you decide that it is too much work, or you are not making any money, you can back out without losing any money.
For quality web hosting services (and a nice affiliate program!) check out
MAKE BIG MONEY ON THE INTERNET! Create your own Ebook in 3 easy steps! Easily develop your own product and start making money! Visit NOW!
For free downloads and information on making money with articles, go to:
We offer tons of information on generating income by writing articles. Visit us today!
Monday, September 3, 2007
Create Your Own Ebook Part 2 of 2
In Part 1 of this series, we discussed the advantages of developing your own product and the potential disadvantages of using affiliate products. You will almost always be better off by selling your own product for the following reasons:
1) You will earn 100% of your sale proceeds instead of the much smaller percentage that you get from an affiliate sale.
2) You control the service that you provide to your buyers. In most cases, providing better service results in happier customers. The happier your customers, the more business you will attain from repeat orders and referrals.
3) You control the quality of your product. With affiliate sales you never know what sort of quality your customers are getting unless you buy and try the product yourself. If you are serious about dealing with affiliates, you should always test out an affiliate product before recommending it to others.
Creating your own product can have significant advantages. Of course it is not the only way to make money on the Internet. You can make a substantial amount of money on the Internet by selling affiliate products. We covered some of the problems associated with affiliate sales in Part 1.
One of the problems with affiliate sales is the fact that it is important to diversify. If you are promoting six affiliate products and generate a total of 240 prospects, you will have sent 40 prospects to each affiliate site. If each of those affiliates has a conversion percentage of 1.5%, you probably did not generate any sales. In fact, statistically speaking, you would need to send 70 prospects to one of those affiliate sites before you generate any sales. If you were promoting them evenly, you would need about 420 prospects before you start making any sales. Of course, you could choose just one affiliate and send all of your prospects there, but if the one you choose gives poor service, it could cause you significant problems. It is not a wise decision to put all of your eggs in someone else’s basket.
You can however, increase your income stream by following some of the suggestions below:
1) Your first priority should be to develop your own product. That way, you can focus all of your marketing efforts on one product and you know that you are going to give great service. If you had your own product and generated 240 page views of your sales page, you almost certainly will generate some sales.
2) Post often and regularly to a number of forums. Develop a signature file that effectively advertises your product and leave it with every post that you make.
3) Use as many free blogs as you can easily maintain. Make sure you post new information at least three or four times each week. Ensure that all of your entries promote your product.
4) Track your results! It is extremely important to keep track of which advertising programs are generating page views. That way, you can eliminate the non-performers and commit additional time, effort, and money to successful programs. By focusing on the details, you can continually upgrade your advertising and produce more and more page views.
5) Reinvest the profits back into your business. When I suggest this to people, many of them say that they don’t need anything else. Are you kidding? Buy a domain name for your current (or next) product, upgrade your hosting service, use a professional to improve the look of your website, buy information products to enhance you skills, use a ghost writer to start on your next product, hire someone to write targeted articles for you. There are hundreds of ways you can reinvest profits. Always look for methods that will make your site, more profitable, more professional looking, or more automated.
If you are not happy with the amount of money that you are currently making, look into instituting the steps above to increase your bottom line.
MAKE BIG MONEY ON THE INTERNET! Create your own Ebook in 3 easy steps! Easily develop your own product and start making money! Visit NOW!
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We offer tons of information on generating income by writing articles. Visit us today!
1) You will earn 100% of your sale proceeds instead of the much smaller percentage that you get from an affiliate sale.
2) You control the service that you provide to your buyers. In most cases, providing better service results in happier customers. The happier your customers, the more business you will attain from repeat orders and referrals.
3) You control the quality of your product. With affiliate sales you never know what sort of quality your customers are getting unless you buy and try the product yourself. If you are serious about dealing with affiliates, you should always test out an affiliate product before recommending it to others.
Creating your own product can have significant advantages. Of course it is not the only way to make money on the Internet. You can make a substantial amount of money on the Internet by selling affiliate products. We covered some of the problems associated with affiliate sales in Part 1.
One of the problems with affiliate sales is the fact that it is important to diversify. If you are promoting six affiliate products and generate a total of 240 prospects, you will have sent 40 prospects to each affiliate site. If each of those affiliates has a conversion percentage of 1.5%, you probably did not generate any sales. In fact, statistically speaking, you would need to send 70 prospects to one of those affiliate sites before you generate any sales. If you were promoting them evenly, you would need about 420 prospects before you start making any sales. Of course, you could choose just one affiliate and send all of your prospects there, but if the one you choose gives poor service, it could cause you significant problems. It is not a wise decision to put all of your eggs in someone else’s basket.
You can however, increase your income stream by following some of the suggestions below:
1) Your first priority should be to develop your own product. That way, you can focus all of your marketing efforts on one product and you know that you are going to give great service. If you had your own product and generated 240 page views of your sales page, you almost certainly will generate some sales.
2) Post often and regularly to a number of forums. Develop a signature file that effectively advertises your product and leave it with every post that you make.
3) Use as many free blogs as you can easily maintain. Make sure you post new information at least three or four times each week. Ensure that all of your entries promote your product.
4) Track your results! It is extremely important to keep track of which advertising programs are generating page views. That way, you can eliminate the non-performers and commit additional time, effort, and money to successful programs. By focusing on the details, you can continually upgrade your advertising and produce more and more page views.
5) Reinvest the profits back into your business. When I suggest this to people, many of them say that they don’t need anything else. Are you kidding? Buy a domain name for your current (or next) product, upgrade your hosting service, use a professional to improve the look of your website, buy information products to enhance you skills, use a ghost writer to start on your next product, hire someone to write targeted articles for you. There are hundreds of ways you can reinvest profits. Always look for methods that will make your site, more profitable, more professional looking, or more automated.
If you are not happy with the amount of money that you are currently making, look into instituting the steps above to increase your bottom line.
MAKE BIG MONEY ON THE INTERNET! Create your own Ebook in 3 easy steps! Easily develop your own product and start making money! Visit NOW!
For free downloads and information on making money with articles, go to:
We offer tons of information on generating income by writing articles. Visit us today!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Create Your Own Ebook Part 1 of 2
Creating your own product can have significant advantages. Of course it is not the only way to make money on the Internet. You can make a substantial amount of money on the Internet by selling affiliate products. In fact, making a lot of money is quite easy if you have a substantial number of subscribers in your list or if you have a high traffic website. If you are just starting out with no subscribers and zero traffic it is more difficult. If you stay the course and work hard, the money will come, but it takes time.
One of the problems with affiliate sales is the fact that it is important to diversify. You should have at least three or four affiliates that you deal with. If you have six affiliate products that you are recommending, and send forty viewers to each affiliate site, the odds are slim that you will generate any sales, even though you sent a total of 240 prospects to the various sites. Of course, you could choose just one affiliate, but if the one you choose gives poor service, it could cause you significant problems. You never really know an affiliate until you’ve had a few sales with them and get some feedback. After all, it is not a wise decision to put all of your eggs in someone else’s basket.
You can however, increase your income stream and eliminate some of the affiliate problems.
1) Your first priority should be to develop your own product. That way, you can focus all of your marketing efforts on one product and you know that you are going to give great service. If you had your own product and generated 240 page views of your sales page, you almost certainly will generate some sales.
2) Place free ads with a number of ezines. By doing a search, you can find many services that will post ads in ezines for you. If you are using this kind of blanket service, make sure that you have a disposable email address, as you will get a lot of confirmation emails and tons of solicitations later. By using a disposable email address, you eliminate that problem.
3) Do a search for newsletters and ezines in your niche and place free (or inexpensive) ads with them. Check a few of their back issues to ensure that they offer quality content. Take note of the number of subscribers that they have. This is particularly important if you are paying for an ad.
4) Write articles on subjects related to your product’s niche. Make sure you submit each article to at least 50-100 sites. Use the largest over-all sites as well as those that specialize in topics related to your product’s niche.
If you are not happy with the amount of money that you are currently making, look into instituting the steps above to increase your bottom line.
Use our Easy 3 step manual to create your very own Ebook!
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For free downloads and information on making money with articles, go to:
We offer tons of information on generating income by writing articles. Visit us today!
One of the problems with affiliate sales is the fact that it is important to diversify. You should have at least three or four affiliates that you deal with. If you have six affiliate products that you are recommending, and send forty viewers to each affiliate site, the odds are slim that you will generate any sales, even though you sent a total of 240 prospects to the various sites. Of course, you could choose just one affiliate, but if the one you choose gives poor service, it could cause you significant problems. You never really know an affiliate until you’ve had a few sales with them and get some feedback. After all, it is not a wise decision to put all of your eggs in someone else’s basket.
You can however, increase your income stream and eliminate some of the affiliate problems.
1) Your first priority should be to develop your own product. That way, you can focus all of your marketing efforts on one product and you know that you are going to give great service. If you had your own product and generated 240 page views of your sales page, you almost certainly will generate some sales.
2) Place free ads with a number of ezines. By doing a search, you can find many services that will post ads in ezines for you. If you are using this kind of blanket service, make sure that you have a disposable email address, as you will get a lot of confirmation emails and tons of solicitations later. By using a disposable email address, you eliminate that problem.
3) Do a search for newsletters and ezines in your niche and place free (or inexpensive) ads with them. Check a few of their back issues to ensure that they offer quality content. Take note of the number of subscribers that they have. This is particularly important if you are paying for an ad.
4) Write articles on subjects related to your product’s niche. Make sure you submit each article to at least 50-100 sites. Use the largest over-all sites as well as those that specialize in topics related to your product’s niche.
If you are not happy with the amount of money that you are currently making, look into instituting the steps above to increase your bottom line.
Use our Easy 3 step manual to create your very own Ebook!
Visit NOW!
For free downloads and information on making money with articles, go to:
We offer tons of information on generating income by writing articles. Visit us today!